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6. Content of Environmental Statements

A. Cover Sheet

Every environmental statement shall have a cover sheet indicating the type of statement, a brief but descriptive title, the responsible organization, the date, and the signature of the responsible official (draft) or head of the bureau or office (final).

B. Summary Sheet

Each environmental statement shall have a one-page summary sheet prepared in accordance with Section 6(e) and Appendix I of the CEQ Guidelines [Appendix A]. Formats are provided in Appendix D.

C. Body of Statement

The body of the statement shall contain the following eight sections: (1) Description of the proposal.-This section shall describe the proposed or recommended action, its purpose, where it is to be located, when it is proposed to take place, and its interrelationship with other projects or proposals, and shall contain information and technical data sufficient to permit assessment of environmental impact by commenting agencies. Supporting project or program documents shall be referenced and one-page maps included as necessary.

(2) Description of the environment.-This section shall include a comprehensive description of the existing environment without the proposal and the probable future environment without the proposal. The description shall focus both on the environmental details most likely to be affected by the proposal and on the broader regional aspects of the environment, including ecological interrelationships. This section shall also include a description of the present and projected level of economic development, land use, and related cultural factors, where appropriate.

(3) The environmental impact of the proposed action. This section shall describe the environmental impacts of the proposed action. These impacts are defined as direct or indirect changes in the existing environment, whether beneficial or adverse. Wherever possible these impacts shall be quantified. This discussion will include the impact not only upon the natural environment but upon land use and social wellbeing as well. Separate discussion shall be provided for such potential impacts as man-caused accidents and natural catastrophes and their probabilities and risks. Specific mention should also be made of unknown or partially understood impacts.

(4) Mitigating measures included in the proposed action.-A section on mitigating factors may be prepared where appropriate, and shall include a discussion of measures which are proposed to be taken or which are required to be taken to enhance, protect, or mitigate impacts upon the environment, including any associated research or menitoring.

(a) With respect to water quality aspects of proposed actions which have been previously certified by the appropriate State or interstate organization as being in substantial compliance with applicable water quality standards under the provisions of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, discussion shall include reference to that certification and the comments of the Environmental Protection Agency.

(b) With respect to water and air quality aspects of proposed actions which have been found by the Environmental Protection Agency to meet the requirements of Section 4 (a) (1) of Executive Order 11507, Prevention, Control, and Abatement of Air and Water Pollution at Federal Facilities, discussion shall include reference to this finding.


(5) Any adverse effects which cannot be avoided should the proposal be implemented. This section shall describe those adverse effects which cannot be eliminated. This section shall include a discussion of the unavoidable adverse impacts described in (3) and (4) above, the relative values placed upon those impacts, and an analysis of who or what is affected and to what degree affected.

(6) The relationship between local short-term uses of man's environment and the maintenance and enhancement of long-term productivity. This section shall discuss the local short-term use of the environment involved in the proposed action in relation to its cumulative and long-term impacts and give special attention to its relationship to trends of similar actions which would significantly affect ecological interrelationships or pose long-term risks to health or safety. Shortterm and long-term do not refer to any fixed time periods, but should be viewed in terms of the various significant ecological and geophysical consequences of the proposed action.

(7) Any irreversible and irretrievable commitments of resources which would be involved in the proposed action should it be implemented. This section shall discuss, and quantify where possible, any irrevocable uses of resources, including such things as resource extraction, erosion, destruction of archaeological or historical sites, elimination of endangered species' habitat, and significant changes in land


(8) Alternatives to the proposed action. This section shall describe the environmental impacts, both beneficial and adverse, of the various alternatives considered by and available to the Department, specifically taking into account the alternative of no action. In addition and where appropriate there will be a brief discussion of possible alternatives which are beyond the authority of the Department.

D. Consultation and Coordination with Others This part will have two sections as follows:

(1) Consultation and coordination in the development of the proposal and in the preparation of the draft environmental statement.This section shall describe the public participation efforts of the bureau or office concerned and the consultations with Federal, State, local, and individual interests in the development of the proposal and the preparation of the draft environmental statement.

(2) Coordination in the review of the draft environmental statement. This section shall indicate the procedures used in disseminating the draft environmental statement and will list those organizations and experts from whom comments have been requested. Upon preparation of the final environmental statement this section shall be expanded to indicate those organizations and experts from whom comments were received, their disposition, and any unresolved conflicts; and to summarize any public response.

E. Attachments

(1) Draft statements.-Normally draft environmental statements shall not have attachments; however, in some cases it shall be appropriate to attach environmental assessments, evaluations, or reports prepared by applicants or solicited from consultants or other Federal agencies.

(2) Final statements.—In addition to appropriate environmental assessments, evaluations, or reports prepared by applicants or consultants, attachments to final environmental statements shall include all written responses from:

(a) Bureaus and offices with delegated jurisdiction or special environmental expertise;

(b) Other Federal agencies with jurisdiction by law or special environmental expertise;

(c) State and local agencies which are authorized to develop and enforce environmental standards;

(d) Responsible private organizations and associations which represent the opinions of wider groups concerning the proposed action or its environmental impact;

(e) Recognized experts.

7. Coordination

In conjunction to the procedures set forth herein, existing mechanisms for obtaining the views of Departmental bureaus and offices and of other Federal, State, and local agencies will be utilized to the maximum extent practicable in the preparation and subsequent review of draft environmental statements.

A. Departmental Bureaus and Offices

(1) Because of the Department's extensive environmental expertise many of the Department's bureaus and offices may have inputs. to the preparation of environmental statements. Accordingly working-level consultations should be initiated early in the development of the proposal and in the preparation of draft environmental statements. (2) Draft statements shall be circulated to all of the Department's bureaus and offices which have delegated jurisdiction or special environmental expertise. Comments received from these bureaus and offices shall be attached to the final environmental statement.

B. Other Federal and Federal-State Agencies

(1) Other Federal and Federal-State agencies shall be consulted in connection with preparation of environmental statements where those agencies have jurisdiction by law or special environmental expertise with respect to any environmental impact involved, and comments shall be obtained from those Federal and Federal-State agencies which are authorized to develop and enforce environmental standards. Section 7 and Appendix II to the CEQ Guidelines [Appendix A] shall be used to determine those agencies from which consultations and comments should be solicited. Draft statements shall be sent to the appropriate offices indicated in Appendix III of the CEQ Guidelines [Appendix A for official agency review and comment.

(2) The Environmental Protection Agency shall be consulted and comments requested on matters related to air or water quality standards, noise control, solid waste disposal, pesticide regulation, radia

tion criteria and standards, or other provisions of the authority of EPA.

(3) A period of not less than forty-five (45) days should be established for reply, after which it may be presumed, unless the agency requests a specific extension of time, that the agency consulted has no comment to make. Where time is a critical factor, time limits of thirty (30) days may be established. A period of forty-five (45) days will always be allowed for EPA review.

C. State and Local Agencies

(1) Where no public hearing has been held on the proposed action at which the appropriate State and local review has been invited, and where review of the proposed action by State and local agencies authorized to develop and enforce environmental standards is relevant, such State and local review shall be provided for as follows:

(a) For Federal water and related land resources plans, projects, and programs, review by State and local governments shall be through procedures set forth by the Water Resources Council (Section IIIE of Policies, Standards, and Procedures in the Formulation, Evaluation, and Review of Plans for Use and Development of Water and Related Land Resources, approved by the President on May 15, 1962, and printed as Senate Document 97, 87th Congress; Handbook for Coordination of Planning Studies and Reports, June 1969).

(b) For direct Federal development projects, and for projects assisted under programs listed in Attachment D of the Office of Management and Budget Circular No. A-95, review by State and local governments shall be through the State and Regional or Metropolitan Clearinghouses in accordance with the procedures set forth under Part 1 of OMB Circular No. A-95 and 511 DM 5, Intergovernmental Relations.

(c) For actions affecting the cultural or historic environment, review by State and local agencies shall be through procedures set forth by the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (36 F.R. 3310), and draft environmental statements shall reflect consultations with the State Liaison Officer for Historic Preservation and with the State Archaeologist.

(d) For actions having an impact on Indian lands or communities, review by State and local agencies shall also include review by any Indian tribal governing bodies.

(2) Where the procedures in (1) above are not appropriate, review and comment by State and local agencies authorized to develop and enforce environmental standards may be obtained by distributing the draft environmental statement to the appropriate State and Regional or Metropolitan Clearinghouses, unless the Governor of the State involved has designated some other point for obtaining this review.

(3) Clearinghouse procedures allow State and local agencies thirty (30) days for initial comment with an extension of thirty (30) days upon request.

8. Public Participation and Availability of Statements

A. The public will be provided timely information and material sufficient for an understanding of plans and programs with environ

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mental impact in order to obtain the views of interested parties. The public will also be provided information on alternative courses of action.

B. Public hearings may be held to solicit the views of interested parties. Notice of such hearings shall include publication in the Federal Register no less than thirty (30) days before the hearing date, and such other notice as the bureau or office deems appropriate. if it is decided to prepare a draft environmental statement prior to a relevant hearing, the statement shall be made available to the public at least fifteen (15) days, and preferably thirty (30) days, prior to the hearing date. Procedures for discretionary public hearings are provided in 455 DM 1.

C. Draft and final environmental statements, including required attachments, shall be made available for public inspection at the following locations:

(1) The Office of Communications (for statements considered especially newsworthy by the Director of Communications; otherwise this office will assist the public in locating and inspecting such statements). (2) The Bureau or Office headquarters.

(3) Ay involved Bureau regional offices.

(4) Bureau field offices, where appropriate.

(5) State and Regional or Metropolitan Clearinghouse, where appropriate.

(6) A local public meeting place, such as a County courthouse or public library, in the immediate vicinity of the proposed action, where appropriate.

D. A complete record of any hearings, draft and final environmental statements, and all comments received related thereto shall be made available for public inspection at the following locations:

(1) The Bureau or Office headquarters.

(2) The Bureau regional and/or field office with primary involve


E. Whenever possible copies of draft and final environmental statements, including required attachments, shall be made available to the public at no cost. In those cases where the cost of reproduction of such statements is substantial, the public may be charged a fee no greater than the incremental costs of reproduction (43 CFR 2.3).

F. Notices of availabilty of draft and final enviromental statements will be made in the Federal Register at the time of transmittal of the statement to CEQ. Formats are provided in Appendix E. 9. Procedures for Preparing and Processing Environmental State


A. General Procedures

(1) Program and project recommendations and decisions are based on various technical, economic, social and environmental factors. These factors are generally incorporated into a program justification or plan formulation document. Environmental statements are separate documents which analyze the salient environmental information in order to provide decision makers with comprehensive and concise, factual information concerning the environmental impacts of the posed action and related alternatives. Accordingly, environmental statements shall not be used to recommend or justify proposed actions.


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