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At this epoch there existed in Belgium only the depots of mendicity created by Napoleon in the provinces (then departments). The administration differed in one department from that of another. In a word, there was no homogeneity, and the cost augmented progressively. With this fact in view it was decided to concentrate in establishing one sole, central station, situated at Hoogstraeten and Merxplas.

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At the outset, when the colonists were first confined, the length of term was from fifteen days to six months. But it was soon perceived that it was always the same individuals who returned to the colony: and as a consequence, the revised law of Mr. Le Jeune fixed the term at two to seven years for backsliders (recidivists) who returned.

The financial organization of the Belgian colonies is of the simplest for each able-bodied colonist is paid 66 centimes (13) 1-5 of an American cent) per day and per man. For incapaci

tated inmates whose state of health demands a special regimen, there are paid 30 American cents per man, per day. One-third of this last-named sum is paid by the state, one-third by the province, and one-third by the commune to which the individual belongs. By means of this sum (66 centimes or Fr. 1.50) the administration of the colonies must without any subsidy from the government cover all expenses resulting from buildings,

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food, clothing, administration expenses, cost of first material, cattle, etc. These sums are evidently insufficient to cover the obligations of an establishment of this importance. But it is here that the practical rôle of the colony appears. There is demanded of the colonist, as a result of his work, a sufficient sum to supplement the expenses. The net product of the work of the colonists amounts annually to Frs. 400,000 ($80,000). But this profit itself is possible only in an establishment as vast as Merxplas, or where among the popu'ation are to be found labor

ers in every trade. The organization of the colony is fundamentally agricultural, but experience has proved that skilled laborers are bad agriculturists. It was decided against their will to introduce foundries, smithies, workshops for mat-making. sabot-making, tailor work, a tannery, to supply employment in making carpets, furniture, shoes, straw hats, cement

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pipes and slabs, brick (8,000,000 per year), pottery, carriages and wagons, pearl buttons, trunks, and to provide work in weaving, spinning, preparation of chicory and tobacco, printing, book-binding, besides operating gas-works, water-works, mills, bakery, etc.

In order to avoid competition with outside labor, a question that concerns the o'd world as well as America, the government employs as much as possible the output of this labor for government uses. It should be said that the bricks are used only in

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