HEARINGS BEFORE A SUBCOMMITTEE OF THE COMMITTEE ON INTERSTATE AND FOREIGN COMMERCE EIGHTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION ON H.R. 3669 A BILL TO AMEND THE FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION ACT, Battin, Hon. James F., a Representative in Congress from the State Buffington, J. V., Assistant to the Chairman, Federal Trade Com- Burch, Ray, sales promotion manager, Arnold, Schwinn & Co.. Cederberg, Hon. Elford A., a Representative in Congress from the Celler, Emanuel, a Representative in Congress from the State of New Cruger, Frank M., chairman, National Small Business Association__ Dent, Hon. John, a Representative in Congress from the State of Dinardi, Ann, pharmacist, Morgantown, W. Va. 102 Dixon, Hon. Paul Rand, Chairman, Federal Trade Commission. - 171 335 Eckle, L. Griffin, Tulsa, Okla 246 Fair, Clinton, legislative representative, American Federation of Labor 235 Fort, Charles F., Food Town Ethical Pharmacies, Inc.--- 204 Foulkrod, S. Walter, Jr., executive director and counsel, Council for 301 Friedel, Hon. Samuel N., a Representative in Congress from the 24 Glenn, Hon. Milton W., a Representative in Congress from the State 30 Gosnell, John A., general counsel, National Small Business 180 Humphrey, Hon. Hubert H., a U.S. Senator from the State of Minnesota- 60 III Hutton, William R., deputy director, National Council of Senior Jarman, Hon. John, a Representative in Congress from the State of Kuntz, Walter N., Jr., president, National Wholesale Druggists' Lee, Stewart M., chairman, Department of Economics and Business Administration, Geneva College, Beaver Falls, Pa... Leichter, Franz, on behalf of National Bellas Hess, Inc.-- Loevinger, Hon. Lee, Assistant Attorney General, Antitrust Division, Madden, Hon. Ray J., a Representative in Congress from the State Mashaw, William G., National Retail Hardware Association__ May, Hon. Catherine, a Representative in Congress from the State McDonald, Angus, assistant director of legislative services, National Mermey, Maurice, director, Bureau for the Advancement of Inde- Murphy, Thomas H., president, the Home Shop, Richmond, Va... Nevole, George J., on behalf of National Bellas Hess, Inc.- Newman, Sarah H., general secretary, National Corsumers League__ Oxenfeldt, Alfred R., professor of marketing, Columbia University Pelly, Hon. Thomas M., a Representative in Congress from the State 10 41 343 144 198 32 346 35 Proxmire, Hon. William, a U.S. Senator from the State of Pennsylvania. Rooke, Ralph E., chairman, committee on national legislation, National Weston, Glen E., on behalf of American Bar Association_ Wheelock, John, Executive Director, Federal Trade Commission. Policy resolution on fair trade adopted September 1959- American Watch Association, Inc., letter from William H. Fox, 449 Automotive Wholesalers Association of New England, Inc., letter from R. J. Harrison, executive secretary, transmitting statement.. Bedell, Clyde, statement of--- 424 Additional information submitted for the record by-Continued Botany Industries, Inc., statement of Michael Daroff, president_ Comparison of fair-trade and non-fair-trade prices. Statements from several State court opinions declaring State re- Champion Spark Plug Co., statement of H. B. Speyer, vice president Chemical Research & Manufacturers, Inc., letter from Dr. W. Langer, Chesebrough-Ponds, Inc., letter from R. F. Mitchell, Jr., counsel. Christian Booksellers Association, Inc., letter from W. F. Moore-- Cooperative League of the USA, statement of Dwight D. Townsend, Page 453 422 412 152 152 57 414 Florida State Retailers Association, letter from K. K. Kennedy, 442 454 426 415 G. & C. Merriam Co., letter from Gordon J. Gallan, president_ General Federation of Women's Clubs, statement of Mrs. Dexter Otis Green Shoe Manufacturing Co., letter from S. L. Slosberg, president.. Humphrey, Hon. Hubert H., appraisal of quality stabilization bill Independent Garage Owners of Ohio, Inc., statement of.. Independent Shoemen, statement of Mike Carosella, chairman_ Indiana State Electronic Service Association, Inc., letter from Frank Business failure rate per 10,000 listed concerns, 1962-- 81 82 Kayser-Roth Hosiery Co., Inc., letter from Arnold M. Raphael, vice 445 Lehn & Fink Products Corp., statement of Walter N. Plant, president Lincoln Metal Products Corp., letter from Harry Schwartz, vice Massachusetts Consumer Association, resolution of Mc Monagle & Rogers, Inc., letter from W. R. Moore, president_ Meier's Wine Cellars, Inc., letter from Henry O. Sonneman, managing |