Title 7-Agriculture (This book contains Part 1945 to End) SUBTITLE B-REGULATIONS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRI CULTURE-Continued Part CHAPTER XVIII-Farmers Home Administration, Department of Agriculture (Continued)............. 1945 CHAPTER XXI—Foreign Economic Development Service, Department of Agriculture........... 2101 CHAPTER XXIV-Board of Contract Appeals, Department of Agriculture................... 2400 CHAPTER XXV-Office of the General Sales Manager, Department of Agriculture....... 2507 CHAPTER XXVI-Office of Inspector General, Department of Agriculture......... 2610 CHAPTER XXVII-Office of Information Resources Management, Department of Agriculture .... 2700 CHAPTER XXIX-Office of Energy, Department of Agriculture......... 2900 CHAPTER XXx-Office of Operations and Finance, Department of Agriculture 3010 CHAPTER XXXI-Office of Environmental Quality, Depart ment of Agriculture 3100 |