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Is there such

a thing as "good cholesterol"?

You may have heard the terms "good cholesterol" and "bad cholesterol." These terms refer to substances called lipoproteins, which are "transport vehicles" that carry cholesterol in the blood. There are several kinds of lipoproteins. High-density lipoprotein (HDL) is often called the "good" kind because it removes cholesterol from the bloodstream, carrying it to the liver. The "bad" kind of cholesterol is transported by low-density lipoprotein (LDL). This is the cholesterol that gets deposited inside the arteries, where it may build up over time and eventually block the flow of blood. High levels of LDL increase your risk of heart disease, while high HDL levels lower your risk.

Diet can affect levels of LDL and HDL in the blood, but there are no foods that contain these substances. A cholesterol screening usually tells you the total amount of cholesterol circulating in your blood, but not how much of it comes from HDL and LDL. If your total cholesterol level is over 200 mg/dl and you have other risk factors for heart disease, your doctor may request another blood test to find out what your HDL and LDL levels are. This test must be done after you fast for 12 hours. Talk with your doctor about how the various components of blood cholesterol affect your risk.

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I have trouble with my teeth and gums and have difficulty eating raw vegetables. How can I get enough fiber?

Cooked vegetables and fruits also supply fiber in your diet, as do cooked cereals and baked goods that contain whole grains. These will be much easier to chew. See your dentist or ask for a referral to one who specializes in dental problems of older adults. Much can be done to help your teeth and gums to make eating a variety of foods more enjoyable.

Things just don't taste good to me, so

I have no interest in eating. What can I do to perk up my appetite?

People often find that their senses of taste and smell get duller as they age. As a result, they may overload their food with salt or even lose interest in food. Be creative with herbs, spices, and lemon juice. They all add flavor that can perk up your taste again. Experiment with different spices to see what appeals to you. You may even want to try growing fresh herbs, either in your garden or in a pot on a sunny windowsill. Trying new recipes and choosing colorful foods in a variety of textures may also add interest to your meals.

I hate eating alone and as a result, I often skip meals. How can I make eating interesting?

Eating alone can be boring and sometimes even depressing. Many people don't want to spend time preparing meals just for themselves. Make an effort to make meals enjoyable. Try some of these ideas:

• Plan meals, set the table, light candles, play music, or eat when a television show you like is on. You deserve the same effort and care in preparing your own meals as the guests you might serve for a dinner party.

• Invite friends over for meals. You could each bring a part of the meal or trade portions of "planned leftovers."

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I've never liked eating breakfast. Do I need to eat breakfast to have a healthy diet?

It's not necessary to eat a big meal first thing in the morning. The important goal is to eat a balanced diet that includes foods from all the food groups each day. Set an eating pattern that works for you. For example, perhaps you like a mid-morning snack instead of a formal breakfast. Just be sure to make it a healthy snack, such as fruit and a muffin or toast. Often, people who skip meals eat too many snacks filled with empty calories.

What can I eat to help my arthritis?

Unfortunately, there is no food that relieves the pain of arthritis, but scientists are doing a lot of research in this area. You may see advertisements for food products or supplements that promise relief, but in truth they won't help you. A balanced diet will contribute to your overall good health, and avoiding too much weight will put less strain on your joints. There are also many simple tools such as jar openers that you can use to help you with everyday tasks. Contact your local chapter of the Arthritis Foundation, listed in the telephone book, for more infor

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Can I always believe what I read in the newspaper?

New research about diet and health often gets
in the newspaper or appears on the evening
news, but no matter how promising or dis-
couraging this news may be, making changes
in your
diet based on a single report is not
wise. Government agencies and health orga-
nizations, such as the U.S. Departments of
Agriculture and of Health and Human Ser-
vices (USDA and DHHS), the National
Academy of Sciences, and the American
Heart Association, base their recommenda-
tions on dozens of studies carried out over
many years. These groups continuously review
new research findings and make recommenda-
tions only when there is widespread agree-
ment among experts. Consult the resource list
included in this bulletin for sources of more


How do I know when

a claim that a food

product or supplement cures diseases is true?

These claims can be dangerous because they often prevent users from getting the medical help they need. They also create false hopes and waste money. In general, if it sounds too good to be true, it is. Suspect a product if it—

• makes outrageous claims, like curing a disease or reversing the aging process. No product or food has yet been proven to do either.

promises immediate or fast results.

⚫ does not list ingredients.

⚫ cites only one study or a preliminary study as proof of results.

• does not give information about possible side effects.

⚫ claims to be a secret formula.

• is available only from one source.

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