Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
ambayo answer asked the Minister Assistant Minister beg to support birth certificate corruption councillors district level document Ethuro haki hapa hiyo Home Affairs Idara ya Uhamiaji identification card Ikiwa Immigration Department Immigration Office Iraq issuance of passports issue the Ministerial KACC kama Kariuki katika nchi hii kazi Kenyan citizens Kenyans Kilimo Kisumu kitambulisho kuliko Kuna kupata pasipoti kupewa kutoka Kwa hivyo Kwa nini kwa sababu kwa urahisi kwamba Laikipia District Lakini lazima Lugari Constituency manpower training needs Members of Parliament Ministerial Statement Ministry of Home Miriti Mombasa Mukiri Mwakwere Naibu Spika Nairobi NARC NARC Government nchini North Eastern Province Ojode pasipoti kwa Poghisio point of order request Rivatex Sambu Sasura Serikali Spika wa Muda squatters support this Motion Tausa Tausa Division Temporary Deputy Speaker Temporary Deputy Speaker(Mr Turkana District ufisadi utoaji uwezo wakati Wakenya wananchi watu wengine yetu youth polytechnics zaidi