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207. Time did not permit the undertaking of a systematic review of the guidelines and the identification of potential improvements or of supplementary presentational devices such as standard tables, questionnaires or electronic formats. The Committee may wish to consider asking the interim secretariat to undertake such a review and to prepare a report on the matter for consideration by the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice. In addition to enhancing transparency and comparability generally, a review could examine issues such as:

(a) Gases to be reported, definition of source/sink categories, reporting of removals and treatment of "adjustments", such as for climate variations and energy trade; Providing more precision on the type of background and supporting information to be supplied;





The estimation of the effects of policies and measures, both individually and

The level of detail required for reporting on policies and measures including how the most significant ones can be identified;



Additional reporting conventions on data presentation, time frames and methods descriptions;

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(1) Reporting requirements with regard to the characterization of new and additional resources; and


The inclusion of commitments not explicitly addressed in the guidelines.

208. Several of the above issues will require the further development of methodologies. In this context, it will be important to work closely with the IPCC and other relevant bodies.

209. In-depth reviews of the individual national communications will continue through 1995, subject to confirmation by COP 1. They will permit a number of the issues identified in the body of the present document to be further addressed. In the course of the initial technical analysis, it was apparent that an opportunity to seek additional information from, and to discuss any problems with, officials from the reporting Governments would contribute to better understanding of the communications and to improved comparability of information. Confirmation with Governments of the information in the database developed for the review ! of policies and measures would result in an improved analytical tool. This should also result

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General notes to the tables

In some cases, the figures presented in the tables do not correspond to those found in the communications. To the extent possible, such cases are explained in the notes to the tables, with the exception of differences resulting from rounding due to data input and processing. Differences have arisen from corrections of typographical and calculation errors or omissions, the incorporation of data communicated in the course of the review and the presentation (for consistency and comparative purposes) of subtotals and totals not provided in the communications.

Some of the differences are due to the fact that, in order to ensure consistency and comparability of results, the secretariat had to convert some of the estimates reported so that they concurred with the guidelines. Such changes included subtraction of emissions from bunker fuels and "electricity import corrections".

Blanks in the tables refer to either an absence of quantitative information or to the fact that only qualitative information was provided. The interim secretariat has chosen to leave the spaces blank in order not to complicate the reading of the tables. The figure "zero" appears in the tables only when reported as such by the Parties.

Anthropogenic CO2 emissions, excluding land use change and forestry, 1990


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• See notes to table 2. ** Includes source/sink categories solvent use and agriculture. In the light of the different ways of reporting used by Parties, emissions from land use change and forestry were excluded from this table for comparative and consistency purposes. Emission estimates were provided for the following source/sink categories for which no IPCC default methods exist: production of iron and steel, aluminum, other non-ferrous metals, ammonia, soda ash, lime, glass, fertilizer, other organic chemicals and CO, manufacture, limestone use and flue gas desulphurization and solvent use.


"These Parties originally included land use change and forestry in their total CO, estimates.

Emissions from iron and steel were included in energy and transformation

No details provided as to whether or not biogenic CO, emissions were included.
Parties deviated from IPCC Guidelines by including CO, emissions from organic
waste combustion, aerobic, organic carbon in landfills, dumps, sludge or compost
facilities in national total.

"No details provided as to whether or not CO emissions from organic waste combustión, aerobic, organic carbon in landfills, dumps, sludge or compost facilities were included in national total.

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Aggregate 1990 CO, emissions from reporting Parties were estimated at 9,348,296 Gg. Fuel combustion was the largest source of emissions, representing 97 per cent of total CO2 emissions. Industrial processes accounted for 2.6 per cent of total CO2 emissions. The remaining 0.4 per cent came from other source/sink categories. It should be noted that the definition of industrial processes, waste and energy consumption differed across Parties, which might lead to differences when comparing the relative importance of various categories. For example, CO2 emissions from iron and steel were either included in industrial processes or energy, and emissions from fossil fuel feedstocks as part of emissions from energy,, industrial processes or waste. For 11 Parties, CO2 emissions from fuel combustion represented more than 90 per cent of the total CO2 emissions.

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Party deviated from IPCC Guidelines by including biogenic emissions from agriculture in national total.

Povisional data for 1991 emissions from cold vents from offshore platforms were
provided during the review and added by the secretariat to the related emission
figures in the UK supplementary submission dated 24 August 1994.
Includes incineration and landfill gas flaring.

• Non-ferrous metal emissions included under non-fuel industrial uses in energy.

For two Parties, the share of emissions from industrial processes was higher than for most other Parties where they represented less than 5 per cent of total CO2 emissions. Emissions from solvent use and agriculture were addressed by two Parties. While CO2 emissions from waste remained small for the majority of the Parties (less than 2 per cent of total emissions), they reached 4 per cent for one Party, where they were mainly due to waste incineration and might possibly be explained by the inclusion of biogenic CO2 emissions, which is in contradiction, to the IPCC Guidelines. It was unclear whether a number of other Parties had included such emissions or not. 16

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Table A.2. Anthropogenic CO2 emissions from fuel combustion, 1990

(Gigagrams and percentage of total by Party)

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Military transport is included under "other" energy (fuel combustion). Includes waste incineration for the production of energy, without details as to whether or not biogenic CO, emissions were included.

Emissions from energy in industry under energy and transformation industries.

The electricity import correction of 6253 Gg was subtracted by the secretariat

from the subtotal given in the communication.

Emissions data in Gg was provided during the review.

Includes waste incineration for the production of energy.

Estimates communicated during the review include stadistical difference (9,000 Gg).

"Party deviated from IPCC Guidelines by including emissions from biomass burned for energy in energy total because biomass material used is imported. Party also provided temperature adjusted total energy emissions of 171,200

Emissions from bunker fuels (2,100 Gg) have been subtracted by the

secretariat from the subtotal given in the communication.

Provisional data for 1991 emissions from fuel gas use from offshore platforms

were provided and added by the secretariat to the related emission figures given in the UK supplementary submission dated 24 August 1994.

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