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ical problems. A translation would be worth while and the little volume would find a very appropriate place on the reserve shelves of our libraries. ALBERT SCHINZ


Christian Literature in Moslem Lands. A study of the Activities of the Moslem and Christian Press in all Mohammedan Countries. By a joint committee appointed by the Committee of Reference and Counsel of the Foreign Missions Conference of North America and the Committee on Social and Religious Surveys. New York: George H. Doran Co., 1923. Pp. xii+ 306. $3.50.

This volume is more than a survey of the literature of Christian propaganda. It is a survey of the world-wide conflict that is now going on over more than half the world between Christianity and Mohammedanism. In December, 1921, a committee representing the twelve different regions into which the Moslem world was divided met at Cairo, Egypt, and during the next two months local committees appointed for the different regions were busy gathering materials. Eventually all were gathered together and thrown into the form which they have in the present volume, which is a sketch, or a series of bird's-eye views.

Considering the wide field covered and the obscure corners into which the investigation necessarily extended, the report is an exceedingly interesting document.

One of the first and most interesting facts brought out is the rising self-consciousness, in spite of the wide separation of its component parts, and the growing sense of unity in the Moslem world. Everywhere the stirrings of new life were manifest, and everywhere schools were multiplying in numbers, and the "ability to read increasingly coveted." The Moslem world is learning to read. In Egypt there is agitation for compulsory education. In India the enrolment of Moslems in the schools is five times as great as it was thirty years ago. In the great centers of Islamic life "the shrill call of the newsboy is now as much a part of daily life as the sonorous cry from the minaret." In Bagdad Arabs are reading the Pickwick Papers, and on the gulf ports of Iran the most popular literature is a translation of cheap detective stories.

In view of all these changes, there is a wide demand among missions for a literature which will appeal not merely to scholars, but to the com

mon man. Because of the influence which the newspaper has attained, it has been proposed to use it for evangelistic purposes.

What it actually intended to do is to set up in different regions in the Moslem world publication houses where the work of printing and publishing propagandic literature could be carried on for all the missions in a given region. The culture conflict between Christianity and Mohammedanism is to be fought out in the future through the medium of the printing press.



Rural Michigan ("Rural State and Province Series"). By LEW A. CHASE. The Macmillan Co., 1922. Pp. 490. $2.50.

Rural California (“Rural State and Province Series"). By E. J. WICKSON. The Macmillan Co., 1923. Pp. 399. $2.50.

Rural Texas ("Rural State and Province Series"). By WILLIAM B. BIZZELL. The Macmillan Co., 1924. Pp. 477. $2.50.

These books represent an effort to compile for each state such information as seems pertinent to rural life. Each can be expected to have little vogue without the political limits of the state it describes. The objective of the editor and publishers is doubtless to get these books into the high schools. Each book for its state serves as a sort of compromise between a text on rural statistics and a digest of state and federal reports.

In so far as these publications describe the rural areas in terms of physical and climatic settings, or so long as they describe soils, mines, and other resources, they may have some meaning and interest for the prospective readers. But as statistical presentations they are bound to miss the mark because most of the figures are out of date before the books go to print, and before they have been in use long they are cluttered up with considerable useless material.

Some of the subjects taken up in this series are marketing, rural communication, and transportation. Probably more could be said on these subjects. Certainly more could have been said on the co-operative marketing corporations in California. All three books treat the subject "rural life," but in no instance is the problem of rural life discussed. Among these rural problems we would mention the recent increased migrations to the city, the decline of rural newspapers, the passing of the

village, and what is being popularly termed "the suburbanization of the small town."

Mr. Bizzell, in his Rural Texas, has gone a little further than his colleagues in the use of maps and charts. He has a chapter on state fairs, but he is so absorbed in the mechanics of organization that he misses an excellent opportunity to describe rural life.



What I Believe. By BERTRAND RUSSELL. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., 1925. Pp. 87. $1.00.

Quo Vadimus? Some Glimpses of the Future. By E. E. FOURNIER D'ALBE. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., 1925. Pp. 92. $1.00. Narcissus: An Anatomy of Clothes. By GERALD HEARD. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., 1925. Pp. 150. $1.00.

These three volumes are among the latest additions to the "Today and Tomorrow Series" with which E. P. Dutton and Company have been attracting attention. Although none of these little books are of such a character as to justify classification as contributions to science, they merit the attention of social scientists as well as of natural scientists on account of their value as readable, challenging statements in popular terms of what their authors believe to be some of the implications of the findings of modern science for the human life of the future. They are the sort of reading one would like for students specializing in sociology for the sake of the sort of background and stimulus they provide.

One of the three merits more particular mention here. Narcissus: An Anatomy of Clothes is, as the title suggests, a brief survey of the evolution of styles of clothing from earliest times to the present. The author presents the thesis that clothes, taken together with other elements of material culture, constitute a projection of the force making for evolution, and that as such their changes have partially replaced the changes of organic evolution. The author develops also an interesting but not convincing theory that changes in styles of clothing have been the consequence of changes in the styles of architecture. This book contains suggestions which might be worked out in a more thorough piece of sociological research.



Two Portuguese Communities in New England. By DONALD R. TAFT, PH.D. New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1923. Pp. 357. $4.00.

This is a careful and cautious statistical study of the Portuguese in New Bedford, Fall River, and Portsmouth. It is introduced with a review of the accessible literature in regard to the racial composition of the Portuguese, particularly with reference to the extent of admixture of the native Iberian stocks with the Negro.

The study shows that the Portuguese are, by all the accepted standards, a low-grade people, and one that responds very slowly to supposedly better economic and living conditions of the American environment. It shows pretty conclusively that this inferiority cannot, so far as present knowledge goes, be explained in racial terms. Inferiority in physical stamina, in culture, and in living conditions seems to be due less to fundamental racial than to local and historical factors.

Particularly interesting is the detailed analysis and comparison with other immigrant groups, of the high infant mortality rate among the Portuguese. For them, as for other immigrant groups, infant mortality seems to be correlated with eight specific conditions, namely: (1) Length of residence in the United States; (2) literacy and illiteracy; (3) knowledge of English; (4) methods of feeding; (5) family income; (6) employment of mothers outside the home; (7) frequency of pregnancies; (8) general intelligence, which may or may not be racial.



Social Problems and Social Policy. By JAMES FORD. Boston: Ginn & Co., 1923. Pp. xii+1027. $4.00.

Of the making of anthologies there is no end; perhaps because the stream of books is so swollen that nobody can compass more than a drop here and there. Most of these books, like lettuce heads, have so many outside leaves that we thank the anthologist and the cook alike for giving us only the hearts of them. There are cooks who serve our salads ready to the last trick; there are others who offer us the ingredients, which we may put together as we like, with or without dressing. Professor Ford belongs to the second group. His compilation of materials on social pathology covers five general topics: social purpose, social method, the problem of defectiveness, problem of poverty, problem of criminality. These 132 selections are arranged under 39 headings, but without any connect

ive tissue such as Park and Burgess furnished in their Introduction, or as Douglas, Hitchcock and Atkins provide in The Worker in Modern Economic Society. By the very nature of such a compilation there is no open door for the critic to enter. All one might conceivably quarrel about is the compiler's judgment on the merit of his contributors, and on this score he has acquitted himself, for they include the best names in the whole field of social pathology and ethics, and the selections are from their most representative works.



Days of Delusion. A Strange Bit of History. By CLARA ENDICOTT SEARS. Cambridge: The Riverside Press, 1924. Pp. xxvi+ 264. $3.00.

This is the story of William Miller, a rural preacher and prophet, whose millennial predictions were responsible for one of the most extraordinary religious delusions in the history of America, which has been singularly subject to religious hysteria.

The attention which has been directed in recent years to study of mass movements, to public opinion and propaganda, has lent a new interest to these outbreaks of fanaticism and hysteria. The author has given a strikingly candid, sympathetic, but critical account of the agitation which began in 1831 and ended October 22, 1844, when thousands of Millerites, having abandoned their homes and their ordinary avocations, went out into the open fields and waited all night, in the midst of a furious storm, for the end of the world.

As this account is based upon source materials, the letters and records of participants, as well as the accounts of eye-witnesses, the volume offers a very valuable body of materials for the study of the rise and decline not merely of a religious delusion, but of a religious sect.



Population. By CARR-SAUNDERS, A.M. New York: Oxford University Press, American Branch, 1925. Pp. 112. $1.00.

This little volume is one of a new series intended to furnish the general reader, in brief space and in simple language, all that he will want to know of our existing knowledge on, and at the same time to provide the

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