the expiration date of a determination whenever he finds it necessary and proper in the public interest to prevent injustice or undue hardship or to avoid serious impairment in the conduct of Government business. (2) General wage determinations issued pursuant to § 1.5(b) of this part, and which are published in the FEDERAL REGISTER, Shall contain no expiration date. These general wage determinations shall be modified, and the modifications published in the FEDERAL REGISTER, on a timely basis to keep them current. (b) (1) All actions modifying an original project wage determination prior to the award of the contract or contracts for which the determination was sought shall be applicable thereto, but modifications received by the Federal agency (in the case of the Federal-Aid Highway Acts as codified in 23 U.S.C. 113, the State highway department of each State) later than 10 days before the opening of bids shall not be effective except when the Federal agency (in the case of the Federal-Aid Highway Acts as codified in 23 U.S.C. 113, the State highway department of each State) finds that there is a reasonable time in which to notify bidders of the modification. Similarly, in the case of contracts entered into pursuant to the National Housing Act, changes or modifications in the original determination shall be effective if made prior to the beginning of construction, but shall not apply after the mortgage is initially endorsed by the Federal agency. A modification in no case will continue in effect beyond the effective period of the wage determination to which it relates. (2) All actions modifying a general wage determination shall be applicable thereto, but modifications published in the FEDERAL REGISTER later than 10 days before the opening of bids shall not be effective, except when the Federal agency (in the case of Federal-Aid Highway Acts as codified in 23 U.S.C. 113, the State highway department of each State) finds that there is a reasonable time in which to notify bidders of the modification. In the case of contracts entered into pursuant to the National Housing Act, such modifications shall be effective if made prior to the beginning of construction, but shall not apply after the mortgage is initially endorsed by the Federal agency. (c) Upon his own initiative or the request of a Federal agency (or a State highway department under the FederalAid Highway Acts as codified in 23 U.S.C. 113), the Administrator shall correct any wage determination included in a contract subject to the minimum wage provisions of the statutes listed in Appendix A of this part whenever he finds such a wage determination contains clerical errors. [37 FR 21138, Oct. 5, 1972, as amended at 37 FR 25929, Dec. 6, 1972] § 1.8 Scope of consideration (exclusive of wage rate determinations made pursuant to the Federal-Aid Highway Acts as codified in 23 U.S.C. 113, which shall be made in accordance with § 1.3(b)(4)). (a) In making a wage rate determination, projects completed more than 1 year prior to the date of request for the determination may. but need not be considered. (b) If there has been no similar construction within the area in the past year, wage rates paid on the nearest similar construction may be considered. § 1.9 Field survey. Whenever the data at hand are insufficient to make a determination with respect to all the crafts necessary to perform the proposed construction work, a field survey may be conducted in the area of the proposed project for the purpose of obtaining sufficient information upon which to make a determination of wage rates. § 1.10 Hearings. Whenever he deems it necessary because of insufficiency of information or impracticality of a field survey, or both, the Administrator may direct a hearing to be held. He shall request the Chief Hearing Examiner, U.S. Department of Labor, to designate a hearing examiner who shall, after notice to all interested persons, proceed to the project area and make such investigations and conduct such hearings as may be necessary to make a determination of wage rates for the project. § 1.11 Prehearing conferences. When it appears that a prehearing conference will expedite proceedings, the examiner prior to the hearing may request interested persons to attend a conference to consider such matters as may expedite the hearing. § 1.12 Hearing examiner's proposed de cision. The hearing examiner shall make a written proposed decision in which he shall: (a) State the procedure that he has followed; (b) Summarize briefly the evidence and information that he has received; (c) Analyze the evidence and information; and (d) Draft a proposed decision for the Administrator's consideration. § 1.13 Submission of hearing examiner's proposed decision to interested per sons. A copy of the hearing examiner's proposed decision shall be mailed to each interested person appearing at the hearing. § 1.14 Exceptions of interested persons. Any interested person may within 5 days after receipt of the hearing examiner's proposed decision file his exceptions thereto. Such exceptions shall be filed with the Chief Hearing Examiner, U.S. Department of Labor, Washington 25, D.C., for transmission to the Administrator. § 1.15 Decision of Administrator. The Administrator shall rule upon any exceptions filed under § 1.14, and shall make a determination as to the prevailing wage rates for the project. § 1.16 Review by Wage Appeals Board. Any interested person may appeal to the Wage Appeals Board for a review of a determination of wage rates made under this part, or any findings and conclusions made on the record of any hearings held under § 1.3(c). Any such appeal may, in the discretion of the Wage Appeals Board, be received, accepted, and decided in accordance with the provisions of 29 CFR Part 7 and such other procedures as the Board may establish. § 1.17 Public information. Papers and documents containing information furnishing the basis for any determination of wage rates shall be available for public inspection at each Regional Office, Employment Standards Administration, within the geographical area comprising the region, and in the Washington Office under the procedures prescribed in Part 70 of this subtitle. The application of these procedures shall in sure that disclosure of the relevant information will be made in a manner consistent with Part 70, governing the disclosure of particular or specific records which are in the custody of the Employment Standards Administration. See Appendix B for address of each Regional Office and the geographical areas comprising each region. APPENDIX A STATUTES REQUIRING PAYMENT OF WAGES AT RATES PREDETERMINED BY THE SECRETARY OF LABOR 1. The Davis-Bacon Act (secs. 1-7, 46 Stat. 1494, as amended; Public Law 74-403, 40 U.S.C. 276a-276a-7). 2. The Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956 (sec. 108(b), 70 Stat. 378, recodified at 72 Stat. 895; 23 U.S.C. 113 (a), as amended), see particularly the amendments in the FederalAid Highway Act of 1968 (Public Law 90-495, 62 Stat. 815). 3. National Housing Act (sec. 212 added to c. 847, 48 Stat. 1246 by sec. 14, 53 Stat. 807; 12 U.S.C. 1715c) and repeatedly amended. 4. Federal Airport Act (sec. 15, 60 Stat. 178; 49 U.S.C. 1114(b)). 5. Housing Act of 1949 (sec. 109, 63 Stat. 419, as amended; 42 U.S.C. 1459). 6. School Survey and Construction Act of 1950 (sec. 101, 72 Stat. 551, 20 U.S.C. 636 (b) (1) (E), Public Law 85-620). 7. Defense Housing and Community Facilities and Services Act of 1951 (sec. 310, 65 Stat. 307, 42 U.S.C. 15921). 8. U.S. Housing Act of 1937 (sec. 16, 50 Stat. 896, as amended; 42 U.S.C. 1416). 9. Federal Civil Defense Act of 1950 (sec. 3(c), 72 Stat. 533, 50 U.S.C. App. 2281, Public Law 85-606). 10. Health Professions Educational Assistance Act of 1963 (sec. 2(a), 77 Stat. 164; 42 U.S.C. 292d(c) (4) and 42 U.S.C. 293a(c) (5), Public Law 88-129). 11. Mental Retardation Facilities Construction Act (secs. 101, 122, 135; 77 Stat. 282, 284, 288; 42 U.S.C. 295a (a) (2) (D), 2662 (5), 2675(a) (5), Public Law 88-164). 12. Community Mental Health Centers Act (sec. 205, 77 Stat. 292; 42 U.S.C. 2685(a) (5), Public Law 88-164). 13. Higher Educational Facilities Act of 1963 (sec. 403, 77 Stat. 379; 20 U.S.C. 753, Public Law 88-204). 14. Vocational Educational Act of 1963 (sec. 7, 77 Stat. 408; 20 U.S.C. 351, Public Law 88-210). 15. Library Services and Construction Act (sec. 7(a), 78 Stat. 13; 20 U.S.C. 355c (a) (4), Public Law 88-269). 16. Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964 (sec. 10, 78 Stat. 307; 49 U.S.C. 1609, Pub. L. 88-365). 17. Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 (sec. 607, 78 Stat. 532; 42 U.S.C. 2947, Pub. L. 88-452). the expiration date of a determination whenever he finds it necessary and proper in the public interest to prevent injustice or undue hardship or to avoid serious impairment in the conduct of Government business. (2) General wage determinations issued pursuant to § 1.5(b) of this part, and which are published in the FEDERAL REGISTER, shall contain no expiration date. These general wage determinations shall be modified, and the modifications published in the FEDERAL REGISTER, on a timely basis to keep them current. (b) (1) All actions modifying an original project wage determination prior to the award of the contract or contracts for which the determination was sought shall be applicable thereto, but modifications received by the Federal agency (in the case of the Federal-Aid Highway Acts as codified in 23 U.S.C. 113, the State highway department of each State) later than 10 days before the opening of bids shall not be effective except when the Federal agency (in the case of the Federal-Aid Highway Acts as codified in 23 U.S.C. 113, the State highway department of each State) finds that there is a reasonable time in which to notify bidders of the modification. Similarly, in the case of contracts entered into pursuant to the National Housing Act, changes or modifications in the original determination shall be effective if made prior to the beginning of construction, but shall not apply after the mortgage is initially endorsed by the Federal agency. A modification in no case will continue in effect beyond the effective period of the wage determination to which it relates. (2) All actions modifying a general wage determination shall be applicable thereto, but modifications published in the FEDERAL REGISTER later than 10 days before the opening of bids shall not be effective, except when the Federal agency (in the case of Federal-Aid Highway Acts as codified in 23 U.S.C. 113, the State highway department of each State) finds that there is a reasonable time in which to notify bidders of the modification. In the case of contracts entered into pursuant to the National Housing Act, such modifications shall be effective if made prior to the beginning of construction, but shall not apply after the mortgage is initially endorsed by the Federal agency. (c) Upon his own initiative or the request of a Federal agency (or a State highway department under the FederalAid Highway Acts as codified in 23 U.S.C. 113), the Administrator shall correct any wage determination included in a contract subject to the minimum wage provisions of the statutes listed in Appendix A of this part whenever he finds such a wage determination contains clerical errors. [37 FR 21138, Oct. 5, 1972, as amended at 37 FR 25929, Dec. 6, 1972] § 1.8 Scope of consideration (exclusive of wage rate determinations made pursuant to the Federal-Aid Highway Acts as codified in 23 U.S.C. 113, which shall be made in accordance with § 1.3(b)(4)). (a) In making a wage rate determination, projects completed more than 1 year prior to the date of request for the determination may. but need not be considered. (b) If there has been no similar construction within the area in the past year, wage rates paid on the nearest similar construction may be considered. § 1.9 Field survey. Whenever the data at hand are insufficient to make a determination with respect to all the crafts necessary to perform the proposed construction work, a field survey may be conducted in the area of the proposed project for the purpose of obtaining sufficient information upon which to make a determination of wage rates. § 1.10 Hearings. Whenever he deems it necessary because of insufficiency of information or impracticality of a field survey, or both, the Administrator may direct a hearing to be held. He shall request the Chief Hearing Examiner, U.S. Department of Labor, to designate a hearing examiner who shall, after notice to all interested persons, proceed to the project area and make such investigations and conduct such hearings as may be necessary to make a determination of wage rates for the project. § 1.11 Prehearing conferences. When it appears that a prehearing conference will expedite proceedings, the examiner prior to the hearing may request interested persons to attend a conference to consider such matters as may expedite the hearing. 18. Hospital Survey and Construction Act, as amended by the Hospital and Medical Facilities Amendments of 1964 (sec. 605 (a) (5), 78 Stat. 453; 42 U.S.C. 291e(a) (5), Public Law 88-443). 19. Housing Act of 1964 (adds sec. 516 (f) to Housing Act of 1949 by sec. 503, 78 Stat. 797; 42 U.S.C. 1486 (f), Public Law 88-560). 20. Commercial Fisheries Research and Development Act of 1964 (sec. 7, 78 Stat. 199; 16 U.S.C. 779e (b), Public Law 88-309). 21. Nurse Training Act of 1964 (sec. 2, 78 Stat. 909; 42 U.S.C. 296a (b) (5), Public Law 88-581). 22. Appalachian Regional Development Act of 1965 (sec. 402, 79 Stat. 21; 40 U.S.C. App. 402, Public Law 90-103). 23. Act to provide Financial Assistance for Local Educational Agencies in areas affected by Federal activities (64 Stat. 1100, as amended by sec. 2, 79 Stat. 33; 20 U.S.C. 2411, Public Law 89-10). 24. Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (sec. 308, 79 Stat. 44; 20 U.S.C. 848, Public Law 89-10). 25. Cooperative Research Act of 1966 (sec. 4(c), added by sec. 403, Public Law 89-750, 79 Stat. 46; 20 U.S.C. 332a (c)). 26. Housing Act of 1961 (sec. 707, added by sec. 907, 79 Stat. 496; 42 U.S.C. 1500c-3, Public Law 89-117). 27. Housing and Urban Development Act of 1965 (sec. 707, 79 Stat. 492; 42 U.S.C. 3107, Public Law 89-117). 28. Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965 (sec. 712, 79 Stat. 575; 42 U.S.C. 3222, Public Law 89-136). 29. National Foundation on the Acts and Humanities Act of 1965 (sec. 5(k), 79 Stat. 846; 20 U.S.C. 954 (k), Public Law 89-209). 30. Federal Water Pollution Control Act as amended by sec. 4(g) of the Water Quality Act of 1965, (79 Stat. 910; 33 U.S.C. 466e (g), Public Law 89-234). 31. Heart Disease, Cancer and Stroke Amendments of 1965 (sec. 904, as added by sec. 2, 79 Stat. 928; 42 U.S.C. 299d (b) (4), Public Law 89-239). 32. National Capital Transportation Act of 1965 (sec. 3(b) (4), 79 Stat. 644; 40 U.S.C. 682 (b) (4), Public Law 89-173) Note: Repealed December 9, 1969 and labor standards incorporated in sec. 1-1431 of the District of Columbia Code. 33. Vocational Rehabilitation Act (sec. 12 (b), added by sec. 3, 79 Stat. 1284; 29 U.S.C. 41a (b) (4), Public Law 89-333). 34. Medical Library Assistance Act of 1965 (sec. 2, adding sec. 393 of the Public Health Service Act, 79 Stat. 1060; 42 U.S.C. 280b-3(b) (3), Public Law 89-291). 35. Solid Waste Disposal Act (sec. 207, 79 Stat. 1000; 42 U.S.C. 3256, Public Law 89-272). 36. National Technical Institute for the Deaf Act (sec. 5 (b) (5), 70 Stat. 126; 20 U.S.C. 684 (b) (5), Public Law 89-36). 37. Demonstration Cities and Metropolitan Development Act of 1966 (secs. 110, 311, 503, 1003, 80 Stat. 1259, 1270, 1277, 1284; 42 U.S.C. 3310; 12 U.S.C. 1715c; 42 U.S.C. 1416, Public Law 89-745). 38. Model Secondary School for the Deaf Act (sec. 4, 80 Stat. 1028, Public Law 89-695). 39. Delaware River Basin Compact (sec. 15.1, 75 Stat. 714, Public Law 87-328) (considered a statute for purposes of the plan.) 40. Alaska Purchase Centennial (sec. 2(b), 80 Stat. 8, Public Law 89-375). 41. Highway Speed Ground Transportation Study (sec. 6(b), 79 Stat. 895, 49 U.S.C. 1636 (b), Public Law 89-220). 42. Allied Health Professions Personnel Training Act of 1966 (80 Stat. 1222; 42 U.S.C. 295h (b) (2) (E), Public Law 89-751). 43. Air Quality Act of 1967 (sec. 307 added by sec. 2, 81 Stat. 506; 42 U.S.C. 1857j-3), Public Law 90-148). 44. Elementary and Secondary Education Amendments of 1967 (81 Stat. 819; 20 U.S.C. 880b-6, Public Law 90-247). 45. Vocational Rehabilitation Amendments of 1967 (81 Stat. 252, 29 U.S.C. 42a (c) (3), Public Law 90-391). 46. National Visitors Center Facilities Act of 1968 (sec. 110, 82 Stat. 45; 40 U.S.C. 808, Public Law 90-264). 47. Juvenile Delinquency Prevention and Control Act of 1968 (sec. 133, 82 Stat. 469; 42 U.S.C. 3843, Public Law 90-445). 48. New Communities Act of 1968 (sec. 41C of Public Law 90-448, 82 Stat. 516; 42 U.S.C. 3909). 49. Alcoholic and Narcotic Addict Rehabilitation Amendments of 1968 (sec. 243(d) added by sec. 301, 82 Stat. 1008; 42 U.S.C. 2688h (d), Public Law 88-164). 50. Vocational Education Amendments of 1968 (sec. 106 added by sec. 101(b), 82 Stat. 1069, 20 U.S.C. 1246, Public Law 90-576). 51. Postal Reorganization Act (39 U.S.C. 410 (b) (4) (c), Public Law 91-375). 52. Developmental Disabilities Services and Facilities Construction Amendments of 1970 (84 Stat. 1316, 42 U.S.C. 2675, sec. 135(a) (5), Public Law 91-517). 53. Rail Passenger Service Act of 1970 (84 Stat. 1327, 45 U.S.C., 565, sec. 405 (d), Public Law 91-518). 54. Housing and Urban Development Act of 1970 (84 Stat. 1770, sec. 707(a) and (b), Public Law 91-609, 42 U.S.C. 1500c-3). 55. Airport and Airway Development Act of 1970 (84 Stat. 219, sec. 22(b), Public Law 91-258, 41 U.S.C. 1722 (b)) (this Act provides for wage determination by the Secretary of Labor but does not subject the Act to Reorganization Plan No. 14). 56. Elementary and Secondary Education Amendments (84 Stat. 121, sec. 423, Public Law 91-230, 20 U.S.C. 1231 et seq.). 57. Housing Act of 1959 (73 Stat. 681, Public Law 86-372, 12 U.S.C. 1701q(c) (3), Public Law 86-372). 58. Housing Act of 1950 (64 Stat. 78, 12 U.S.C. 1749a(f)). 59. Area Redevelopment Act of 1961 (75 Stat. 61, Public Law 87-27, 42 U.S.C. 2518). 60. Mental Retardation Facilities and Community Mental Health Centers Construc |