Continued from page 39 Addresses: Comments may be mailed to the executive secretary, Marine Safety Council (GLRA-2/3406) (CGD 91-204), U.S. Coast Guard headquarters, 2100 Second Street, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20593-0001, or may be delivered to room 3406 at the above address between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m., Monday through Friday, except federal holidays. The telephone number is (202) 267-1477. The executive secretary maintains the public docket for this rulemaking. Comments will become part of this docket and will be available for inspection or copying at room 3406. A copy of the material listed in "Incorporation by Reference" of this preamble can be inspected at room B110, Coast Guard headquarters. For further information, contact: LCDR Paul Jewell, project manager, Oil Pollution Act Office, U.S. Coast Guard headquarters, (202) 267-6746. Notice of advisory committee for regulatory negotiation CGD 91-034/90-068, Vessel response plans, and carriage and inspection of discharge-removal equipment (33 CFR part 155) RIN 2115-AD81 and 66 (January 10). The Coast Guard is announcing the establishment of the Oil Spill Response Plan Negotiated Rulemaking Committee to develop a report, including a recommended proposed and final rule, concerning tank vessel oil spill response plans and carriage of removal equipment. The rulemaking will implement certain amendments to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act included in OPA 90. The committee will adopt its recommendation through a negotiation process. The committee is composed of persons who represent the interests substantially affected by the regulations. For further information, contact: LCDR Glenn Wiltshire, project manager, OPA 90 staff (G-MS-1) at (202) 267-6739. Notice of establishment CGD 92-001, Merchant Marine Personnel Advisory Committee establishment (January 10). The secretary of the Department of Transportation has approved the establishment of the Merchant Marine Personnel Advisory Committee. The purpose of the committee is to provide expertise on matters concerning personnel in the U.S. merchant marine, including, but not limited to: training, qualifications, certification, documentation and fitness standards as required by the Coast Guard. For further information, contact: LCDR Scott J. Glover, Merchant Vessel Personnel Division, (202) 267-0221. This notice is issued under the authority of the Federal Advisory Committee Act, Public Law 92-463, 5 U.S.C. App. 1. Notice of availability CGD 90-051, Draft regulatory impact analysis, including Regulatory Flexibility Act analysis, and finding of no significant impact for double hull standards for tank vessels carrying oil (33 CFR part 157) RIN 2115-AD61 (January 15). The Coast Guard has prepared a draft regulatory impact analysis (RIA), including a Regulatory Flexibility Act analysis, an Environmental Assessment (EA) and a draft finding of no significant impact (FONSI) on the human environment for double hull standards for tank vessels carrying oil. The draft RIA is part of a programmatic RIA which will address the individual and cumulative impacts from all the regulations issued under titles IV and V of OPA 90. The Coast Guard accepted comments on both the drafts RIA and FONSI by February 14, 1992. Copies of the draft RIA, the EA and the draft FONSI are available for inspection and copying at Coast Guard headquarters, room 3406, between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m., Monday through Friday, except federal holidays. Telephone: (202) 267-6740. Copies of these documents may also be obtained by contacting Mr. Bruce Novak, manager, clearance and coordination, OPA 90 staff, (202) 267-6189. Although there is no fee for the EA and the draft FONSI, high production costs for the draft RIA require a $25.00 per copy fee. Checks should be made payable to the U.S. Treasury. For further information, contact: Mr. Albert J. Klingel, Jr., OPA 90 staff, (202) 267-6818. The Gloucester fishing schooner Evelyn & Ralph ran ashore in dense fog at Maddaquecham on the south shore of U.S.Department of Transportation United States 2100 Second St., S.W. Washington, D.C. 20593 Official Business Penalty for Private Use $300 Postage and Fees Paid United States Coast Guard DOT 514 U.S.MAIL Proceedings is published bimonthly by the Coast Guard's Office of Marine Safety, Security and Environmental Protection, in the interest of safety at sea under the auspices of the Marine Safety Council. Special permission for republication, either in whole or in part, with the exception of copyrighted articles or artwork, is not required provided credit is given to this magazine. The views expressed are those of the authors and do not represent official Coast Guard policy. All inquiries and requests for ubscriptions should be addressed to Editor, Proceedings Magazine, U.S. Coast Guard (G-MP-4), 2100 Second Street, SW, Washington, DC 20593-0001; (202) 267-1408. Please include mailing label when sending a change of address. The Office of the Secretary of Transportation has determined that the publication of this periodical is necessary in the transaction of the public business required by law of this agency. Admiral J. William Kime, USCG Commandant Proceedings of the Marine Safety Council May-June, 1992 Vol. 49, No 3 Special issue on Oil Pollution Act of 1990 1) Coast Guard responds to OPA 90 3) No more "business as usual" Mr. Jim Bennardo 9) OPA 90: Boon to shipyards? CAPT Warren G. Leback 16) Efforts unite in OPA 90 research and development How facilities will respond to OPA 90 All aboard ---- reliable crews Mr. James W. Cratty 23) The Marine Safety Council of the United States Coast Guard 28) 30) Rear Admiral Paul E. Versaw, USCG Chief Counsel, Chairman How tugs can prevent pollution LCDR Tim Healey Rear Admiral Peter A. Bunch, USCG Chief, Office of Engineering, Logistics and Development, Member Rear Admiral William P. Leahy, Jr., USCG Chief, Office of Law Enforcement and Defense Operations, Member Rear Admiral A. E. "Gene" Henn, USCG Chief, Office of Marine Safety, Security and Environmental Protection, Member State regulations bring problems and opportunities LCDR Rhae Giacoma 36) Area committees... to respond before oil spills LTJG Timothy D. Denby Mr. Robert M. Gauvin 40) Staffing stitch in time Mr. Jim Bennardo Departments 41) Safety Alert Rear Admiral William J. Ecker, USCG Chief, Office of Navigation Safety and Waterway Services, Member 42) Chemicals of the month: Olive oil and castor oil Rear Admiral Ronald M. Polant, USCG Chief, Office of Command, Control and Communications, Member LCDR Donald M. Wrye Acting Executive Secretary Ms. Betty A. Murphy Editor/Desktop Publisher DIST (SDL No. 130) C: n(4); adek(3); blo(2); cfgijmpqrtuvwxyz(1). E: kn(2). F: abcdehjkloqst(1). 49) Canada and United States team up against oil pollution Mr. Rick Booth LCDR Donald S. Delikat, USCGR 53) Aircraft "push the envelope" CDR Scott Cooper 57) Before OPA 90... Delays confound Kayangle LT Donald T. Noviello 60) Spill prevented in concrete ships off Kiptopeke 63) Coast Guard "can do" in new role 65) National Strike Force builds up |