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Featuring a number of innovations, the project consists of
smaller classes of boys and girls - a maximum of 20-
increased amounts of individualized instruction and guidance;
and concentrated academic study correlated to the student's
own vocational interests.

Four period blocks in mathematics, English and Social
Studies are related to the work done during 3-period produc-
tion workshop blocks, which each student has daily. During
this time students are introduced to the World of Work by
actually constructing and marketing products such as bakery,
clothing, carpentry and toys.




[blocks in formation]

Because many inner city 10th graders are also unable to
cope with the traditional school environment, the Cleveland
Schools are using DPPF to fund the Learning Laboratories
Project, a follow-up to Production Workshop. Directing its
energies toward boys and girls who are underachievers, over-
age for their grade, and deficient in reading and/or mathe-
matics, this project also offers a complete departure from
the traditional structure of a school day.

Academic classes in English, Social Studies and Mathematics
are set up in 3-period blocks for all students. In an attempt
to make students active participants in their education, the
project works on communication skills through the use of
Occupation-oriented curriculum materials and experiences:
for example, reading directions for making a cake, and work-
ing out the mathematical specifications for it.

In addition, students explore career interests through field
trips, speakers, media, and a maximum of 5 hours volunteer
work a week, in a special area such as engine and appliance
repair, commercial foods or clothing.



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