Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
20 per cent abuse allocated Arap-Kirui ardhi areas Assistant Minister Bank of Kenya Banking Act banking sector Barclays Bank beg to support cent interest rate Central Bank charge Coast Province collapsed control the interest deposited depositors develop domestic debt economy farmers Finance and Planning financial institutions forests freedom Government hawana historia hiyo Hoja hii interest rates invest issue Kajembe kama KANU Karauri katika Kenya Act Kenya Commercial Bank Khaniri Kiilu kila Kiunjuri Kshs32 billion kwa sababu Lakini landless lending rates loan Maitha managed mashamba maskwota matatizo Mawaziri Members Minister for Environment Minister for Finance Ministry misleading this House Nyenze Ochilo-Ayacko Ochuodho Parliament piece of land Poghisio point of order problem Pwani Question schools Serikali settle squatters Standard Chartered Bank support this Motion sure TB rates Temporary Deputy Speaker Thabiti Finance Treasury Bills Uhuru wakati wananchi watu wengi