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of the area plan, the views of recipients of services under such plan;

(D) serve as the advocate and focal point for the elderly within the community by monitoring, evaluating, and commenting upon all policies, programs, hearings, levies, and community actions which will affect the elderly;

(E) where possible, enter into arrangements with organizations providing day care services for children so as to provide opportunities for older individuals to aid or assist on a voluntary basis in the delivery of such services to children;

(F) where possible, enter into arrangements with local educational agencies, institutions of higher education, and nonprofit private organizations, to use services provided for older individuals under the community schools program under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965;

(G) (F) establish an advisory council consisting of older individuals (including minority individuals) who are participants or who are eligible to participate in programs assisted under this Act, representatives of older individuals, local elected officials, and the general public, to advise continuously the area agency on all matters relating to the development of the area plan, the administration of the plan and operations conducted under the plan;

(H) (G) develop and publish methods by which priority of services is determined, particularly with respect to the delivery of services under clause (2); and

(H) establish effective and efficient procedures for coordination between the programs assisted under this title and programs described in section 203(b).;

(1) conduct efforts to facilitate the coordination of community-based, long-term care services designed to retain individuals in their homes, thereby deferring unnecessary, costly institutionalization, and designed to emphasize the development of client-centered case management systems as a component of such services;

(J) identify the public and private nonprofit entities involved in the prevention, identification, and treatment of the abuse, neglect, and exploitation of older individuals, and based on such identification, determine the extent to which the need for appropriate services for such individuals is unmet; and

(K) facilitate the involvement of long-term care providers in the coordination of community-based long-term care services and work to ensure community awareness of and involvement in addressing the needs of residents of long-term care facilities.

For purposes of clause (5)A), the term 'greatest economic need' means the need resulting from an income level at or below the poverty threshold established by the Bureau of the Census and the term 'greatest social need' means the need caused by noneconomic factors which include physical and mental disabilities, language barriers, cultural or social isolation including that caused by racial or ethnic status which restricts an individual's

ability to perform normal daily tasks or which threaten his or her capacity to live independently.

(b) (1) Each State, in approving area agency plans under this section, shall waive the requirement described in clause (2) of subsection (a) for any category of services described in such clause if the area agency on aging demonstrates to the State agency that services being furnished for such category in the area are sufficient to meet the need for such services in such area.

(2XA) Before an area agency on aging requests a waiver under paragraph (1) of this subsection, the area agency on aging shall conduct a timely public hearing in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph. The area agency on aging requesting a waiver shall notify all interested parties in the area of the public hearing and furnish the interested parties with an opportunity to testify.

(B) The area agency on aging shall prepare a record of the public hearing conducted pursuant to subparagraph (A) and shall furnish the record of the public hearing with the request for a waiver made to the State under paragraph (1).

(c)(1) Subject to regulations prescribed by the Commissioner, an area agency on aging designated under section 305(a)(2)(A) or, in areas of a State where no such agency has been designated, the State agency, may enter into agreements with agencies administering programs under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and titles XIX and XX of the Social Security Act for the purpose of developing and implementing plans for meeting the common need for transportation services of individuals receiving benefits under such Acts and older individuals participating in programs authorized by this title.

(2) In accordance with an agreement entered into under paragraph (1), funds appropriated under this title may be used to purchase transportation services for older individuals and may be pooled with funds made available for the provision of transportation services under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and titles XIX and XX of the Social Security Act.


SEC. 307. (a) Except as provided in section 309(a), each State, in order to be eligible for grants from its allotment under this title for any fiscal year, shall submit to the Commissioner a State plan for a two-, three-, or four-year period determined by the State agency, with such annual revisions as are necessary, which meets such criteria as the Commissioner may by regulation prescribe. Each such plan shall

(1) contain assurances that the State plan will be based upon area plans developed by area agencies on aging within the State designated under section 305(a)(2)(A) and that the State will prepare and distribute a uniform format for use by area agencies in developing area plans under section 306;

(2) provide that each area agency on aging designated under section 305(a)(2)(A) will develop and submit to the State agency for approval an area plan which complies with the provisions of section 306;

(3)(A) provide that the State agency will evaluate the need for supportive services (including legal services legal assistance), nutrition services, and multipurpose senior centers within the State and determine the extent to which existing public or private programs meet such need; and

(B) provide assurances that the State agency will spend in each fiscal year, for services to older individuals residing in rural areas in the State assisted under this title, an amount equal to not less than 105 percent of the amount expended for such services (including amounts expended under title V and title VII) in fiscal year 1978;

(4) provide for the use of such methods of administration (including methods relating to the establishment and maintenance of personnel standards on a merit basis, except that the Commissioner shall exercise no authority with respect to the selection, tenure of office, or compensation of any individual employed in accordance with such methods) as are necessary for the proper and efficient administration of the plan, and, where necessary, provide for the reorganization and reassignment of functions to assure such efficient administration;

(5) provide that the State agency will afford an opportunity for a hearing upon request to any area agency on aging submitting a plan under this title, to any provider of a service under such a plan, or to any applicant to provide a service under such a plan;

(6) provide that the State agency will make such reports, in such form, and containing such information, as the Commissioner may require, and comply with such requirements as the Commissioner may impose to insure the correctness of such reports;

(7) provide satisfactory assurance that such fiscal control and fund accounting procedures will be adopted as may be necessary to assure proper disbursement of, and accounting for, Federal funds paid under this title to the State, including any such funds paid to the recipients of a grant or contract;

(8) provide that the State agency will conduct periodic evaluations of activities and projects carried out under the State plan;

(9) provide for establishing and maintaining information and referral services in sufficient numbers to assure that all older individuals in the State who are not furnished adequate information and referral services under section 306(a)(4) will have reasonably convenient access to such services;

(10) provide that no supportive services including nutrition serv jees, or nutrition services, will be directly provided by the State agency or an area agency on aging, except where, in the judgment of the State agency, provision of such services by the State agency or an area agency on aging is necessary to assure an adequate supply of such services, or where such services are directly related to such State or area agency on aging's administrative functions, or where such services of comparable quality can be provided more economically by such State or area agency on aging;

(11) provide that subject to the requirements of merit employment systems of State and local governments, preference shall be given to individuals aged 60 or older for any staff positions (full time or part time) in State and area agencies for which such individuals qualify;

(12) provide assurances that the State will

(A) establish and operate, either directly or by contract or other arrangement with any public agency or other appropriate private nonprofit organization which is not, other than an agency or organization which is responsible for licensing or certifying long-term care services in the State or which is not an association (or an affiliate of such an association) of long-term care facilities (including any other residential facility for older individuals), a long-term care ombudsman program which will provides an individual who will, on a full-time basis

(i) investigate and resolve complaints made by or on behalf of older individuals who are residents of longterm care facilities relating to administrative action which may adversely affect the health, safety, welfare, and rights of such residents;

(ii) monitor the development and implementation of Federal, State, and local laws, regulations, and policies with respect to long-term care facilities in that State;

(iii) provide information as appropriate to public agencies regarding the problems of older individuals residing in long-term care facilities;

(iv) provide for training staff and volunteers and promote the development of citizen organizations to participate in the ombudsman program; and

(v) carry out such other activities as the Commissioner deems appropriate;

(B) establish procedures for appropriate access by the ombudsman to long-term care facilities and patients' records, including procedures to protect the confidentiality of such records and ensure that the identity of any complainant or resident will not be disclosed without the written consent of such complainant or resident, or upon court order;

(C) establish a statewide uniform reporting system to collect and analyze data relating to complaints and conditions in long-term care facilities for the purpose of identifying and resolving significant problems, with provision for submission of such data to the agency of the State responsible for licensing or certifying long-term care facilities in the State and to the Commissioner on a regular basis; and

(D) establish procedures to assure that any files maintained by the ombudsman program shall be disclosed only at the discretion of the ombudsman having authority over the disposition of such files, except that the identity of any complainant or resident of a long-term care facility shall not be disclosed by such ombudsman unless

(i) such complainant or resident, or his legal representative, consents in writing to such disclosure; or

(ii) such disclosure is required by court order; and (E) in planning and operating the ombudsman program, consider the views of area agencies on aging, older individuals, and provider agencies;

(13) provide with respect to nutrition services that

(A) each project providing nutrition services will be available to individuals aged 60 or older and to their spouses, and may be made available to handicapped or disabled individuals who have not attained 60 years of age but who reside in housing facilities occupied primarily by the elderly at which congregate nutrition services are provided;

(B) primary consideration shall be given to the provision of meals in a congregate setting, except that each area agency (i) may award funds made available under this title to organizations for the provision of home delivered meals to older individuals in accordance with the provisions of subpart 2 of part C, based upon a determination of need made by the recipient of a grant or contract entered into under this title, without requiring that such organizations also provide meals to older individuals in a congregate setting; and (ii) shall, in awarding such funds, select such organizations in a manner which complies with the provisions of subparagraph (H) subclause (H),

(C)(i) each project will permit recipients of grants or contracts to charge participating individuals solicit voluntary contributions for meals furnished in accordance with guidelines established by the Commissioner, taking into consideration the income ranges of eligible individuals in local communities and other sources of income of the recipients of a grant or contract; and (ii) such charges voluntary contributions will be used to increase the number of meals served by the project involved, to facilitate access to such meals, and to provide other supportive services directly related to nutrition services;

(D) in the case of meals served in a congregate setting, a site for such services and for comprehensive supportive services is furnished in as close proximity to the majority of eligible individuals' residences as feasible, with particular attention upon a multipurpose senior center, a school, a church, or other appropriate community facility, preferably within walking distance where possible, and where appropriate, transportation to such site is furnished;

(E) each project will establish outreach activities which assure that the maximum number of eligible individuals may have an opportunity to participate;

(F) each project may establish and administer the nutrition project with the advice of persons competent in the field of service in which the nutrition project is being provided, older individuals who will participate in the program, and of persons who are knowledgeable with regard to the needs of older individuals;

(G) each project will provide special menus, where feasible and appropriate to meet the particular dietary needs

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