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land district are hereby authorized to decide between the parties, and shall in their decision be governed by such conditional lines or boundaries as have been or may be agreed upon between the parties interested, either verbally or in writing; and in case no lines or boundaries be agreed upon between the parties interested, then the said Register and Receiver are hereby authorized to decide between the parties in such manner as may be consistent with the principles of justice; and that it shall be the duty of the Surveyor General of the said State to have those claims surveyed and platted in accordance with the decisions of the Register and Receiver: Provided, That the said decisions and surveys, and the patents which may be issued in conformity thereto, shall not in any wise be considered as precluding a legal in vestigation and decision by the proper judicial tribunal between the parties to any such interfering claims, but shall only operate as a relinquishment on the part of the United States of all title to the land in question.

Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That all the lands to which the Indian title has been extinguished lying north of the northern boundary of the State of Illinois, west of Lake Michigan, and east of the Mississippi River, shall be surveyed in the same manner, and under the same regulations, provisions, restrictions, and reservations as the other public lands are surveyed.


dents of the Treasury Department: Provided, however,
That no allowance shall be made in the settlement afore-
said greater than the amount for which the said Thomas
is now held liable to the United States.
Approved March 3, 1831.

AN ACT for the relief of Christopher Bechtler.

Be it enacted, &c. That the Secretary of State be, and he is hereby authorized and required to issue letters patent, in the usual form, to Christopher Bechtler, for each of his two machines for the purpose of washing gold ores, upon his compliance with all the provisions of the several acts of Congress relative to the issuing of letters patent for inventions and improvements, except so far as the said acts require, on the part of aliens, a residence of two years in the United States. Approved: March 3, 1831.

AN ACT for the relief of James Hogland.

Be it enacted, &c. That James Hogland, of the State of Indiana, be, and he is hereby authorized to surrender and cancel, at the land office at Indianapolis, in such form as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe, his patent for the east half of the southeast quarter of section seventeen, in township fourteen, north, of range three, east, in the district of lands offered for sale at Indianapo lis; and that he be permitted to enter, in lieu thereof, and without paying for the same, any other half quarter section in said district, subject to entry at private sale. Approved: March 3, 1831.

AN ACT granting a pension to Martin Miller.
Be it enacted, &c. That the Secretary of War be au

on the list of revolutionary pensioners, at the rate of
eight dollars per month, to commence on the first day of
January, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight.
Approved, March 3, 1831.

Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That the Legislature of the State of Missouri be, and is hereby, authorized to sell and convey in fee simple all or any part of the lands heretofore reserved and appropriated by Congress for the use of a seminary of learning in said State, and to invest the money arising from the sale thereof in some productive fund, the proceeds of which shall be forever applied by the Legislature of said State solely to the use of such seminary, and for no other use or purpose whatso-thorized and directed to place the name of Martin Miller And that the Legislature of said State of Missouri shall be, and is hereby, authorized to sell and convey in fee simple all or any part of the salt springs not exceeding twelve in number, and six sections of land adjoining to each granted to said State by the United States for the use thereof, and selected by the Legislature of said State, on or before the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-five, and to invest the money arising from the sale thereof in some productive fund, the proceeds of which shall be forever applied, under the direction of said Legislature, for the purpose of education in said State, and for no other purpose whatsoever. Approved, March 3, 1831.

AN ACT for the relief of George B. Dameron and Wil liam Howze, of Mississippi.

Be it enacted, &c. That the Secretary of the Treasury be and he is hereby, authorized to make a reasonable allowance to the Register and Receiver of the land office at Jackson Court House, Mississippi, for extra services performed by them under the third section of the set of the third March, eighteen hundred and twenty-seven. Approved, March 3, 1831.

AN ACT for the relief of Joseph S. Cannon. Be it enacted, &c. That the Secretary of the Navy be, and he is hereby, authorized and required to place the name of Joseph S. Cannon on the Navy Pension List, at the rate of ten dollars per month, payable from the first day of January, eighteen hundred and twenty-nine. Approved: March 3, 1831.

AN ACT for the relief of Antoine Dequindre, and the legal representatives of Louis Dequindre, deceased.

Be it enacted, &c. That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to release and discharge Antoine Dequindre, and the legal repre sentatives of Lou's Dequindre, deceased, from the payment of three several bonds given to the collector of Detroit, on the twenty-sixth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and seventeen, for the payment of duties on a quantity of goods transported through Canada, from Buffalo to Detroit, amounting, together, to the sum of fire

Provided, That, if any costs have arisen, by the commencement of suits on either of the said bonds, the same shall be first paid and satisfied by the said Antoine Dequindre, and the legal representatives of Louis Dequindre, deceased.

Approved March 3, 1831.

AN ACT for the relief of James Thomás, late Quarter-hundred and seventy-nine dollars and forty-nine cents : master General in the Army of the United States. Be it enacted, &c. That the proper accounting officers of the Treasury Department be, and they are hereby authorized and directed to adjust and settle the accounts and claims of Col. Jas. Thomas, late Quartermaster General of the Army of the U. States, and allow him a credit for all vouchers which he shall satisfactorily prove to have been lost for the expenditure of money duly authorized and not heretofore placed to his credit, and that they allow him such compensation for all extra official duties performed and services rendered by him as he is entitled to, if any, according to former regulations and prece

AN ACT for the relief of Samuel Coburn of the State of

Be it enacted, &c. That the Surveyor General of the public lands south of the State of Tennessee, be, and te is hereby, authorized and required to cause to be sur

Laws of the United States.

[21st CONG. 2d Sess. veyed by the proper officer, a certain tract of land, claim- or any part thereof, shall have been sold, patented, or ed by Samuel Coburn, lying on the waters of Chubby's confirmed, to any person, previous to the passage of this Fork, of the Bayou Pierre, Claiborne county, Mississippi, act, then and in that case, the said Woodson Wren shall originally claimed by William Thomas, by virtue of a Spa- be allowed to enter the same number of acres of the nish warrant or order of survey, granted to said Thomas claim thus sold, patented, or confirmed, to any other on the twenty-first of March, one thousand seven hun-person, or any of the unappropriated lands in the State dred and ninety-five; and that a correct return and plat of Mississippi that may be subject to private entry, conof the same be made to his office, stating how much of forming, in such entry, to the divisions and subdivisions said claim has been sold or confirmed by the United States established by law. to Abraham Barnes or any other person.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the said Samuel Coburn is authorized to locate, on any of the public lands within the State of Mississippi, so many acres of the claim above referred to as may be ascertained by said survey and plat, to be sold or confirmed to Abraham Barnes or any other person; and that the remainder of the original Spanish grant to Thomas be, and the same is hereby confirmed to Samuel Coburn: Provided, That such confirmation shall only operate as a relinquishment of all right and title on the part of the United States to said land. Approved: March 3, 1831.

AN ACT for the relief of Woodson Wren, of Mississippi. Be it enacted, &c. That Woodson Wren of the State of Mississippi, be, and he is hereby, confirmed to a tract of land containing eight hundred arpens, situated on the east side of the bay of Biloxi, in the county of Jackson, and State of Mississippi, between Bellfontaine and the old French fort, claimed by virtue of a purchase from Little berry Robertson, and reported for confirmation by the Register and Receiver of the land office at Jackson Courthouse, Mississippi, dated July the twelfth, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-three.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Commissioner of the General Land Office, upon being presented with plats and certificates of survey of the said tract of land, legally executed by a proper officer, shall issue a patent for the same; which patent shall operate only as a reliquishment, on the part of the United States, of all right and title to said land.

Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That, if it shall appear to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of the General Land Office that the claim herein above alluded to,

Approved, March 3, 1831.

RESOLUTION, in relation to the transmission of public documents printed by order of either House of Congress.

Resolved, &c. That nothing contained in the act to reduce into one the several acts establishing and regulating the Post Office Department, approved March third, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-five, shall be construed to repeal or limit the operation of the act authorizing the transmission of certain documents free of postage, approved December nineteenth, one thousand eight hundred twenty-one.

Approved, January 13, 1831.

A RESOLUTION directing the Secretary of State to subscribe for seventy copies of Peters' condensed reports of decisions of the Supreme Court.

Resolved, That the Secretary of the Department of State be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to subscribe for and receive seventy copies of the condensed reports of cases in the Supreme Court of the United States, edited by Richard Peters, and cause to be distributed one copy thereof to the President of the United States, each of the Justices of the Supreme Court, each of the Judges of the District Courts, the Attorney General of the United States, each of the Heads of Departments, each of the Judges of the several Territories of the United States, five copies thereof for the use of each House of Congress; and the residue of the copies shall be deposited in the Library of Congress: Provided, however, That the cost of each volume shall not ceed five dollars.

Approved, March 2, 1831.


Adams, Mr. of Mississippi, death of announced, and re-
solutions adopted to honor his memory, 1.
Adjournment, joint committee appointed to notify the
President, committee reported, and the Senate
adjourned, 344.
Africans, resolution to inquire into the expediency of
making further provision for the support of cap-
tured, introduced, and agreed to, 40.
Appropriation bill, general, taken up, 213; motion to
strike out amendments reported by Committee
on Finance relative to Turkish mission, 213;
further amendments proposed, 214; again taken
up, and debate thereon, 215 to 285, 292 to 309;
questions taken on the amendments, 310, 311;
further amended, and ordered to a third reading,
317 to 320; amendment of House of Represen-

tatives disagreed to, and committee of confer-
ence appointed, 328, 330; report of the com-

mittee concurred in, 334.

Appropriations for internal improvements, surveys, &c.
bill making, twice read, and referred, 312.
again taken up, 333; amended and passed, 334.
Appropriations for the military service, bill making, ta-
ken up, 325.

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Geyer, Henry S. a witness on the trial of Judge Peck, 22.
Hempstead, Charles S. a witness on the trial of Judge
Peck, 23.
Horrell, Thomas, a witness on the trial of Judge Peck, 22.
Impeachment, (see Peck, James H.)
Indiana, resolution calling for information in relation to
the location of lands in the State of, introduced
and adopted, 31.

Indians, bill to provide for the payment of an annuity to
the Seneca tribe of, taken up, 29; laid on the
table, 30; again taken up, 78; ordered to a third
reading, 85.

Bates, Edward, denosition of, received on the trial of Indian intercourse act, resolution submitted in relation to
Judge Peck, 28.

Bank of the United States, leave asked to introduce a
resolution against the renewal of the charter
of, 46.

leave refused, 78.

Bent, John, deposition of, received on the trial of Judge
Peck, 28.

Benton, Thomas H. examined as a witness on the trial of
Judge Peck, 28.

excused from voting on the trial of Judge Peck, 45.
Bradley, Abraham, memorial of presented, 335.

letter of, to the President of the U. S. read, 165.

Carr, W. C. a witness on the trial of Judge Peck, 28, 33.
Chaplain to the Senate elected, 4.

Charless, Edward, a witness on the trial of Judge Peck, 23.
Choctaw treaty, Executive proceedings in relation to the,
345 to 348.

Congressional documents, bill authorizing a subscription
to a compilation of, taken up, 325; various amend-
ments proposed and negatived, and ordered to
a third reading, 326, 327.

Constitution, resolution, joint, introduced to amend the, in
relation to the Presidential term of service, 23;
referred, 24.

Cumberland road, law of Ohio in relation to the repair of,
communicated, 209.

Current coins, resolution introduced in relation to the, 1;
report on, (see Appendix, 131.)

Davis, Wm. A. letter from, proposing to furnish copies of
the laws, communicated, 214.

Death, document on the subject of the abolition of the

punishment of, ordered to be printed, 334.
District of Columbia, resolution introduced to prepare a
code of law for, 209; laid on the table, 209.
District of Columbia, bill for the punishment of crimes in
the, taken up, 209; debate thereon, and bill laid
on the table, 210 to 213; again taken up, amend-
ed, and passed, 260.


the enforcement of the provisions of, 204; de-
bate thereon, and resolution adopted, 205 to 208.
Indian treaties, bill to carry into effect certain, taken up,
amended, and ordered to a third reading, 328.
Indians, Executive proceedings in relation to the treaty
with the Choctaw, 345 to 348.

Johns, Rev. H. Van Dyke, elected chaplain, 4.
Iron, memorial of mechanics and others of Philadelphia,
praying a reduction of the duties upon, present-
ed and referred, 41; committee report, and de-
bate thereon, 313 to 317, 321 to 323. (See Ap-
pendix, 105.)

memorial of inhabitants of New Jersey, praying a
drawback of the duties on, presented, 41; debate
on its reference, 42, 43; laid on the table, 44.
memorials of citizens of Philadelphia adverse to re-
ducing the duties on foreign, communicated, 214.
Insolvent debtors of the United States, bill for the relief
of, taken up, and ordered to a third reading,
323 to 325.
Internal improvements, surveys, &c. (see Appropriations.)
Internal improvements, views of the committee to whom
was referred the President's message on the sub-
ject of, 214.

Lawless, Luke E. a witness on the trial of Judge Peck, 19.
Laws of the United States, notice given of joint resolu-
tion authorizing a subscription to a stereotype
edition of, 213.

Lindell, Jesse E. a witness on the trial of Judge Peck, 28.
Lucas, J. B. C. a witness on the trial of Judge Peck, 28.

Magennis, Arthur L. a witness on the trial of Judge Peck,


Meredith, Mr. appears as counsel for Judge Peck, 3.
Merry, Samuel, deposition of, received on the trial of
Judge Peck, 28.

McLean, Mr. of Illinois, death of announced, and resolu
tion adopted to honor his memory, 3.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Pay of members of Congress, report of Judiciary Com-
mittee on joint resolution in relation to, 85.
Passports and clearances, bill to abolish the charge for,
and to repeal duties on cinnamon and spices, ta-
ken up, and ordered to a third reading, 25.
Peck, James H. court of impeachment opened for the
trial of, 3.

Postmaster General, report of, made at the last sesser,
ordered to be printed, 149.

transmits a statement of the amount of postage.
&c. 327.

Potomac bridge, bill to alter, taken up, 535.
President of the United States, annual message of, com-
municated, 1, (see Appendix.)

returns Louisville and Portland Canal bill, with on-
jections, 1, (see Appendix.)

transmits Choctaw treaty and papers in relation
thereto, 345, 346.

message from, in relation to Indian intercourse,
(see Appendix, 73.)

President of the Senate pro tem. elected, 328.
adjourns the Senate sine die, 344.

Randolph, Martha, bill concerning introduced, and refer
red to a select committee, 181.
Rector, Wharton, a witness on the trial of Judge Peck, 24
Robinson, Mr. excused from voting on the trial of Judge
Peck, 45.


motion to suspend, as respects the presentation of
bills to the President on the last day of the ses
sion, 334; laid on the table, 335.
seventeenth, joint, suspended, 335.

Salt, leave asked to introduce a bill for the repeal of the day
on alum, 120; the subject laid on the table, 14.
bill withdrawn, 179; leave renewed, 193;
fused, 194.

Smith, Mr. elected President of the Senate pro tem. 308.
Sugar, bill introduced to reduce the duty on, 102.

report on, reducing the duties on, (see Appendix,72

appears with his counsel at the bar of the Senate,
3; managers on the part of the House of Re-
presentatives to conduct the impeachment pre-
sent a replication to the answer and plea of, 4.
court for the trial of, again opened, and pro-
ceedings thereon, 9 to 29, 33 to 45; Luke E.
Lawless examined as a witness, 19 to 22; Henry
S. Geyer, Thomas Horrell, and Arthur L. Ma.
gennis examined, 22; Charles S. Hempstead,
Edward Charless, and Wharton Rector examin-
ed, 23; resolution proposed permitting Senators
to assign their reasons for their votes on the
question of guilty or not guilty, 24; laid on the
table, 25; defence of opened by his counsel, 26;
Robert Wash, John K. Walker, Spencer H. Pet-
tis, J. B. C. Lucas, W. C. Carr, Jesse E. Lin-
dell, examined, 28; depositions of Edward Bates,
John Bent, and Samuel Merry, received in evi-
dence, 28; Thomas H. Benton examined, 28;
opinions of, ordered to be printed, 28; message
from the House announcing its intention to attend Vice President appeared, and took the chair of the Sen-

the trial from day to day, 31; arguments of mana-
gers in support of the impeachment, and of the
counsel for the respondent, 33 to 44; motion for
the court to pronounce judgment upon, adopted,
45; acquitted, and the court adjourned sine die,


Tazewell, Mr. elected President of the Senate pro ter
328; excused from serving, 528.
Trade on the Northern and Northwestern frontier, bill te
regulate the foreign and coasting, third read, and
passed, 334.



letter from the Secretary of, in relation to state-
ments of commerce, &c. communicated, 333.

in distress, bill to enable the President to supply
and succor, introduced, 31; third read, and
passed, 33.

ate, 24.

retires from the chair, 328.

Walker, John K. a witness on the trial of Judge Peck, 28.
Wash, Robert, a witness on the trial of Judge Peck, 28
Wirt, Mr. appears as counsel for Judge Peck, 3.

bill making provision for the payment of expenses
incurred in the trial of, taken up, third read, and Yeas and Nays, on resolution to inquire into the condition
passed, 34.

Peters and Pond, bill for the relief of, taken up and de-

bated, 31.

Pettis, Spencer H. a witness on the trial of Judge Peck, 28.
Post Office Department, resolution to inquire into the con-
dition of, taken up, 4; debated and adopted, 4
to 8; proposition submitted to send for persons
and papers, adopted, 40; motion to exclude per-
sons who have been dismissed from office, 78;
taken up, 86; debate thereon, 86 to 101, 103 to
119, 149 to 179, 181 to 193, 194; amendment
proposed and adopted, 197; further debate there-
on, 197 to 204; resolution agreed to, 208; com-
mittee report, and report ordered to be printed,
335; motion to rescind the order to print, 336;
debate thereon, 337 to 343; printing suspended,

Postmaster General, report of, communicated in relation
to contracts and clerks, 101; debate on its refer-
ence, 102.

of the Post Office Department, 8; on agreeing
to same, 208.

on passing bill to enable the President to relieve
vessels in distress, 33.

on the question of guilty or not guilty in the cast
of Judge Peck, 45.

on granting leave to introduce a resolution agains
rechartering the Bank of the United States, 78
on third reading annuity bill to Seneca Indians, 85.
on adopting resolution in relation to the Indian in-
tercourse act, 208.

on amendments to general appropriation bill, $1€,

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