Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
21st January Achola answer Anyang'-Nyong'o asked the Minister Assistant Minister Awori back to school beg to reply beg to support Budget Committee cent collapse contradict the Constitution court case number create debate Deputy Speaker Division Bell document economy elected ensure Environment and Natural expenditure experts Gatabaki give Government Harambee Homa Bay House Business Committee investment involved issue Kagwanja Kakamega Karua Kisumu Kochalle Kofa Kshs44 million Makuyu Division matter Members of Parliament Migori District Minister aware Minister for Environment Minister for Finance Minister for Tourism Ministry Mohamed Mombasa Muhoroni Murathe Musyoka Mwakiringo Nairobi Stock Exchange Natural Resources Nyahururu O.K. Mwangi Obure Oloo-Aringo Omamo Parliamentary Service Commission Pensions Department point of order process of Budget Prof programmes PRSP Question responsibility Saitoti scrutinise Standing Order No.45 support this Motion taken to court taxation tell things Tourism and Information Treasury Bills