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chemical (CO2, nitrogen) regimes, including the influence of changing disturbance conditions (wind, drought, fire, pest frequencies). Because the direction and magnitude of possible climatic change is not known for all factors relevant to ecosystem dynamics, simulations and experimental studies should focus upon a broad range of such conditions. The potential rate of species migration (either assisted or unassisted) needs to be investigated further using appropriate models. A significant part of this activity should be devoted to further development of monitering strategies that would allow the collection of data on realistic forest responses through all major forest regions. Monitoring. The development and application of forest models requires improved global databases on the present conditions of the world's forests, as well as their associated site characteristics. It is crucial that these data-gathering activities are intensified, both through the global network of ground observations that can be made in many research institutes worldwide and through the collection of data from spaceborne sensors. For ground-based data collection, standardization and worldwide availability are key issues, as is the continuation of already ongoing observational series. Satellite remote sensing is in a promising stage of development, with respect to both enhanced processing protocols of existing time series of satellite data (such as AVHRR) and the development of sensors with improved capacity to measure ecosystem properties at high spatial and temporal resolution.

To improve the overall modeling framework for the assessment of global forest response to climate change, and to provide an appropriate background for the synthesis of more detailed studies, there is a requirement for process-based terrestrial biosphere models of ecosystem dynamics. These models should build on knowledge from all other levels of model development. Specifically, they should involve a sufficiently high number of plant functional types and forest types to cover the wide range of forests occurring in different climate zones. Various initiatives for the development of such models are currently underway (e.g.. Focus 2: Change in Ecosystem Structure, especially activity 2.3. in Steffen et al., 1992; Landsberg et al., 1995). To succeed, they need to be backed up by the research activities listed above.


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