that in the last two years 110 agriculturists as many counties, and it will be only a very gricultural counties throughout the country ced agriculturist who will inform and teach -oduce better crops. de a very important statement to you a few h he put forth the fact that the brewing inng and selling more beer than we have crops means by that that the increased materials istricts have fallen behind the increased sales. nt, and I will mention that the Crop Imving this its attention also. bly aware, we have affiliated ourselves with Trade throughout the country that have crop They have appreciated our assistance in have sent to us the Manager of their Crop Mr. Ball. He is here and desires to lecture ion with stereopticon views, and I would him your best attention. u at length about this matter, but it will be neral report, and therefore I will not occupy nger. (Applause). NT:-Gentlemen, you have heard outlined op Improvement Committee; what is your t was adopted. Second, the organization in every county of a Grain Br Association. Third, to unite all agricultural, commercial, industrial, educational and transportation interests; to coöperate wi United States Government, State Agricultural Colleges, a others, in establishing farm bureaus and kindred organizati every county in the United States, and to employ a county culturist and skilled assistants as rapidly as funds m provided. Systematic testing of seeds has now been introduced into all of the country schools in the barley growing districts, a addition to the "Rag Doll" corn testing campaign, the com is now engaged in distributing scientific blotting-paper teste the testing of barley and all small seeds. This plan provide each pupil shall obtain samples of barley, each from a di farmer and return to each man a report certifying the result tests. In this manner we are learning where seed is lacking and to obtain the best qualities. We are also trying to get a con effort to protect the grain during and after harvest, the time most of the damage is done. Each of the barley growing States has now organiz addition to the work of the Experiment Station, a State Br Association. Wisconsin still leads in this regard, having mor 2,000 members, and somewhere about 30 counties in which branches have been established, each fully organized with a [uality of all of them has been improved in anner. of County Farm Bureaus is proceeding in a Minnesota now leads with twentyɔta has about the same. Since the last annual e Legislatures have passed Acts enabling the propriate money for the support of the County the "County Agent." : year, to arrange with the County Agents in 100,000 bushels or more of barley, to furnish acreage and conditions, and we have made e crop reporter of the National Hay and Grain urrent, to include barley with the other grains ed in obtaining the services of Professor F. H. ist and field agent for the Crop Improvement 11 enable us to make still more rapid progress our plans. MR. ALTON'S REPORT. report of Mr. Thomas Alton to the Crop ittee of the United States Brewers' Association: OPS, BARLEY AND RICE. interest shown by the Hop, Barley and Rice artment of Agriculture has done a vast amount ofitable work in these crops. The lines of work being carried on as above comprises in Cross breeding; Fertilizing for quality; Fertilizing for quantity; Training vines for quantity; Root pruning and care. Substantial results are being shown in the work as pe to quantity. Bulletins frequently published by the gover on various phases of the work, are being eagerly read by growers and substantial benefits are being derived. The work on quality is, however, well blocked by reason contrariety of opinions of hop consumers as to what really stitutes quality. It appears that crop improvement work be legitimately carried on till the factors of quality are deterr The Department of Agriculture has already put itself on recor America can fully duplicate in all respects any hop grown world. The largest growers on the Pacific Coast agree wit opinion, but as the price of hops is fixed within a very close according to district of production, the growers are not will substitute small producers for large producers, unless it sho determined that small yield runs in harmony with superior q The important hop growers on the Pacific Coast believe richer lands produce hops richest in quantity and richest in q They are not willing to change their hop acreage from rich t mprovement in the barley grown in California ich it was grown. ard of quality, other than that of appearance, owers can govern themselves. For legitimate rk as to quality, it will be necessary to estab of the Pacific Coast for each of the past five e commercial figures, ran between 30,000,000 els. The average for 1913 was sufficient to ble crop conditions, 50,000,000 bushels, but 1913 reduced the Californian crop so much Coast crop amounted to only about 30,000, r the 1914 crop are that there will be sufficient to make a crop, under favorable weather 000,000 bushels. hal is expected to be open in time to move a 914 Pacific Coast barley crop. RICE. rtment of Agriculture is conducting an ex- |