Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
Africa Confidential allocated Anyona appointed Asians ask the Minister Assistant Minister Attorney-General aware beg to reply Bill Biwott Board Buru Buru Buru Chief Executive Officer civil servants Clause compensation Constitution contribute Electoral Commission employees employment establish give given going Harambee institution investigate investment issue KANU Kariuki Kenya Kiraitu Murungi Kituyi Labour and Manpower lawyer Lwali-Oyondi Manga Masinde Members of Parliament Minister for Finance Minister tell Ministerial Statement Ministry Moyale District Musikari Kombo Nairobi City Council Ndicho Ngugi NSSF Nyamira District Nyandarua County Council old identity cards P.N. Ndwiga paid parastatals pension schemes person plot point of information point of order political practised witchcraft President Private Notice problem programme provisions Question by Private regulations Retirement Benefits Authority retirement benefits schemes Rongo Ruhiu Ruiru SAFINA Samburu District says scheme fund supervise sycophant talking tell this House Temporary Deputy Speaker Wako witchdoctors workers