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However, by a decision of the Third District Court of Appeals, the Lake county, Sonoma county and Stanislaus county "license or no license" ordinance elections under the initiative law are held invalid and the territory will again be "wet."

The California Legislature has passed a bill closing all saloons in the State between the hours of 2 and 6 a. m. It also rejected a bill prohibiting the sale of liquor within a mile and a half of all universities.

The 1913 Legislature passed a law called "the Net Container Act;" section 5, of this act, is as follows: "If the designation is by liquor measure it shall be in terms of gallons, quarts, pints or fractions of any of said units, standard of this State for liquid measure." The words "net contents," or the words "net weight,' or the words "net measure" must precede the designation.

A Sunday closing bill was rejected by the California Senate. The brewers' campaign committee has been instrumental in reducing the number of saloons in certain localities, and in forming Business Men's Associations and Taxpayers' Leagues as an offset to the radical element and through same have seen to it that those engaging in the liquor business obey laws and observe local rules and regulations.

Colorado:-The Boston Transcript thinks that Colorado is to be congratulated upon her refusal by about 40,000 to put Statewide prohibition into her Constitution. It says:

"That was perhaps the most definite of the thirty-eight questions upon which the voters were asked to render a judgment, and the best understood; consequently the verdict may be accepted as a fairly intelligent one. Constitutional prohibition has been a disturbing element in politics and in government in every State that has adopted it. Making the county a unit in local option is little better, because some of the Western counties are almost as large as an Eastern State. A city or town is about as far afield as a sumptuary law can be made practically effective."

E. E. Shumway, president of the Rocky Mountain Fuel Company, told the Colorado Legislature's special strike investigation committee recently that beer is necessary to the operation of the coal mines of Colorado.

"It would be difficult to operate the coal camps without beer," he said. "We must have it handy, where the miners can get plenty

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of it. Beer soothes the man and promotes peace among them. It is easier to deprive the miners of almost anything they have than to take beer away from them. The beverage promotes good feeling all around."

The committee's investigation was aimed at the results of furnishing beer to the non-union miners in the northern Colorado coal camps. Mr. Shumway was asked if the use of beer had something to do with the disturbances there. . . .


Municipal elections were held in many cities and towns in this Not much interest was taken in the contests generally, and scarcely half the normal vote was polled. The license element had the better of the contests. Colorado City voted "dry" by a majority of 104.

Connecticut:-The session of the General Assembly closed on June 4th. The Prohibitionists and their allies had introduced a number of bills that would have injured the liquor business seriously if enacted into law, but none of them passed.

The State remains about the same so far as the number of licensed towns are concerned, there having been no important changes in our last town elections. With the strong opposition constantly working to undermine the liquor interests here, Connecticut stands up well.

Connecticut has a new food law which provides that any person who shall sell or offer for sale, food in package form, unless the net quantity of the contents be plainly and conspicuously marked on the outside of the package in terms of weight, measure, or numerical count (provided, that reasonable variations shall be permitted, and that allowances shall be established by rules and regulations made from time to time by the Dairy and Food Commissioner and the Director of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station) shall be subject to the penalties provided in chapter 255 of the public acts of 1907. All beverages, including distilled and malt liquors, wines, cordials, etc., and "temperance drinks" and milk sold in bottles, are subject to the provisions of this law.

District of Columbia:-The Jones-Works license bill, for the District of Columbia, provides a new license law for Washington, which became effective July 1. The licenses which the Board is

authorized to issue under it are of two classes, wholesale liquor licenses and bar-room licenses. Until November 1, 1914, the former shall be $500 per annum and the latter $1,000. On the abovementioned date, however, both licenses are to be increased, the wholesale license being raised to $800 and the bar-room license to $1,500. The Board must so gauge its permits as to assure the reduction of all bar-rooms in the city, including those in hotels and clubs, to not exceed 300 by November 1, 1914. The law provides, however, that no licensee who conducts his place of business within the law shall be deprived of his license or required to remove his place of business before November 1, 1914.

The licensee, except in the case of the hotels, restaurants, and clubs, is forbidden to permit the playing of pool, billiards, or other games in the room where liquor is sold or drunk, or even in any adjoining or inter-communicating room. Music or other form of entertainment is likewise barred to all licensees except the keepers of hotels, restaurants, and clubs.

Florida: The recent legislative session passed no law of importance to our trade. A few new regulations for shipping into "dry" counties are of little concern.

A bill changing all retail liquor stores to dispensaries by forbidding consumption of liquors on the premises and allowing sales of the same in sealed packages only, was defeated after a hard fought battle in the House of Representatives. The Senate had passed it by a vote of three to one.

The Jacksonville city council passed an ordinance recently to issue no new city license until Jacksonville has grown in population so that there shall be only one saloon to each seven hundred inhabitants.

Palm Beach county had a "wet" and "dry" election and won with one hundred and seventy-five majority, a splendid victory in that thinly-settled county. Pinellas county, newly created, west of Tampa, went "dry" early in July by a majority of one hundred.

The Anti-Saloon League is active in this State since November last, and is making efforts now to prepare an election in Dade, Marion and Duval counties.

Idaho:-In Boise an initiative ordinance designed to reduce by one-half the number of saloons and increase the cost of liquor licenses fifty per cent., was overwhelmingly defeated.

Illinois. No new laws have been passed that affect the Brewing Industry, except a law prohibiting the sale of intoxicating liquor within four miles of the University of Urbana. (This territory has been "dry" under the Township Option Law since April, 1908; its status has not been changed by this legislation).

Twenty-eight (28) townships and cities voted on the "Wet" and "Dry" question in April, 1913. The "Wets" gained two places from the "Drys" and the "Drys" gained two from the "Wets"-an even break.

The so-called Harkin Ordinance, under which licenses were issued in the city of Chicago since July, 1906, which ordinance provided that the number of licenses in that city should not be increased, until the population of the city approximated five hundred to each license, and further, that the owners of such licenses might assign The Right of Renewal, was before the Supreme Court of Illinois in the case of the people ex rel. Fitzgerald vs. Carter H. Harrison, Mayor of Chicago, and was decided by the Court, October 26, 1912. The court held the ordinance valid in so far as it limits the number of licenses that may be issued, but invalid so far as it attempts to give a right of renewal to the licensee, or his assignee, for the reason that, by the city charter, the city council is not empowered to authorize the issuance of licenses "beyond the municipal year" and that the right of renewal sought to be bestowed upon licenses or assignees was in effect, the granting of a perpetual license. The court further held that where there are more applicants for licenses than licenses to be issued, "as the record here shows," a reasonable discretion is reserved to the Mayor to determine to whom the license shall be issued.

An effort was made in the last session of the legislature to procure an amendment to the city charter, enabling the city council to provide, by ordinance, for the issuance of licenses beyond the municipal year and to authorize licensees to assign a right of renewal, but the bill failed to receive a constitutional majority.

Iowa: What is said to be the first step of the anti-saloon forces to make Iowa "dry," was taken lately when there was introduced

in the House a joint resolution asking for the prohibition of the manufacture or sale of liquor in Iowa. The resolution provides

for an amendment to the Constitution.

The following bills concerning the liquor industry were passed by the Thirty-Fifth General Assembly.

A bill to amend Section twenty-four hundred forty-eight, paragraph nine (2448-9) of the Supplement to the Code, 1907, regulating the hours of the day during which liquor may be sold in licensed saloons.

Section 1. That section twenty-four hundred forty-eight paragraph nine (2448-9) of the supplement of the Code, 1907, be, and the same is hereby amended by striking out in lines two (2) of said paragraph the words "Five A. M. nor later than ten P. M." and inserting in lieu thereof the words "Seven A. M. nor later than nine P. M."

(This bill originally provided that saloon hours should be from "seven A. M. to seven P. M." and passed the House in that form. It was amended in the Senate to read as above, and said Amendments were concurred in by the House.)

Indiana: Since the enactment of the City and Township Local Option Law in 1911 and the elections held just subsequent to its passage, there have been few changes in conditions affecting the brewing industry in Indiana. To the general satisfaction with the workings of the regulation law of 1911 and the local option law mentioned above may be attributed the fact that the State Assembly of 1913 enacted very little legislation affecting the industry. A few minor bills were passed, the most notable of which were the law preventing the lapse of a retailer's license and an act prohibiting the drinking of intoxicating liquors upon trains.

Elections held in 1913, under the City and Township Local Option Law, showed that there was very slight change of sentiment and were characterized in most every case by indifference upon the part of the voters. Three cities which had previously been "dry" voted for license and three which were previously "wet" turned to the prohibition column. Local factionalism and politics figured largely in the results. The smaller towns, which voted under the township unit and which have, as a rule, been strictly pro

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