Resource Directory for Older PeopleTaylor & Francis, 1989 |
American Association of Cardiovascular | 19 |
American Association of Retired Persons | 23 |
American Bar Association Commission on the Legal Problems of the Elderly | 25 |
American Brain Tumor Association | 26 |
American Cancer Society | 27 |
American Chiropractic Association | 29 |
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists | 30 |
American College of Physicians | 31 |
National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence | 150 |
National Council on Patient Information and Education | 151 |
National Council of Senior Citizens | 152 |
National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse | 154 |
National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse | 155 |
National Displaced Homemakers Network | 156 |
National Eye Institute | 157 |
National Heart Lung and Blood Institute | 158 |
American College of Surgeons | 32 |
American Council of the Blind | 33 |
American Dental Association | 34 |
American Diabetes Association | 35 |
American Dietetic Association | 36 |
American Federation for Aging Research | 37 |
American Foundation for the Blind | 38 |
American Geriatrics Society | 40 |
American Health Care Association | 42 |
American Health Foundation | 43 |
American Heart Association | 44 |
American Hospital Association | 45 |
American Lung Association | 46 |
American Medical Association | 47 |
American Nurses Association | 48 |
American Occupational Therapy Association | 49 |
American Podiatric Medical Association | 55 |
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission | 97 |
Federal Council on the Aging | 98 |
Federal Trade Commission | 99 |
Food and Drug Administration | 100 |
Food and Nutrition Information Center | 101 |
Foundation for Glaucoma Research | 102 |
Foundation for Hospice and Home Care | 103 |
French Foundation for Alzheimer Research | 105 |
Gerontological Society of America | 106 |
Gray Panthers | 107 |
Green Thumb | 108 |
Health Care Financing Administration | 109 |
Health Insurance Association of America | 110 |
Help for Incontinent People | 111 |
HillBurton Program | 112 |
Huntingtons Disease Society of America | 113 |
Hysterectomy Educational Resources and Services Foundation | 114 |
International Hearing Society | 115 |
International Tremor Foundation | 116 |
Japanese American Citizens League | 117 |
Legal Services for the Elderly | 118 |
Leukemia Society of America | 119 |
Lupus Foundation of America | 120 |
Make Today Count | 121 |
Medic Alert Foundation | 122 |
National Action Forum for Midlife and Older Women | 123 |
National Aging Resource Center on Elder Abuse | 124 |
National AIDS Hotline | 125 |
National AIDS Clearinghouse | 126 |
National Alliance of Senior Citizens | 127 |
National Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Information Clearinghouse | 128 |
National Association of Area Agencies on Aging | 129 |
National Association of Community Health Centers | 130 |
National Association of the Deaf | 131 |
National Association for Hispanic Elderly Asociacion Nacional Pro Personas Mayores | 132 |
National Association for Home Care | 133 |
National Association for Human Development | 134 |
National Association of Meal Programs | 135 |
National Association for Practical Nurse Education and Services | 136 |
National Association of Social Workers | 137 |
National Association of State Units on Aging | 138 |
National Cancer Institute | 140 |
National Caucus and Center on Black Aged | 142 |
National Center for Health Statistics | 143 |
National Citizens Coalition for Nursing Home Reform | 144 |
National Clearinghouse for Primary Care Information | 145 |
National Commission on Working Women of Wider Opportunities for Women | 146 |
National Consumers League | 147 |
National Council on the Aging | 148 |
National Heart Lung and Blood Institute Education Programs Information Center | 159 |
National Hispanic Council on Aging | 160 |
National Hospice Organization | 161 |
National Indian Council on Aging | 162 |
National Information Center on Deafness | 163 |
National Institute on Aging | 164 |
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism | 166 |
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases | 167 |
National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases | 169 |
National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders | 171 |
National Institute of Dental Research | 173 |
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases | 174 |
National Institute on Drug Abuse | 176 |
National Institute of General Medical Sciences | 177 |
National Institute of Mental Health | 178 |
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke | 179 |
National Interfaith Coalition on Aging | 180 |
National Kidney Foundation | 181 |
National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse | 182 |
National League for Nursing | 183 |
National Library of Medicine | 184 |
National Mental Health Association | 185 |
National Multiple Sclerosis Society | 186 |
National Organization for Rare Disorders | 187 |
National Organization for Victim Assistance | 188 |
National Osteoporosis Foundation | 189 |
National PacificAsian Resource Center on Aging | 190 |
National Psoriasis Foundation | 191 |
National Rehabilitation Association | 192 |
National Rehabilitation Information Center | 193 |
National Rural Health Association | 194 |
National SelfHelp Clearinghouse | 195 |
National Senior Citizens Law Center | 196 |
National Senior Sports Association | 197 |
National ShutIn Society | 198 |
National Society to Prevent Blindness | 199 |
National Stroke Association | 200 |
National Technical Information Service | 201 |
National Urban League | 202 |
National Womens Health Network | 203 |
Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion | 204 |
Office on Smoking and Health | 205 |
Older Womens League | 206 |
Opticians Association of America | 207 |
Organization of Chinese Americans | 208 |
Presidents Council on Physical Fitness and Sports | 209 |
Pride LongTerm Home Health Care Institute | 210 |
Retirement Research Foundation | 211 |
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation | 212 |
SelfHelp for Hard of Hearing People | 213 |
SeniorNet | 214 |
Simon Foundation | 215 |
Skin Cancer Foundation | 216 |
Social Security Administration | 217 |
United Ostomy Association | 218 |
United Parkinson Foundation | 219 |
United Seniors Health Cooperative | 220 |
U S Pharmacopeial Convention | 221 |
United Way of America | 222 |
Vestibular Disorders Association | 223 |
Visiting Nurse Associations of America | 224 |
Volunteers of America | 225 |
Young Mens Christian Association | 226 |
Young Womens Christian Association | 227 |
229 | |
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AARP Academy offers continuing Alzheimer's disease American Academy animal-assisted therapy arthritis assistance Association offers continuing available on request B'nai B'rith bimonthly brain tumors brochures cancer Clearinghouse conducts consumer continuing education programs database Dermatology develops Diabetes disability disorders distributes information doctors who specialize drugs education materials Family Therapy Foundation gerontology Glaucoma groups health professionals Helpline Hispanics hospitals Hotline Huntington's disease Individuals can contact Information Service list of materials list of publications long-term materials is available Medicine Medigap mental Mission The American Mission The National National Institute needs of older Network nonprofit organization nursing home nutrition offers continuing education older adults older Americans older persons ophthalmologist pamphlets Parkinson's Disease physicians professional organization provides information public education publications is available Publications The Journal published monthly published quarterly referral services Rehabilitation Rockville Senior Services The Association sponsors Street NW supports research Tinnitus toll free toll-free treatment urinary incontinence Washington