Kenya GazetteThe Kenya Gazette is an official publication of the government of the Republic of Kenya. It contains notices of new legislation, notices required to be published by law or policy as well as other announcements that are published for general public information. It is published every week, usually on Friday, with occasional releases of special or supplementary editions within the week. |
Common terms and phrases
1938 General Notice 1938 R BROOKE-POPHAM 2J tons Ditto Air Chief Marshal Anglo Egyptian Sudan Animals Ordin appoint auctioneer Class Magistrate's Court Colony and Protectorate Commissioner of Lands Court of Kenya Crown Lands Ordinance cusecs District Commissioner District Council Ditto Ditto Ditto Eldoret erected fire arms firing GAZETTE May 31 Gosar Parbat grant H M Supreme Court hereby given hereto Isiolo Justice KENYA AND UGANDA Kiambu District King's African Rifles Kisumu Kitale Kitui Laikipia District Licence Ditto TLB Licence TLB Machakos millimetres Mombasa Township Nakuru Nan obi Nanyuki North Nyen District NOTICE is hereby Notice WHEREAS Office OFFICIAL GAZETTE P O Box passengers Proclamation proposer and seconder purchaser Receiver General Notice Revised Edition Rex Cr rifled fire arms Road Service Licence Royal Air Force Royal Victorian Order Singh smooth bore Supreme Court Sessions Tambach thereof Thika tons Ditto Ditto tons Ditto TLB undersigned United Kingdom WATER ORDINANCE Water Right