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That brings us to the issue of cigarette taxation, and that's a difficult one because the States often do not have an effective remedy that is attractive-I mean, they do have the option of seizing shipments and that sort of thing, but I don't think the tribes or the States are particularly interested in that method of tax collection. To that I would say that it seems to me that we are occasionally asking the wrong question. It is true, as Senator Gorton points out, that the Supreme Court has said that tax can be collected, and, in fact, that the tribes can be required to collect it on sales to nonIndians. The question is whether we should require that.

One of the questions that remain unanswered in the debates that are taking place on the Hill is this-States have been authorized by the Supreme Court to tax on the reservations, but are they providing services to which reservation residents, Indian or non-Indian, are entitled? I believe that the balance of payment, if you will, in terms of State tax collection on the reservation and services provided by the States to the reservation is probably badly out of balance, and so some of the oddities that we see, like tribal smoke shops, are minimal compared to the impact of State taxation on the reservations. Because the States can tax and regulate on the reservations in at least some circumstances, the tribes are deprived of the ability every other government has to establish economic policy through taxation and regulation, and that is the great barrier to economic development on Indian lands.

Mr. Chairman, my time is up. Thank you very much for this opportunity.

[Prepared statement of Mr. Gover appears in appendix.] The CHAIRMAN. Thank you.

We'll go on to Ms. Hoffman.

Senator GORTON. Excuse, Mr. Chairman. I certainly would like to hear Mr. Gover's opinion on the tort part, even if it requires him to have a little bit of extra time.

The CHAIRMAN. Do you have some comments dealing with torts? Senator GORTON. It does certainly impacts BIA-do a lot of work on it.

Mr. GOVER. We have some thoughts on that matter, Mr. Chair


We do think that insurance is a likely vehicle for the resolution of many of these problems. We think, obviously, that persons injured by the tortious conduct of a tribal government need to be compensated. We think insurance is the better way to approach that, rather than waivers of sovereign immunity. We are not anxious, frankly, to become the insurer of tribal government activity or the insurance agent of the tribal governments. We think that the key provision in this bill is the requirement that we go out and look at the issue and try to understand with more specificity the degree of the problem.

There have been two excellent studies conducted under contracts awarded by the Department of Health and Human Services that I want to bring to the committee's attention where they look at the issue of access to private liability insurance for the tribes, and there are some very important observations and recommendations made in those studies, and I recommend them to the committee. I do believe this is an area worth pursuing.

I think it would be wise, however, for us to understand, again, the degree of the problem almost on a reservation by reservation basis before legislating on the matter, and we would be happy to work with the committee on defining the scope of an analysis to be carried out by ourselves and the Indian Health Service, I might add, to try to define the scope of the problem before we sort of go in with provisions, especially provisions that create some fairly burdensome requirements on the Bureau and on the Department to provide insurance or create some form of insurance coverage for the tribes.

The CHAIRMAN. Ms. Hoffman.


Ms. HOFFMAN. Good morning, Mr. Chairman, Mr. Vice Chairman, and members of the committee.

My name is Eileen Barkas Hoffman. I'm the Director of Special Projects at the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service. I'm submitting our testimony, for our Acting Director, Richard Barnes, for the record, and want to spend the next 5 minutes summarizing, and, of course, will answer any questions.

We applaud the committee's efforts, with S. 2097, which in its preamble says, "To encourage and facilitate the resolution of conflicts involving Indian tribes." Many of you may be familiar with the work of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, but, briefly, we are a Federal agency that was established by Congress in 1947 to mediate labor disputes and provide facilities for arbitration to avoid interruptions in interstate commerce.

Our responsibilities and expertise however, have expanded over the years, as we've been called upon to use the techniques of dispute resolution in other fields-to provide training in conflict resolution to labor management and others, did mediation services abroad and to entertain foreign delegations looking at how Americans resolve conflict.

Today, not only does FMCS offer dispute resolution services to labor and management, our original jurisdiction in the Federal Government, to companies and unions involved with interstate commerce and to States where they don't have a mediation service, but increasingly we are being asked to offer our services in other fields-call it alternative dispute resolution. And this is especially so under the Administrative Dispute Resolution Act of 1996, and its predecessor legislation in 1990.

A brief account of some of our efforts are included in our testimony. We have more than 300 employees situated throughout the United States, five regional offices and 200 staff mediators who are working with the parties to design their own systems, to work on resolving problems and to avoid litigation, if possible, in the courts. We also have a roster of more than 1,500 arbitrators who are private citizens who render awards in contract formation and interpretation disputes.

I don't want to say that we are the only organization. I think we are the largest-and I'm prejudice the best Federal organization in terms of dispute resolution, but we are looking outward and inward at ways to resolve problems. Congress looked at us as well.

In 1970 we were asked in-and one of our former directors actually mediated a land dispute involving the Navajo and Hopi Indian Tribes. Increasingly, we have been doing some work with Native Americans, and some of our experiences with the Indian tribes are included. We've been doing negotiated rulemaking involving Native American housing to produce by consensus a comprehensive regulation that deals with the implementation of the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act of 1996. We've also done work with Indian self-determination regulatory negotiations. In all of these efforts we tend to use a team of mediators who work throughout the United States and who have built up their expertise and experience looking at such issues as tribal self-determination, self-governance, housing and other issues. And what we've seen is that through negotiations first and then facilitation tribal leaders, concerned parties and those affected by the actions of tribal governments can find common ground and develop innovative solutions, rules and regulations.

Some general comments, though, on the legislation and the reason we're here. First, of course, we salute the use of ADR to resolve these issues, but we have some concerns, and I appreciate when you said it's a work in progress.

About the structures and the procedures in the proposed legislation-specifically, under section 101 of S. 2097 FMCS would provide the mediation and other dispute resolution services to assist the negotiations, and under section 103 would assist the newly formed intergovernmental ADR or alternative dispute resolution panel, and we have a few questions for clarification about this legislation, but, in general, as I mentioned, support its mission.

The nature of the negotiations-are they going to be binding or non-bind? We would hope but it seems a little confusing, but that may be just my reading of the text that in fact if there is no agreement it isn't binding, but, of course, every effort would be to have it binding if the parties agree.

The nature of the mediation-we also wonder if the mediation is going to be mandatory or optional and we would opt that it be optional, if possible. We believe if the tribes and all parties concerned can reach a resolution themselves, that's the most important thing. On the period of negotiation we would like that clarified.

I see that my time is up-I had a few more moments, but it's up to you.

The CHAIRMAN. We'll get back to you during the questions.
Ms. HOFFMAN. Okay, thank you.

[Prepared statement of Mr. Barnes appears in appendix.]
The CHAIRMAN. We'll go on with Mr. Fagan.


Mr. FAGAN. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and members of the committee. My name is Řenny Fagan and I'm the Executive Director of the Colorado Department of Revenue. Thank you for the opportunity to testify on the tax issues related to this bill.

Colorado's experience with the Southern Ute and Ute Mountain Ute Tribes is that negotiated settlements are an effective tool to both resolve disputes, and also to form long-standing economic

partnerships, and in that regard we see S. 2097 as an important means to bring parties together and establish a mediated settlement or a negotiated settlement, and, therefore, it can be an effective public policy tools for tribes and States.

It seems to me that there's some need for negotiated settlements that arise from the State of law itself regarding transactions taking place on tribal lands that involve non-Indians. As I understand the law, the courts really apply a balancing test between the tribal interests and self-government and self-determination versus the States' interest in collecting revenues for services provided to all, and that test is done on an individual fact-by-fact basis. In that kind of situation, obviously, either party has the risk of loss, and, therefore, a negotiated settlement seems like a negotiated settlement seems like a much better way to work things out. Even if the State wins, there are enforcement problems to the States, which have been touched on today.

A second main need is that there's a growing need for mutual economic success together, and that is better formed through negotiation and mediation rather than through conflict. I would like to briefly talk about an example of a tax compact in Colorado involving the Southern Ute Tribe, the county of LaPlata and the State of Colorado that dealt with oil and gas producing lands that were located within the Southern Ute Tribal Reservation, but the specific lands were reacquired by the tribe over time in their original origins in terms of allotment and whether they were alienated and whatnot was really at issue. The county was concerned that the reacquisition of lands by the tribes would lead to a loss of its tax base. The parties fought it out in court with the tribes winning in the Federal District Court and also that being reversed by the Tenth Circuit. So at that point the parties sat down. The Lieutenant Governor of the State came in as a party to negotiate, along with the former Director of Natural Resources for the State that was hired by the county, and the tribes showed great leadership and willingness to resolve the dispute.

The way it ended up was a classic compromise, I think, of the tribe retaining its sovereignty and with an explicit tax compact that says that the State and county may not assess the lands, but in return the tribe took the bold step of agreeing to pay, make voluntary payments, in the amount of the taxes that would be owed. So it was a good win-win situation for an agreement, and it shows that negotiation can work based upon principled negotiations.

Another example would be in the gaming compacts that the State has with both the Southern Ute and Ute Mountain Ute Tribes that I was involved in that similarly involved successful negotiations based upon those issues of sovereignty and the issues concerning the State, which was to make sure that gaming conformed to what was legal in Colorado and did not exceed that. So our experience is that negotiated settlements can be effective tools and are good ways to form partnerships.

With respect to certain comments on this particular bill, I think the main concern I would see from the State's standpoint is that the language that ties together the claims to be mediated with the claims that go to the panel be narrowed so that it's clear that only

those claims that the parties agreed to put in mediation would be those claims that would be considered by the panel, and in my written testimony I've pointed out some suggestions regarding section 102(e)(2) and section 103(c), as they tie together. Obviously, at any given time, a taxing authority can have several different kinds of disputes going with any taxpayer in the area of tribal law. There are recent cases that have involved race tracks, hotel casinos, cigarette tax, the fuel tax, activities occurring on a recreational lake. All those seem similar but they are actually a little bit different in terms of how the State taxes come up. So I think from the State's standpoint they wouldn't want-if you're trying to mediate or negotiate on one of those particular issues, that you're not opening up every State tax issue there is for the panel to come in and resolve, and I think those can be taken care of by narrowing down the language in those two sections.

Another suggestion would be to change the composition of the panel that would resolve the disputes. The way it's structured now there are three Federal members-one State member and one tribal member. I think from the State's standpoint they want to be assured that this process is going to be fair and that the kind of nuances of State tax laws will be fairly considered.

So my recommendation would be to narrow that panel to three members-one Federal, one State and one tribal-or to somehow expand State membership on that.

Another suggestion would be to continue to have mediation services allowed in the bill, but also to allow the parties to select their own mediators. In our case in Colorado having an outside party has been effective to shed new light on particular disputes and resolutions but they haven't been formal mediators. They have been probably people that have been selected by the parties in their own cases, so I think adding an option that parties can select their own mediators.

That will conclude my comments, thank you.

[Prepared statement of Mr. Fagan appears in appendix.] The CHAIRMAN. Thank you.

Mr. Columbus.


Mr. COLUMBUS. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and Mr. Vice Chairman. My name is Tim Columbus. I am a member in the law firm of Collier, Shannon, Rill and Scott and appear today on behalf of our clients, the National Association of Convenience Stores and the Society of Independent Gasoline Marketers of America. In the interest of time, Mr. Chairman, I'll summarize my statement.

At the outset, Mr. Chairman, both NACS and SIGMA's members want to commend you and the committee for holding this hearing and for your recognition of and efforts to resolve the problems arising from some Native American tribes of State, excise and sales taxes. All for the reasons I'll explain in a moment, NACS and SIGMA cannot support S. 2097. Both groups recognize its introduc

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