Part CHAPTER I-PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES SUBCHAPTER A-GENERAL PROVISIONS Page [Reserved] Confidentiality of alcohol and drug abuse patient Protection of identity-research subjects [Reserved] 77 National Library of Medicine .... 31 Designation of health professional(s) shortage areas 34 6 Federal tort claims act coverage of certain grant- 52 31 Medical care for certain personnel of the Coast 79 Medical care for persons with Hansen's disease and 84 34 Medical examination of aliens 85 Hospital and station management 91 Indian health...... 99 37 Specifications for medical examinations of under ground coal miners 144 Policies of general applicability .... Requirements applicable to the protection and ad- 161 177 51a Project grants for maternal and child health 190 51b 51c Project grants for preventive health services 193 199 52 51d-51g [Reserved] Grants for research projects 215 52a 52b 52c 52d National Institutes of Health center grants 219 224 228 230 52e 52h National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute grants Scientific peer review of research grant applica- 233 236 53 Grants, loans and loan guarantees for construction Grants for construction of teaching facilities, edu- Grants for training of public health and allied 388 Grants for family planning services 397 59a National Library of Medicine grants 410 Health Education Assistance Loan Program 414 National Institutes of Health training grants 472 475 478 Health 482 Part 65a Page National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences hazardous substances basic research and training grants 485 National Research Service Awards 489 Agency for Health Care Policy and Research 495 .... National Institutes of Health (NIH) Clinical Re- 505 511 72 Interstate shipment of etiologic agents 520 75 Standards for the accreditation of educational pro- 529 80 84 85 Approval of Respiratory Protective Devices SUBCHAPTER G-OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH RESEARCH AND Administrative functions, practices, and proce- 542 543 608 85a Occupational safety and health investigations of 613 86 Grants for education programs in occupational 618 87 National Institute for Occupational Safety and SUBCHAPTER H-HEALTH ASSESSMENTS AND HEALTH EFFECTS STUDIES OF HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES RELEASES AND FACILITIES Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network 640 649 SUBCHAPTER A-GENERAL PROVISIONS PART 1 [RESERVED] PART 2-CONFIDENTIALITY OF AL- Subpart E-Court Orders Authorizing 2.61 Legal effect of order. 2.62 Order not applicable to records dis- 2.63 Confidential communications. 2.64 Procedures and criteria for orders au- 2.65 Procedures and criteria for orders au- 2.66 Procedures and criteria for orders au- AUTHORITY: Sec. 408 of Pub. L. 92-255, 86 SOURCE: 52 FR 21809, June 9, 1987, unless Subpart A-Introduction §2.1 Statutory authority for confiden- The restrictions of these regulations |