Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
30 districts Adhiambo Administration and Internal allocated answer arrest asked the Minister Assistant Minister Attorney-General beg to reply British Army British Army training chiefs clarify confirm Constitution court Defence Maj-Gen Deputy Leader district headquarters Eldoret ensure Ethuro funds give an undertaking Government Business House ID card identity card Immigration and Registration implementation Internal Security investigations issuance of IDs issue Kajwang Kenya Army Kenya Ports Authority Kimunya Kioni Kshs7 million Lamu District Leader of Government Lekuton Lesrima Letimalo Malindi matter Mbadi Minister for Lands Minister for Transport Minister has given Ministerial Statement Ministry Mombasa Motion for Adjournment Musila Mututho Nairobi Naivasha Nation Media Group Nkaisserry officers Ojode point of order police Provincial Administration Question deferred Recruitment Training Registration of Persons Samburu Standing Orders Temporary Deputy Speaker Thank Thursday Turkana County University of Nairobi verify vetting week