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If you do not agree with the enclosed decision, you have the right

o request reconsideration of that decision by the district office where

Et was issued.

Your request must be filed in writing within 30 days and:



Should be designated clearly as a request for reconsideration.

Contain a concise statement of the grounds for reconsideration,

the relief you seek, and whether a conference is desired.

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The outside of the envelope should be marked "Reconsideration". If ou are seeking reconsideration from an order, mark the envelope "Reconideration-Outstanding Remedial Order".

NOTE: If you fail to file a timely request for reconsideration of the enclosed decision, you will have exhausted all administrative remedies under the Economic Stabilization Act.

The address of the office to which the request should be mailed is shown in the decision notice. Please send your request to the attention of the District Director.

Your case, and any additional information or arguments you wish to present, will receive an impartial review.

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Type of Problem (e.g. abnormal base price; non-recoverable costs)

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12. Alleged Hardship/Inequity in Initial Request:

13. Does alleged hardship/inequity have impact on 3rd parties?

14. IRS Determination of Cited Hardship/Inequity (e.g. were facts cited documented? Did facts cited warrant relief?)

15. Error in fact or law alleged by Reconsideration Request?

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(Indicate in last column by appropriate letter as provided in item 6, the type of action on initial request.)

6. Reason for Disapproval (D), Modification (M), Suspension (S), Deferral (d): for each product or service line listed in Item 5.

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(For example, the reason for the action may be that the increase was:


Not cost justified, in that a) costs are not allowable, not incurred, not continuing, or not reasonable, b) costs reflect incorrect base cost level. or c) costs reflect incorrect current cost level.

2. For an entity whose cumulative period profit margin is in excess of base period profit margin (Item 19 over target in item 17)

3. Rejected without prejudice for Incompleteness (or Inaccuracy) in

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Public Information

Fapter 8

ction 1. Purpose

.01 This establishes public information procedures for the issuance Submission and Decision Lists and releases under Phase IV of the Economic abilization Program.

.02 This is not intended to cover all Public Information activities of

e Service under the Economic Stabilization Program but to provide instructions r the implementation of an effective information program on decisions, subssions and other actions taken during Phase IV including those predating ase IV. Other Public Information activities will be covered in separate

suances as needed.

.03 Also covered is the furnishing of public information support to e Cost of Living Council (CLC).

ction 2. Background

.01 The Cost of Living Council has delegated to the Internal Revenue rvice broad responsibility for administrative decisions during Phase IV the Economic Stabilization Program, and for informing the public of lose decisions and of submissions of requests for price increases and :ceptions.

.02 An informed public is particularly important to the success of the onomic Stabilization Program. Knowledge of decisions is necessary to demperate the government's intention to gain compliance and deter would-be


.03 To establish a routine for informing the public, it has been deter.ned that Key Districts will issue Submission and Decision Lists similar to Lose previously issued by CLC and the Price Commission.

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