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numbered horizontal lines meet, the semi-monthly objective is found. (On the original chart, these lines were colored.) In this particular instance, the Council's jurisdiction was divided into two near-equal parts the objective of each being 1500 Scouts. Lines 1 and 2, therefore equal just half of the amount shown on the right margin. The dotted line is registered for the total amount of the numbered lines and represents the actual enrollment at the dates mentioned. By this method the advancement in Scout enrollment was very clearly visualized.

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In Form PP a very graphic picture of camp enrollments by weeks is shown for four seasons. This record will prove invaluable in developing plans for the 1921 camp.

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An exceedingly interesting comparison of monthly expenditures is shown in Forms QQ and RR. In the first chart the curved line method is used, whereas in the second chart the same statistics are shown by means of the block system. To prove of further value, a line showing the monthly budget allowance might be drawn across the chart as a means of indicating the relation of budget allowances to budget expenditures.

The field of graphic presentation is limitless. The accompanying charts suggest but a few methods.


Jan. Feb. Mch. Apr May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

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Another method of charting or preparing "graphs" is by means of the circle. Such charts, arranged on a numerical or percentage basis, form real interesting data.

[blocks in formation]

A striking example of the story told by graphic charts is that shown in Form TT. It is a picture of the following budget, and gives, in straight shoulder punches, a group of facts which figures alone would be unable to give:

[blocks in formation]
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