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After the expenditure worksheet has been completed, the following questions should be answered, which will assist the Field Liaison to analyze expenditures in view of JTPA, Section 108:


Has more than 15 percent of the funds available to the SDA been expended on administration?

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If the SDA has exceeded the limitation, why has this occurred?


Has more than 30 percent of the funds available to the SDA been expended for administrative costs and the costs specified below:



50 percent of any work experience expenditures which meets the requirements specified in Section 108(b)(3);

100 percent of the cost of any work experience program expenditures which do not meet requirements in Section 108(b)(3);

(iii) supportive services; and

(iv) needs-based projects described in Section [204 (27)]?

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If the SDA has exceeded the limitation, why has this occurred?

3. Has the SDA, through the PIC, initiated a request to exceed the 30% limitation?

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Has the SDA stated the need for and the amount of excess in the job training plans?


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Has the SDA explained that the excess costs are due to one of the following conditions:

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The unemployment rate in the SDA exceeds the national average unemployment rate by at least 3 percentage points, and the ratio of current private unemployment to population in such area is less than the national average of such ratio?

The job training plan for such area proposes to serve a disproportionately high number of participants from groups requiring exceptional supportive services costs, such as handicapped individuals, offenders, and single heads of households with dependent children?

The cost of providing necessary child care exceeds half the costs specified in Section 108(b)(2)?

O The costs of providing necessary transportation exceeds one-third of the costs specified in Section 108(b)(2)?

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A substantial portion of the participants in programs in the SDA are in
training programs of 9 months' duration or more?

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6. Has the SDA demonstrated that the supportive services described in the job training plan do not duplicate services provided by any other public or private source that are available to participants without cost?






1. What are the needs of the Service Delivery Area?



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Participant reeds (e.g., specific job skills, basic education, supportive cervices, etc.)

Employer needs (e.g., trained labor pool, reimbursement for training, etc.)

o Cornunity needs (e.g., economic development, public works, etc.)

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Formal needs assecament, common knowledge, community-based organizations, local or federal goverment reports, business

groups, etc.


Which needs are the SDA ́s program trying to meet? Why?


Promptors: Reduce adult/youth unemployment, encourage business expansion, supplement available training programs, reduce demands on limited public resources, etc.

What was provided to meet the needs?


Specific job skills, job seeking skills, job behavior skills, basic education, child care, training-related expenses (tools, clothes, etc.), transportation, personal and employment,' counseling, etc.


To what extent are the program activities meeting the needs? know?

How do we



Training-related employment, employer satisfaction, reduced duplication of public services, retention in employment, increase in earnings, return or continue school, reduced welfare payments, increased employment among groups with severe barriers to employment, etc.

What needs were not met? What was the affect of those unget needs on program outcomes?

Tromptors: Employment and training needs of the potentially eligible population, needs of employers, needs of the community, recruitment, assessment, orientation, training, job services, supportive services, placement.

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