Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
adjourned amendments answer Anyang'-Nyong'o asked the Minister Assistant Minister Attorney-General Awori Badawy Bank of Kenya beg to reply Bill boreholes Central Bank Chair child Clause Commerce and Industry court brokers cubic metres debate Eldoret Airport Exchange Control Act farmers father foreign currency give going illegitimate institutions Islam issue J.N. Mungai Kenyatta National Hospital Kibaki Kibera Kisii Koech Kshs KTDA KUDHEIHA Leader of Government licensed Ligale Malindi Maore matter Members of Parliament Memorandum of Objects Minister aware Minister for Commerce Minister for Finance Ministry Misoi Mombasa Town money laundering mother Motion Muite Muslim Mwamzandi Ndotto Nyangaga Objects and Reasons Office Olenguruone Division Orengo Osogo parents payments Permanent Secretary point of order Police Private Notice problem Prof Question by Private Raila responsibility Shikuku street children task force Temporary Deputy Chairman Temporary Deputy Speaker Toyota Land Cruiser transactions Wameyo Wetangula