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I might say that a number of the things they discovered were things that were already under consideration in this new plan that Jim Garvey has just mentioned, and I think, generally, the survey will emphasize the need for going ahead and doing some of these things that are now under discussion between GSA, the Department of Defense, and ourselves.

Senator GRUENING. How long will it take before that report is finished?

Mr. GRAY. Well, it will be another 2 weeks, I would say, before the man who represented us on the committee and who of necessity will compile the report-he is on leave for the balance of this week. As soon as he gets back I expect him to make that his first job, to complete his compilation of the report.

Senator GRUENING. Will you be kind enough to submit a copy of the report to the committee?

Mr. GRAY. I will be glad to.31

Senator GRUENING. And I think the other agencies

Mr. GRAY. All who participated will automatically get the report. Senator GRUENING. I think the committee will appreciate having a copy of the report.

Also included in the record at this point will be a list of the personal property made available for distribution to public health and educational institutions, supplied by the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare.

31 This information when received will be placed in the files of the subcommittee.

(The tabulation referred to follows:)

Acquisition cost of personal property made available for distribution to public
health and educational institutions and civil defense organizations and real
property disposed of to public health and educational institutions

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[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Senator GRUENING. Thank you very much, gentlemen. We will
hold the record open for a few days in case any additional communi-
cations are received.

The committee will await the call of the Chair.

(Whereupon, at 3:30 p.m., the special subcommittee adjourned,
subject to the call of the Chair.)

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