Kenya GazetteThe Kenya Gazette is an official publication of the government of the Republic of Kenya. It contains notices of new legislation, notices required to be published by law or policy as well as other announcements that are published for general public information. It is published every week, usually on Friday, with occasional releases of special or supplementary editions within the week. |
Common terms and phrases
acies as pei Afuca aiea Animals Ordinance Appioximate 10 acies appointed Apul area Movement beacons elected bianded Bird Licence boundary Building a/c carcase cattle ceitificate chaige Chief Veteimary Chief Vetennaiy Chief Veterinary Officei clean area comei danes defined Date of issue Dated this 11th day of Maich Diseases of Animals disinfected District Commissioner Distuct East Africa Entebbe entei Faim Farm Faun fiom Game Licences issued Gilgil hereby immunising test impoited infected area inoculated Inspecting Officei Inspector issue Residence issued Date Issuers of Permits Jubaland Kakmdu Kencho Kisumu Lamu lequned letum Machakos Mahomed maiket Mallem March Mombasa Nairobi Naivasha Nakuru Nan obi Nandi District Noith NOTICE Nyanza Province Nyeri Oidmance othei ownei pei boun person Pioduces Piotectoiate piovided Poits quaiantme Rivei Rumuruti Small tiee Tendei thence thiough Tiaffic tickets Timbei tiee Uaso Uganda UGANDA RAILWAY undei Veteimary Officei Vetennaiy Officer Veterinary Officer yy yy yy