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Under the provisions of the Senate-passed version of H.R. 5, this program
supports eligible telecommunications partnerships organized on a state-
wide or national basis to develop, construct, and acquire telecommunica-
tions equipment; develop and acquire instructional programming; and obtain
technical assistance. Teacher training is also permitted. The purpose of
the program is to improve instruction in mathematics, science, foreign
languages, and other subjects such as vocational education primarily by
means of satellite or microwave relay between centrally located instructors
and students at schools in different locations, especially schools eligible
for Chapter 1 services or those in areas with scarce resources and limited
access to science, math, and foreign language courses.

Of the funds awarded to eligible telecommunications partnerships, not
less than 50 percent must be for services, equipment, or facilities for
local educational agencies eligible to receive Chapter 1 funds. Not less
than 25 percent of the funds must be for instructional programming.
Except in cases of demonstrated hardship for which the Secretary may waive
the requirement, grantees must provide a 25 percent match in funds. No
grant may exceed $10 million. The Department must compile and disseminate
a listing and description of the instruction made available.


In 1988, projects will be competitively selected, using the Department's General Administrative Regulations and the Senate-passed version of H.R. 5 as the basis for making selections. Since the program is new in 1988, no impact data are available.

1989 Budget Policy

No funds are requested for 1989 for this program. Support for the acquisi-
tion of equipment and facilities is a lower priority than teacher training
or the provision of services to students. Furthermore, services similar
to those which are authorized under Star Schools are available commercially
and through other educational institutions and agencies. The Department
also has the authority (under Science and Mathematics Programs of National
Significance, for example) to fund the development and delivery of instruc-
tional programming for students or teachers through two-way satellite
Communications, and has occasionally done so.


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1/ One percent of the total appropriation for Chapter 2 is reserved for the
Outlying Areas. An additional amount of up to 6 percent is authorized
for the Secretary's Discretionary Fund. The remainder is distributed
to the 50 States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico on the basis
of the 5- to 17-year-old population. No State receives less than
0.5 percent percent of the remainder.

An additional

2/ Under pending legislation, up to 1 percent of the total appropriation
for Chapter 2 would be reserved for the Outlying Areas.
amount of up to 6 percent would continue to be authorized for the
Secretary's Discretionary Fund. The remainder would be distributed to
the 50 States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico on the basis
of the 5- to 17-year-old population. No State would receive less than



School Improvement Programs

State Block Grants

0.5 percent of the remainder.

These figures assume that a full 1 percent of the total appropriation for Chapter 2 will be allocated to the Outlying Areas. However, because the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands is no longer participating in this program, some of the funds shown here for the Outlying Areas would be distributed to the 50 States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico upon enactment of the reauthorizing legislation.

3/ Amounts allocated to the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) and the Marshall Islands may be reduced in accordance with section 105(1)(2) of the Compact of Free Association Act of 1985 (P.L. 99-239); amounts not obligated to FSM and the Marshall Islands will be reallocated among other eligible recipients.

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