of this section shall also include as an attachment a certificate by the State's Attorney General, or other official designated in accordance with State law to advise the State board on legal matters, to the effect that the State board named in the plan is the State board which has authority under State law to submit the State plan and to administer or supervise the administration of the vocational education programs described therein as the sole agency responsible for administration of the plan; and that all the plan provisions with respect to the use of funds under the Act can be carried out by the State. (e) Prerequisites for submission of State plan—(1) General. The State plan or any amendment thereto required by paragraph (c) of this section shall be submitted to the Commissioner only if the State board has (i) Prepared the State plan or amendments thereto in consultation with the State advisory council pursuant to subparagraph (2) of this paragraph; (ii) Given reasonable notice and afforded reasonable opportunity for a public hearing as described pursuant to subparagraph (3) of this paragraph; and (iii) Implemented policies and procedures with regard to public information described pursuant to subparagraph (4) of this paragraph. (2) Consultation with State advisory council. The State plan for each fiscal year and any amendment thereto required by paragraph (c) of this section shall be accompanied by a statement of the State advisory council certifying that the State plan or amendment was prepared in consultation with the council. (3) Public hearing. The State plan for each fiscal year and any amendment thereto required by paragraph (c) of this section shall be accompanied by a statement describing the method by which, and the extent to which, reasonable notice and opportunity for a hearing was offered by the State board prior to the adoption of such plan or amendment, including a description of how and to whom notice of public hearings was given, the manner in which such hearings were conducted, and the results of such hearings. (4) Public information. The State plan shall describe the policies and procedures established by the State board for the purpose of making reasonably available to the public copies of the approved State plan described in paragraph (b) of this section, and amendments thereto, and all statements of general policies, rules, regulations, and procedures issued by the State board concerning the administration of the State plan. (f) Approval by Commissioner. (1) The Commissioner will not approve a State plan or amendment thereto until he has: (i) Examined each of its provisions; (ii) Made specific findings, on the basis of reports submitted to him pursuant to §§ 102.159 and 102.160 and such other reports and information available to him, that each of its provisions complies with the applicable State plan requirements set forth in the Act and the regulations in this part; and (iii) Determined that its provisions are set forth in sufficient detail to insure that such provisions will be carried out. (2) After reviewing the State plan or amendment pursuant to subparagraph (1) of this paragraph, the Commissioner shall notify the State board of the granting or withholding of approval in each such case. No final action with respect to a State plan or amendment, other than that of approval, will be taken by the Commissioner unless he first notifies the State board of his proposed action and in connection therewith affords a reasonable opportunity for a hearing on whether the affected plan or amendment meets such requirements. § 102.32 State board. (a) Designation or creation. Any State desiring to receive Federal funds under the Act shall designate or create by State law a State board which is the sole State agency responsible for the administration of vocational education, or for the supervision of the administration thereof by local educational agencies, in the State. The State plan shall identify the State board so designated or created and the executive officer thereof. (b) Authority. The State plan shall set forth the authority of the State board designated or created pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section and shall set forth the State board's authority under State law to submit the State plan and administer the program contained therein. If local educational agencies have any authority for the administration of State plan programs, the State plan shall also indicate the basis for such authority and for the authority of the State board to supervise such administration. Copies of, or citations to, all pertinent laws and interpretations of laws by appropriate State officials or courts shall be included as a part of the State plan. § 102.33 Long-range program plan. The State plan shall include a longrange program plan (or, as appropriate, a supplement to or revision of a previously submitted long-range plan) for vocational education in the State. Such plan shall: (a) Extend over a 5-year period beginning with the fiscal year for which the plan is submitted; (b) Describe the present and projected vocational education needs of the State; and (c) Set forth a program of vocational education objectives which affords satisfactory assurance of substantial progress toward meeting the vocational education needs of the potential students in the State. § 102.34 Annual program plan. The State plan shall also include an annual program plan as an explanation and justification of the activities that carry out the objectives of the first year of the long-range plan. The annual program plan shall describe (a) The content of vocational education programs, services, and activities to be carried out during the year for which Federal funds are sought (whether or not supported with Federal funds under the Act); (b) The allocation of Federal and State vocational education funds to the programs, services, and activities referred to in paragraph (a) of this section; (c) How and to what extent such programs, services, and activities will carry out the program objectives set forth in the long-range program plan referred to in § 102.33; (d) How and to what extent the allocations of Federal funds by the State will take into consideration the criteria set forth in §§ 102.53 through 102.57; and cil and (2) other evaluation reports and studies. § 102.35 State administration and leadership. (a) Adequate State board staff. The State board shall provide for a State staff sufficiently qualified by education and experience and in sufficient numbers to enable the State board to plan, develop, administer, supervise, and evaluate vocational education programs, services, and activities under the State plan to the extent necessary to assure quality in all education programs which are realistic in terms of actual or anticipated employment opportunities and suited to the needs, interests, and abilities of those being trained. Particular consideration shall be given to staff qualifications for leadership in programs, services, and activities for disadvantaged persons, handicapped persons, depressed areas, research and training, exemplary programs and projects, consumer and homemaking, cooperative vocational education, curriculum development, and work-study. (b) Organization of State board staff. The State plan shall describe the organizational structure of the State board staff, including a description of its units, the functions assigned to each unit, the number of professional personnel assigned to each unit, and the relationships among the units within the State board staff and with other State agencies and institutions responsible for conducting programs of vocational and technical education. The titles of all State officials who are to have authority in the administration and supervision of the programs, services, and activities shall be given in the State plan. This description shall be sufficient to enable the Commissioner to find that the State board has an adequate staff to provide requisite administration and supervision of the federally aided vocational education programs. The plan shall provide for a fulltime State director or a full-time executive officer who shall have no substantial duties outside the vocational education program. § 102.36 Program evaluation. (e) The extent to which consideration was given to the findings and recommendations of (1) the most recent evaluation report of the State advisory coun (a) The State board shall be responsible for assuring that State and local programs, services, and activities carried out under the State plan will be periodically evaluated with sufficient extensiveness and frequency to enable the State board to effectively carry out its functions under the State plan and fulfill the purposes of the Act. (b) In carrying out its evaluation responsibilities pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section, the State board may utilize the evaluations made by the State advisory council pursuant to § 102.23 (c), and such additional evaluations conducted or arranged by the State board and each local educational agency as may be required to carry out such responsibilities. The results of such periodic evaluations shall be described in the annual report submitted by the State board pursuant to § 102.160, and may provide the basis for the State board's comments on the State evaluation report submitted by the State advisory council pursuant to § 102.159. (c) The State plan shall describe the State's program for evaluating State and local programs, services, and activities carried out under the State plan. This description shall include: (1) The agencies and institutions (in addition to the State advisory council pursuant to § 102.23 (c)) responsible for making periodic evaluations; (2) The frequency with which each of the agencies and institutions referred to in subparagraph (1) of this paragraph will make periodic evaluations of the various programs, services, and activities under the State plan carried out at both the State and local levels; and (3) The procedures which the State will follow, or which it will require local educational agencies to follow, in conducting periodic evaluations, including an outline of the types of evaluations planned and of the criteria to be utilized in evaluating the effectiveness of programs, services, and activities under the State plan supported with funds from any of the allotments under the Act. §102.37 Custody of Federal funds. The State plan shall provide that the State, through its legislative authority, will designate its State treasurer (or, if there is no State treasurer, the officer exercising similar functions for the State) to receive payments of Federal funds pursuant to the Act and subpart E of this part and provide proper custody of all such Federal funds to be disbursed under applicable State laws and regulations on requisition or order of the State board. The State plan shall identify the official so designated to receive the funds. Copies of, or citations to, all directly pertinent laws and interpretations of laws by appropriate State officials or courts indicating the authority of the State treasurer or other official designated to receive, hold, and disburse funds on requisition or order of the State board shall be furnished as part of the State plan. § 102.38 Qualifications of personnel. (a) Minimum qualifications. The State plan shall set forth the minimum qualifications for teachers, teacher trainers, supervisors, directors, and all other personnel (including teacher aides) having responsibilities for vocational education and consumer and homemaking education in the State regardless of whether there is to be Federal financial participation in their salaries. Such qualifications shall contain standards of experience and education and other requirements which are reasonable in relation to the duties to be performed, including recent experience and association with the groups of persons to be served such as disadvantaged persons. Provision shall be made for personnel having unique and relevant experiences in lieu of formal degrees and certifications requiring such degrees. (b) Improvement of qualifications. The State plan shall set forth the State board's policies and procedures which have been developed to improve the qualifications of personnel referred to in paragraph (a) of this section to insure that the personnel needs for programs, services, and activities under the State plan are met. The State plan shall describe the methods by which the State board makes arrangements for preservice and inservice training of personnel meeting the requirements of § 102.9. (c) Modification of personnel standards. The State plan shall set forth the State board's policies and procedures for reviewing and modifying personnel qualification standards to insure that such qualification standards continue to reflect a direct relationship with the need for personnel in vocational education programs carried out under the State plan. Such modifications shall include those deemed necessary for the employment of personnel necessary to carry out research, experimental, developmental, demonstration, or pilot programs, or exemplary programs or projects. § 102.39 State reports. The State plan shall provide that the State board will make and submit to the Commissioner on a timely basis the reports described in §§ 102.159 and 102.160, and such other reports in such form and containing such information as the Commissioner may from time to time reasonably require to carry out his functions under the Act; and will keep such records, afford such access thereto, and comply with such other provisions as the Commissioner may find necessary to assure the correctness and verification of such reports. § 102.40 Cooperative arrangements. (a) With State employment service. The State plan shall provide for cooperative arrangements with the public employment service system in the State. Such arrangements shall be approved by the State board and by the State head of such system, and a copy of the agreement between the State board and the State head of such system providing for such arrangements shall be submitted as a part of the State plan. Under such cooperative arrangements: (1) The employment offices will make available to the State board and local educational agencies occupational information regarding reasonable present and future prospects of employment in the community and elsewhere. The State plan shall provide how such information, along with all other pertinent information available, will be considered by the State board or local educational agencies in providing vocational guidance and counseling to students and prospective students and in determining the oссираtions for which persons are to be trained and in providing such training. (2) Guidance and counseling personnel of the State board and local educational agencies working through the cooperative arrangement will make available to the local public employment offices information regarding the oссираtional qualifications of persons having completed or completing vocational education courses in schools. The State plan shall provide how such information will be considered in the occupational guidance and placement of such persons. (b) With State agencies responsible for education of handicapped persons. The State plan shall provide for cooperative arrangements with the State special education agency, the State vocational rehabilitation agency, or other State agencies having responsibilities for the education of handicapped persons in the State. Such cooperative arrangements shall provide for (1) The joint development of a comprehensive plan for the vocational education of handicapped persons in the State which shall provide the basis for the provisions in the State plan relating to vocational education of handicapped persons; and (2) Coordination of activities of the State board and the other State agencies in the development and administration of the State plan to the extent that handicapped persons are affected, such as, for example, in the review of applications for funds for programs or projects providing benefits to handicapped persons. Copies of agreements between the State board and other agencies providing for the arrangements described herein shall be submitted when executed by the State board for filing with the State plan. (c) With other agencies, organizations, and institutions. The State plan shall provide that in the development of vocational education programs, services, and activities there may be, in addition to the cooperative arrangements referred to in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, cooperative arrangements with other agencies, organizations, and institutions concerned with manpower needs and job opportunities, such as institutions of higher education, model city, business, labor, and community action organizations. Copies of agreements between the State board and other agencies, organizations, and institutions. providing for such arrangements described herein shall be submitted when executed by the State board for filing with the State plan. (d) With other States. In order to provide all individuals with ready access to suitable vocational education of high quality with offerings which have been developed in light of actual or anticipated opportunities for employment, the State plan may provide that the State enter into a cooperative arrangement with one or more other States for the conduct and administration of programs, services, and activities under the State plan. The State plan shall describe the policies and procedures of the State for approval of and participation in such arrangements. Copies of all such cooperative agreements (including joint fiscal arrangements, if any) shall be submitted when executed The State plan shall provide that, in planning, developing, and carrying out programs, services, and activities under any part of the Act, effective use will be made of the results and experience of other programs and projects assisted under other parts of the Act, both through allotments to the State under the regulations in this part and its State plan, and through direct grants and contracts by the Commissioner under the regulations in 45 CFR Part 103. The State plan shall also describe the policies and procedures to be followed by the State board in assuring such effective use. §102.42 State fiscal and accounting procedures. (a) General. The State plan shall describe the fiscal control and fund accounting procedures which are in accordance with applicable State and local laws, rules, and regulations and which will assure proper disbursement of and accounting for Federal funds paid to the State under each program included in this part, funds paid by the State to participating local educational agencies and other organizations, agencies, and institutions, and all matching funds. (See also State plan requirements in $102.123 (b).) (b) Audits of expenditures. The State plan shall provide that accounts and supporting documents of the State board and participating local educational agencies relating to program expenditures involving Federal financial participation will be adequate to permit an accurate and expeditious audit. All expenditures claimed for Federal financial participation shall be audited either by the State or by appropriate auditors at the local level. The State plan shall provide that the expenditures made under the State plan will be audited by an appropriate State audit agency or by an independent certified public accountant or independent licensed public accountant, certified or licensed by a regulatory authority of a State or other subdivision of the United States. Such State and local audits shall be in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, which shall be no less in scope and coverage than those 84-006-72-3 The State plan shall provide that any local educational agency dissatisfied with final action with respect to any application for funds under the Act shall be given reasonable notice and opportunity for a hearing before a board or official designated by the State board for this purpose and specified in the State plan. The State plan shall describe the procedures for affording local educational agencies reasonable notice and opportunity for a hearing, for conducting such hearing, for providing a written record of the hearing, and for informing local educational agencies in writing of the decisions and reasons therefor. § 102.44 Requirements with respect to construction. The State plan shall provide assurance that the following requirements will be complied with on all construction projects assisted under part B of the Act: (a) Labor standards. All laborers and mechanics employed by contractors and subcontractors on all construction projects assisted under the Act will be paid wages at rates not less than those prevailing as determined by the Secretary of Labor in accordance with the DavisBacon Act, as amended (40 U.S.C. 276a276a-5) and 29 CFR Part 1 (29 F.R. 95), and shall receive overtime compensation in accordance with and subject to the provisions of the Contract Work Hours Standards Act (40 U.S.C. 327332); that such contractors and subcontractors shall comply with the provisions of 29 CFR Part 3 (29 F.R. 97); and that all construction contracts and subcontracts shall incorporate the contract clauses required by 29 CFR 5.5 (a) and (c) (29 F.R. 100, 101, 13463). (b) Equal employment opportunity. All construction contracts exceeding $10,000 shall include the employment nondiscrimination clause prescribed by section 203 of Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24, 1965 (30 F.R. 12319), and the State board or local educational agency shall otherwise comply with the requirements of section 301 of said Executive order. |