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very much elated and pleased to think that we have Mr. Schmidt as our new President. Gentlemen, I present Mr. Schmidt. (Applause).

PRESIDENT SCHMIDT:-Mr. President and Gentlemen of the Fifty-third Convention. It would be scant courtesy on my part. if I were to accept this office without, in some measure, expressing my deep appreciation of the great honor that you have conferred. upon me. I approach the office with an open mind, responsive to the demands and needs of every section of the country as they may appear. I, however, am not unmindful of the great responsibility which rests upon me in accepting this office and, realizing my limitations, I ask you to simply bear with me by indulging me and according to me the same measure of support and co-operation that you have extended to my immediate predecessor.

The record of achievement of past-Presidents as an incentive to inspire me in the work that is to be done in the next two years, will be sufficient at least to spur me on to do the very best that lies within my power to further the purposes we have in view and the ends we hope to attain.

As I listened to the reports and the illustrated lecture and the speakers of yesterday, I felt that we were not being sufficiently supported by the entire brewing industry of this country; I mean not only the moral support but the financial support. I feel that the expenses involved in accomplishing the work that has been laid before you by those reports, by the lecture and by the speakers, should be more equitably distributed. I make an appeal to you, gentlemen, to-day when you return to your homes to see your neighbor, if he is not already a member of this body, and endeavor to induce him to become one and co-operate with us in all the work we are doing. The multifarious channels through which our work ramifies, as you can readily see' from what you heard yesterday, would seem to be the very strongest reason why every man engaged in this business should come forward and lend a hand. It shall be my purpose to place this organization at the very head of the great commercial organizations of this country. (Prolonged applause). It shall be my aim not only to fight for the maintenance of our business, but to raise and elevate the standard of our business ethics so that when we meet men in other enterprises we can point to a record of clean business with absolute pride. (Applause).

Gentlemen, I ask you to accord to me, as stated once before, your full measure of sympathy, co-operation and support, and I will endeavor to do my very best. (Prolonged applause).

THE PRESIDENT:-The Chair recognizes Mr. Nicholson.


MR. NICHOLSON:-I want first to express my appreciation of the opportunity of being the first member of the organization to address you, Mr. President, in your new official capacity. I do so, however, with a very keen realization of my inability to do justice to the subject that has been assigned to me. The theme to

which I would do justice, if I could, is worthy of the best efforts of the most brilliant mind and the most eloquent tongue, and I wish that one much better equipped than I stood here in my stead. And yet I have a very keen appreciation of the pleasantness of the task that has been assigned to me; I am grateful for the opportunity, while realizing my inefficiency. But if sincerity and belief in the subject will make up for meagreness of thought and lack of eloquent expression, then I am sure that I will be excused by you.

Colonel Ruppert, you have served this organization for many years, earnestly and unselfishly, and for the last two years you have occupied the extremely important position of President. During this service you have brought to the discharge of your duties great unselfishness, unstinted loyalty to the industry that we represent, exceptional ability, and a thorough appreciation of the problems that have confronted us. You have met all the responsibilities of your office ably and faithfully and well.

You came into office at a time when the industry was threatened with dangers that had only developed their fullest strength at that time. When you took command of the ship we were sure of storms and rocks ahead, but we felt certain that with you at the helm we would weather successfully all the storms and avoid all the dangerous rocks in the course, and experience has shown us that we were justified in this confidence. You have steered our course well and safely. In the meantime, you have built, enlarged and strengthened the ship. Under your guidance we have started a development and a strengthening that I am sure will carry us through the storms that we know we have to face in the future, and that before your successor's term is ended, because of the well equipped organiza

tion you turn over to him now, we trust that we shall be floating in much more peaceful waters than have favored us for some time. Such services as yours can bring no adequate recompense unless it is found in the realization of duty well performed, and the appreciation of those whom you have served. It is impossible for this organization to give you any proper recompense for the services, unselfish and devoted, you have rendered, but they do want to give you a slight token of the appreciation that they feel. It has seemed to them fitting, in selecting a little remembrance for you, who have presided so successfully over one of the greatest of American industries, one that, if developed along the lines that you have taught us to attempt its development, will have an important influence in improving the economic and social conditions in our country,-to select a purely American token, and so they have sought out a product of one of America's great artists, one who has left an indelible mark on American art, to present to you, as one who has left his indelible mark upon, and who has been so helpful in the upbuilding of, a great American industry. So, Col. Ruppert, on behalf of the members of the United States Brewers' Association, I present to you this bronze by Frederick Remington, entitled "The Trooper," and I hope, Colonel, that it will remind you in future years not of the little embarrassments, not of the difficulties you were confronted with in your term of office, but all the pleasantness of association you experienced. I trust it will remind you of the appreciation of the members of this organization and that it will ever demonstrate to you that they hold you in their highest esteem, and that it is a gift not only of the members of this organization, as members of the organization, but that it is a gift from your friends and your admirers, and those who entertain for you the highest feelings of regard and esteem and affection and gratitude. (Applause).

COL. RUPPERT:-Mr. President and Gentlemen of the United States Brewers' Association, words fail me to express to you my appreciation of the beautiful gift and my gratitude for the sentiments expressed by Mr. Nicholson. I shall place this in my home and look at it very, very often and prize it as one of my most cherished possessions. It will bring back to me pleasant recollections of associations while a Trustee and also as your President. I feel, gentlemen, this token is really too much, for I did no more than anyone else would have done who was interested in the in

dustry, in bearing his share of the work; and I willingly did mine, and shall continue to do so.

If my administration has been a success, it is due to all of you who co-operated with me so nobly during the past two years, and I only hope, gentlemen, that you will also give the same support to my worthy successor.

Gentlemen, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. (Applause).

THE PRESIDENT:-Gentlemen, unless there is some new business to be presented, I declare this Convention adjourned sine die.

THE SECRETARY:-It has been the custom to take a photograph of the Convention, but through my oversight the members escaped yesterday morning before this could be done. The photographer is waiting for us, and if we will assemble immediately in the sun parlor, the picture can be taken.

THE PRESIDENT:-I wish to announce to the Board of Trustees that we will meet at twelve o'clock to-day in this room. Thereupon the Convention adjourned sine die.


The pleasing and effective side-lights of the convention were the exhibits arranged at Press Headquarters and in the Assembly Room, giving prohibition facts and figures, illustrating types of model beer advertisements, showing how beer is made and giving general data on the brewing industry. The exhibit arranged by the Crop Committee, in the Sun Parlors of the Hotel Shelburne, created considerable interest and brought general commendation to Mr. Bert Ball and those in charge of the "agricultural show." The four stereomotorgraphs used at the convention told a continuous story and told it night and day to crowds of appreciative spectators. One machine dealt with beer advertising exclusively, showing in connection with advertising suggestions, pictures of well conducted beer gardens in New York, Coney Island and Cincinnati. This machine carried a sign, "Advertising Pointers." Another carried the sign, "Prohibition Mixed Pickles," and was devoted exclusively to showing facts and figures concerning prohibition in "dry" territory. The third showed pictures of empty buildings in Oklahoma City, and was labeled "Some of Oklahoma's Empties." The fourth machine showed handsomely colored pictures of hop fields, illustrating hop culture from start to finish. It bore a sign, "Hop Culture in Oregon and California."

These machines were the decided novelty of the convention. Arranged side by side near Press Headquarters, they flashed their story without intermission. Each machine worked automatically and carried fifty-two slides. Their merry twinkling caught the eye of every one who entered the Shelburne, and as an advertising factor, they were an unqualified success.

Among the signs they displayed, were the following:

Beer is the chief beverage of the American people. Its use dates back thousands of years. It is a hygienic food product and a natural tonic of great nutritive value.


Beer carries the process of digestion a little farther than bread, which is also partly predigested starch, made so by alcoholic fermentation, like beer. In beer as in bread you get the essence Xof the golden grain prepared and extracted by natural processes in the malt house and in the brewery.

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