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IPCC Working Group I 1995 Summary for Policymakers

some of the effects of aerosols suggest that monsoon precipitation may decrease. The spatial and temporal distribution of aerosols greatly influence regional projections, which are therefore more uncertain.

• A general warming is expected to lead to an increase in the occurrence of extremely hot days and a decrease in the occurrence of extremely cold days.

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Warmer temperatures will lead to a more vigorous hydrological cycle; this translates into prospects for more severe droughts and/or floods in some places and less severe droughts and/or floods in other places. Several models indicate an increase in precipitation intensity, suggesting a possibility for more extreme rainfall events. Knowledge is currently insufficient to say whether there will be any changes' in the occurrence or geographical distribution of severe storms, e.g., tropical cyclones.

Sustained rapid climate change could shift the competitive balance among species and even lead to forest dieback, altering the terrestrial uptake and release of carbon. The magnitude is uncertain, but could be between zero and 200 GtC over the next one to two centuries, depending on the rate of climate change.

There are still many uncertainties

Many factors currently limit our ability to project and detect future climate change. In particular, to reduce uncertainties further work is needed on the following priority topics:

estimation of future emissions and biogeochemical cycling (including sources and sinks) of greenhouse gases, aerosols and aerosol precursors and projections of future concentrations and radiative properties.

representation of climate processes in models, especially feedbacks associated with clouds, oceans, sea ice and vegetation, in order to improve projections of rates and regional patterns of climate change.

systematic collection of long-term instrumental and proxy observations of climate system variables (e.g., solar output, atmospheric energy balance components, hydrological cycles, ocean characteristics and ecosystem changes) for the purposes of model testing, assessment of temporal and regional variability and for detection and attribution studies.

Future unexpected, large and rapid climate system changes (as have occurred in the past) are, by their nature difficult to predict. This implies that future climate changes may also involve "surprises". In particular these arise from the non-linear nature of the climate system. When rapidly forced, non-linear systems are especially subject to unexpected behaviour. Progress can be made by investigating non-linear processes and sub-components of the climatic system. Examples of such non-linear behaviour include rapid circulation changes in the North Atlantic and feedbacks associated with terrestrial ecosystem changes.

Summary for Policymakers:

Scientific-Technical Analyses of Impacts, Adaptations, and Mitigation of Climate Change

A Report of Working Group II

of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

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Scientific-Technical Analyses of Impacts, Adaptations, and Mitigation of Climate Change

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The charge to Working Group II of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was to review the state of knowledge concerning the impacts of climate change on physical and ecological systems, human health, and socioeconomic sectors. Working Group II also was charged with reviewing available information on the technical and economic feasibility of a range of potential adaptation and mitigation strategies. This assessment provides scientific, technical, and economic information that can be used, inter alia, in evaluating whether the projected range of plausible impacts constitutes "dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system," as referred to in Article 2 of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and in evaluating adaptation and mitigation options that could be used in progressing towards the ultimate objective of the UNFCCC (see Box 1).

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Box 1. Ultimate Objective of the UNFCCC (Article 2)

"...stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system. Such a level should be achieved within a time frame sufficient to allow ecosystems to adapt naturally to climate change, to ensure that food production is not threatened, and to enable economic development to proceed in a sustainable manner."

precipitation, soil moisture, and sea level. Based on the range of sensitivities of climate to increases in greenhouse gas concentrations reported by IPCC Working Group I and plausible ranges of emissions (IPCC IS92; see Table 1), climate models, taking into account greenhouse gases and aerosols, project an increase in global mean surface temperature of about 1-3.5°C by 2100, and an associated increase in sea level of about 15-95 cm. The reliability of regional-scale predictions is still low, and the degree to which climate variability may change is uncertain. However, potentially serious changes have been identified, including an increase in some regions in the incidence of extreme high-temperature events, floods, and droughts, with resultant consequences for fires, pest outbreaks, and ecosystem composition, structure, and functioning, including primary productivity.

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Source: IPCC, 1992: Climate Change 1992: The Supplementary Report to the IPCC Scientific Assessment. Section A3, prepared by IPCC Working Group I [J.T. Houghton, B.A. Callander, and S.K. Varney (eds.)] and WMO/UNEP. Cambridge

Scientific-Technical Analyses of Impacts, Adaptations, and Mitigation of Climate Change

Human health, terrestrial and aquatic ecological systems, and socioeconomic systems (e.g., agriculture, forestry, fisheries, and water resources) are all vital to human development and well-being and are all sensitive to changes in climate. Whereas many regions are likely to experience the adverse effects of climate change-some of which are potentially irreversiblesome effects of climate change are likely to be beneficial. Hence, different segments of society can expect to confront a variety of changes and the need to adapt to them.

Policymakers are faced with responding to the risks posed by anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases in the face of significant scientific uncertainties. It is appropriate to consider these uncertainties in the context of information indicating that climate-induced environmental changes cannot be reversed quickly, if at all, due to the long time scales associated with the climate system (see Box 2). Decisions taken during the next few years may limit the range of possible policy options in the future because high near-term emissions would require deeper reductions in the future to meet any given target concentration. Delaying action might reduce the overall costs of mitigation because of potential technological advances but could increase both the rate and the eventual magnitude of climate change, hence the adaptation and damage costs.

Policymakers will have to decide to what degree they want to take precautionary measures by mitigating greenhouse gas emissions and enhancing the resilience of vulnerable systems by means of adaptation. Uncertainty does not mean that a nation or the world community cannot position itself better to cope with the broad range of possible climate changes or protect against potentially costly future outcomes. Delaying such measures may leave a nation or the world poorly prepared to deal with adverse changes and may increase the possibility of irreversible or very costly consequences.

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Box 2. Time Scales of Processes Influencing the Climate System

Turnover of the capital stock responsible for emis-
sions of greenhouse gases: Years to decades
(without premature retirement)
Stabilization of atmospheric concentrations of long-
lived greenhouse gases given a stable level of
greenhouse gas emissions: Decades to millennia
Equilibration of the climate system given a stable
level of greenhouse gas concentrations:
Decades to centuries

Equilibration of sea level given a stable climate:

Restoration/rehabilitation of damaged or disturbed ecological systems: Decades to centuries

(some changes, such as species extinction, are irreversible, and it may be impossible to reconstruct and reestablish some disturbed ecosystems)

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Impacts are difficult to quantify, and existing studies are limited in scope. Although our knowledge has increased significantly during the last decade, and qualitative estimates can be developed, quantitative projections of the impacts of climate change on any particular system at any particular location are difficult because regional-scale climate change predictions are uncertain; our current understanding of many critical processes is limited; and systems are subject to multiple climatic and non-climatic stresses, the interactions of which are not always linear or additive. Most impact studies have assessed how systems would respond to climate change resulting from an arbitrary doubling of equivalent atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations. Furthermore, very few studies have considered dynamic responses to steadily increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases; fewer still have examined the consequences of increases beyond a doubling of equivalent atmospheric CO2 concentrations or assessed the implications of multiple stress factors.

Successful adaptation depends upon technological advances, institutional arrangements, availability of financing, and information exchange. Technological advances generally have increased adaptation options for managed systems such as agriculture and water supply. However, many regions of the world currently have limited access to these technologies and appropriate information. The efficacy and cost-effective use of adaptation strategies will depend upon the availability of finan

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