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Prepared statements, etc.-Continued

Cartter, Dr. Allan M., vice president, American Council on Education,
article entitled, "Tax Reliefs and the Burden of College Costs".

Celebrezze, Hon. Anthony J., Secretary of Health, Education, and


[ocr errors]

Estimated costs for attending college (chart) -

Family eligibility for student assistance under title IV..
Higher Education Act of 1965 (chart) __



[ocr errors]

Cone, Keith G., senior vice president, LaSalle National Bank, Chicago,


Appendix A.-General description and statistics concerning

statewide loan guarantee programs...

Appendix B.-State-by-State breakdown of loans outstanding un-
der United Student Aid Funds, Inc., as of December 31, 1964.
Cottingham, Harold F., president, American Personnel & Guidance
Association, statement by..

Daniels, B. L., secretary, Pennsylvania Bankers Association, Harris-
burg, Pa., resolution__.


Supplementary testimony-


[merged small][ocr errors]

Fulton, Hon. Richard, a Representative in Congress from the State
of Tennessee, letter to Chairman Green, dated February 9, 1965---
Goldhor, Hert, director, Graduate School of Library Science, Univer-
sity of Illinois, statement by.

Golter, Robert A., librarian, Wheaton College, statement_by_
Harley, William G., president, National Association of Educational
Broadcasters, letter to Chairman Green, dated April 2, 1965-----

Harrington, Dr. Fred H. president, University of Wisconsin, Madison,


"Recommendations on Desirable National Action Affecting

Higher Education".

Testimony by-

Heartfield, Maurice H. K., assistant treasurer, George Washington
University, letter to Chairman Green, dated March 11, 1965_._.

Hesburgh, Father Ted, president, Notre Dame University, letter to

Congressman Brademas, dated April 13, 1965.




Hopkins, H. Palmer, director, student loan aid, University of Mary-
land, letter to Chairman Green, dated April 20, 1965....

Hovde, Frederick L., president, Purdue University, letter to Congress-

man Brademas, dated April 8, 1965.

Hutson, Harold H., provost, American University, letter to Chairman
Green, dated March 23, 1965...


Prepared statements, etc.-Continued

Hutton, Carroll M., education director, United Automobile, Aerospace
& Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-ĈIO,
testimony of....

Johnson, Ruth E., student loan officer, American University, article
in the Wall Street Journal entitled, "Student Loan Program
Troubled Increasingly by Lagging Repayment".
Kauffman, Dr. Joseph F., director, Higher Education Services, Ameri-
can Personnel & Guidance Association, statement by Robert P.
Huff, chairman, Commission on Financial Aid of the American Col-
lege Personnel Association..

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

scope of student financial

assistance during fiscal year 1966 (table)---

Summary report-Resident and extension enrollments in institu-

tions of higher education, fall 1963.......

Request for partial advance of funds, national defense

student loan program (form)..

Table 1.-Resident and extension students in fall 1963, by

type of enrollment, institutional control, and sex of

student, and percent change from fall 1961: Aggregate

United States.

Table 2.-Resident and extension students enrolled in work
creditable toward a bachelor's or higher degree in institu-
tions of higher education, by type of enrollment and by
region and State: Fall 1963__.

Table 3.-Resident and extension students in institutions of
higher education, by type of enrollment, and by type and
control of institution: Aggregate United States, fall 1963.

Undergraduate student support from Federal research funds....

Knowles, Asa, president, Northeastern University, Boston, Mass.,
letter to Chairman Green, dated March 17, 1965--

Lang, Father Jovian, O.F.M., librarian, Quincy College, Quincy, Ill.,

statement by...





Magrogan, Lawrence J., financial aid officer, Catholic University of
America, letter to Chairman Green, enclosing a summary of repay-
ment data on NDEA by payment date with percentage collected
and percentage of delinquency uncollected..


Marshall, Allen D., president, United Student Aid Funds, Inc.:
Exhibit A.--Amendments to H. R. 3220__


Letter to Chairman Green, dated March 9, 1965..


McNeal, Dr. Archie L., director of libraries, University of Miami,
Coral Gables, Fla.-Exhibit 1.—Southern_Association of Colleges
and Schools, Inc.-Standards for colleges, December 4, 1963------




Memorandum regarding titles I and II of the Higher Education
Facilities Act of 1963..


Exhibit 5.-Percents past due by State for reporting period,

November 1, 1963-October 31, 1964, of the total amount

due collected and uncollected ($18.1 M) national percent

past due 16.4 percent....

Three colleges officially indicating their unwillingness to partici-

pate in the national defense student loan program because of the

requirement of the loyalty oath.

Patterson, William R., assistant to the treasurer, Georgetown Univer-
sity, letter to Chairman Green, dated April 23, 1965.
Perry, Margaret E., Department of Admissions, University of Chicago,
memorandum to Julian H. Levi enclosing two documents..
Reeher, Kenneth R., executive director, Pennsylvania Higher Educa-
tion Assistance Agency, Harrisburg, Pa., letter to Chairman Green,
dated April 12, 1965, enclosing report -

Rickover, Adm. Hyman G., speech entitled, "Fact and Fiction in

American Education".

Robbins, Paul H., P.E., executive director, National Society of Pro-
fessional Engineers, letter to Chairman Green, dated April 5, 1965--
Rolvaag, Hon. Karl F., Governor, State of Minnesota, letter to Con-
gressman Fraser, dated May 14, 1965..

Schenkkan, Robert, chairman, Board of Educational Television Sta-

tions, statement by.

Scott, John E., librarian, West Virginia State College, statement by-
Spitznagle, Rev. C. S., S.J., bursar, Creighton University, letter to

Chairman Green, dated March 22, 1965.








Tribbey, Walter J., president, Draughton School of Business, Okla-
homa City, Okla.:

Exhibits A-F..


Joint statement by Walter J. Tribbey and Prentiss Cornell, III.
Three letters of recommendation__



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