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while on the premises, shall be posted in prominent places.

§35.2 Compliance with hospital rules.

All patients and visitors in stations and hospitals of the Service are expected to comply with the rules and instructions issued under the authority of the officer in charge.

$35.3 Noncompliance; deprivation of


Any patient who wilfully fails or refuses to comply with rules or instructions of a hospital or station or with regulations of the Service, may, by the direction of the officer in charge, be deprived of recreational or other privileges accorded patients. Any visitor who wilfully fails or refuses to comply with any such rules, instructions, or regulations may, by direction of the officer in charge, be denied visiting privileges.

§ 35.4 Noncompliance; discharge or


(a) If the officer in charge finds, upon investigation, that a patient other than a leprosy patient, by willful and persistent failure or refusal to comply with such rules, instructions, or regulations is seriously impeding the course of his own care and treatment, or that of other patients, he may (1) discharge the patient, or (2) if the patient is not a voluntary patient, arrange for his transfer to the custody of the authority responsible for his admission to the station or hospital. No patient shall be discharged or transferred on account of noncompliance if to do so would seriously endanger his life or health, nor shall any patient be discharged if his failure to comply is due, in the opinion of the officer in charge, to a mental disease or disorder.

(b) If the discharge or transfer of a patient is likely to endanger the health of persons other than the patient or officers or employees of the station or hospital, the officer in charge shall give advance notice to appropriate State, county, or municipal authorities of the discharge or transfer.

§35.5 Entitlement to care after & charge or transfer by reason of ma compliance.

No person otherwise entitled to can treatment, or hospitalization at Sen ice facilities, or in other facilities & the expense of the Service, shall be nied such care or treatment by reas of his prior discharge or transfer fro any such facility under the provision of § 35.4.

§ 35.6 Admissions; determination of e gibility for care.

Except as may otherwise be provide: for specific classes of patients by th regulations of this chapter, the office in charge of the station or hospital which application is made is authoriz to determine the eligibility of appicants, as beneficiaries of the Service for care and for treatment. Such deter minations shall be subject to review by the chief of the division of the Servic responsible for administration of the station or hospital concerned upon re ferral made by the officer in charge in doubtful cases or upon appeal made by an applicant who has been denied care or treatment.

§ 35.7 Admissions; designation of per son to be notified.

Every in-patient, at the time of admission to the hospital or station or as soon thereafter as practicable, shall be requested to designate a person or persons to be notified in case of emergency.

§35.8 Safekeeping of money and ef fects; withdrawals.

(a) A place for the safekeeping of money and effects of patients shall be provided at each station or hospital, and an itemized receipt therefor shall be furnished to the patient and to any other person who places money or effects therein for the benefit of the patient.

(b) Money and effects may be withdrawn only by or on behalf of the patient, by his legally appointed representative authorized to receive or dispose of his property (including the money and effects in the custody of the station or hospital), or by a person who is authorized, under the law of the

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ttate in which the station or hospital Lasers located, to receive or dispose of the atient's money and effects. In any ase in which the officer in charge has had actual notice of the appointment of a legal representative, withdrawals nay be made only by such representaive or in accordance with his written directions. No delivery shall be made under this paragraph unless (1) the person receiving the money or effects shall sign an itemized receipt therefor, eteror (2) the delivery is witnessed by two persons. The provisions of this paragraph do not prohibit withdrawals fmade necessary by the provisions of this part for the disposition of money comand effects left by patients on death or on departure from the station or hospital, or by the provisions of § 35.10.

$35.9 Disposition of money and effects left by other than deceased patients.

Money and effects left on the premeises by a patient shall be forwarded promptly to him. If because his whereabouts are unknown his money and effects cannot be delivered to him within 120 days after his departure, his money shall be deposited into the Treasury and credited to the account entitled "Money and Effects of Former Patients (PHS (T) name of patient)," and his effects shall be held for him for six months and then sold in accordance with $35.49, and the proceeds deposited into the Treasury and credited to the above account.

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The officer in charge shall cause to be destroyed effects brought into or received in the station or hospital area by patients which, in the judgement of such officer, are dangerous as a source of disease to the health or life of patients or personnel of the station or hospital or visitors therein and cannot otherwise be safely disposed of or rendered harmless by disinfection or other means. The destruction of effects shall be witnessed by at least one officer or employee designated for that purpose by the officer in charge, and appropriate records of the destruction shall be maintained.

§35.11 Clinical records; confidential.

A complete clinical record shall be maintained for each patient admitted to a station or hospital of the Service. Such records shall be confidential and shall not be disclosed except as may be provided elsewhere in regulations of the Service.

§35.12 Solicitation of legal business prohibited.

The solicitation, directly or indirectly, of legal business or of a retainer or agreement authorizing an attorney to render legal services, is prohibited in all stations and hospitals of the Service.

§ 35.13 Entry for negotiation of release or settlement.

(a) No person shall be permitted to enter a station or hospital of the Service for the purpose of negotiating a settlement or obtaining a general or special release or statement from any patient with reference to any illness or personal injury for which the patient is receiving care or treatment, or for the purpose of conferring with him as an attorney or representative of an attorney with reference to such illness or injury, unless the patient has signified his willingness to have such person enter for such purpose and, in the judgment of the officer in charge, the physical or mental condition of the patient will not thereby be impaired.

(b) Any person entering a station or hospital for a purpose enumerated in paragraph (a) of this section shall register in the manner prescribed by the officer in charge, and shall furnish for the records of the station or hospital the name of each patient by whom he has been received for such a purpose.

§35.14 Solicitation of legal business;

negotiation of release or settlement; assistance prohibited.

All employees of the Service and all persons attached in any capacity to a station or hospital, including patients, are forbidden to communicate, directly or indirectly, with any person for the purpose of aiding in the solicitation of legal business or in the negotiation of a settlement or the obtaining of a general or special release or statement from any patient with reference to any

illness or personal injury for which the patient is receiving care or treatment therein. No patient is prohibited by this section from communicating on his own behalf with an attorney of his choice or with other persons.

$35.15 Consent to operative procedures.

Except in emergencies when the patient is physically or mentally incapable of consenting and the delay required to obtain the consent of his natural or legal guardian would seriously endanger the patient's health, no operative procedure shall be undertaken unless the patient or, in the case of a minor or incompetent, his natural or legal guardian gives his consent, nor shall any major operative procedure or the

administration of a general anaesthetic be undertaken unless such consent has been obtained in writing. The consent or refusal of consent shall be made a part of the clinical record.

§ 35.16 Autopsies and

mortem operations.

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Autopsies, or other post-mortem operations, including removal of tissue for transplanting, may be performed on the body of a deceased patient only by direction of the officer in charge and only if consented to in writing by a person authorized under the law of the State in which the station or hospital is located to permit an autopsy or such other post-mortem operation under the circumstances of the particular death involved. Restrictions or limitations imposed by the person consenting thereto on the extent of the autopsy or other post-mortem operation shall be observed. Documents embodying consent shall be made a part of the clinical record.

[25 FR 6331, July 6, 1960]

§ 35.17 Fees and charges for copying, certification, search of records and related services.

A prescribed fee, in accordance with the schedule in paragraph (c) of this section, shall be collected for each of the listed services.

(a) Application for services. Any person requesting (1) a copy of a clinical record, clinical abstract, or other document containing clinical information;

or (2) a certification of a clinical recor or document; or (3) a search of clinica records, shall make written applicatio therefor to the Public Health Service facility having custody of the subject matter involved. Such applicatice shall state specifically the particula record or document requested, and the purpose for which such copy or docu ment is desired to be used. The applica tion shall be accompanied by a deposit in an amount equal to the prescribed charge for the service rendered. Where it is not known if a clinical record or other document is in existence, the ap plication shall be accompanied by a minimum deposit of $2.50.

(b) Authorization for disclosure. The furnishing of copies of PHS records containing confidential clinical information must comply with the requirements of part I, title 42, Code of Federal Regulations, governing authorization for the disclosure of such information.

(c) Schedule of fees.

(1) Photocopy reproduction of a clinical record or other document (through use of facility equipment): (a) Processing (searching, preparation of record and use of equipment), first page (b) Each additional page

(2) Certification, per document

(3) Unsuccessful searching, per hour (minimum charge 1 hour)

(4) Clinical abstracts, per request

(5) Arranging commercial duplication of a clinical record, per request

(6) If the requested material is to be transmitted by registered mail, airmail, or special delivery mail, the postal fees therefor shall be added to the other fees provided above, unless the applicant has included proper postage or stamped retum envelopes for this purpose.







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(d) Waiver of fee. The prescribed fee may be waived, in the discretion of the medical officer in charge, under the following circumstances:

(1) When the service or document is requested by another agency of the Federal Government for use in carrying out official Government business.

(2) When a clinical record is requested for the purpose of providing continued medical care to a Service beneficiary by a non-Service physician, clinic, or hospital, in which case the record will be forwarded only to the physician, clinic, or hospital concerned.


.: (3) When the service or document is --requested by an attorney in the prosrecution of a Service beneficiary's personal injury claim against a third person, involving the concurrent assertion of a government medical care claim under 42 U.S.C. 2651-2653. In such case, the service or document requested will -be furnished only upon compliance with all additional requirements for the release of records in third party recovery cases, including the proper execution of form PHS-4686, Agreement to Assign Claim Upon Request.

(4) When the service or document is requested by, and furnished to, a Member of Congress for official use.

(5) When the service or document is requested by, and furnished to, a court in lieu of the personal court appearance of an employee of the Public Health Service.

(6) When the service or document is required to be furnished free in accordance with a Federal statute or an Executive order.

(7) When the furnishing of the service or document requested without charge would be an appropriate courtesy to a foreign country or international organization.

(Sec. 501, 65 Stat. 290; 31 U.S.C. 483(a); sec. 215, 58 Stat. 690, as amended; 42 U.S.C. 216) [32 FR 6842, May 4, 1967]

Subpart B-Transfer of Patients

§ 35.21 Authorization of transfer.

Except as otherwise provided by law or regulation with respect to certain classes of patients, the officer in charge of a station or hospital of the Service may provide, without any cost to the patient, for the transfer of the patient either from such station or hospital to another station or hospital of the Service or to any non-Service station or hospital at which the patient may be received, or from any non-Service hospital at which he is receiving care or treatment as a patient of the Service to a station or hospital of the Service.

$35.22 Attendants.

Patients shall be transferred by such means and accompanied by such medical, nursing, or other attendants as

may be necessary to protect the health and safety of the patient and other persons likely to come into contact with him, including in the case of a prisoner such guards as may be necessary to assure his safekeeping. A female patient requiring the services of attendants shall be accompanied by at least one female attendant. Medical or nursing attendants shall be qualified to care for persons suffering from the type of disease or disorder with which the patient is afflicted and shall be provided with equipment and medicines necessary for the care of the patient.

Subpart C-Disposition of Articles Produced by Patients

§ 35.31 Retention by patients.

Subject to the rules of the station or hospital, patients may be accorded the privilege of retaining articles produced by them in the course of their curative treatment with the aid of materials furnished by the Service. Articles not retained by patients shall be disposed of as provided in this subpart. The provisions of this subpart do not apply to the products of industrial activities established for narcotic addicts.

§ 35.32 Board of appraisers.

The officer in charge shall appoint, from the personnel of the station or hospital, a board of three persons to serve at his pleasure. The board shall provide for the sale of articles having commercial value and shall keep appropriate records of such articles and their disposition.

§ 35.33 Sale; prices; deposit of proceeds.

The board shall determine and redetermine from time to time the prices at which articles are to be sold, and in doing so shall consider the cost of materials used, reasonable handling charges, and the fair market value of the articles. The sale price shall be indicated on each article by tag or other appropriate means, and a list of articles offered for sale and their respective sale prices shall be posted from time to time in the hospital or station area. In its discretion, the board may offer such articles for purchase by other patients or by charitable organi

zations before offering them for purchase to the general public. No article shall be sold or resold to any officer or employee of the Service. Moneys received from the sale of articles shall be deposited into the Treasury to the credit of the appropriation from which the materials for making such articles were purchased.

§ 35.34 Resale.

No article purchased under the provisions of this subpart shall be resold in the hospital or station area at a price to exceed the sale price fixed by the board for such article.

§ 35.35 Unsalable articles.

Articles having no commercial value shall be stored, destroyed, or otherwise disposed of as the officer in charge may direct.

Subpart D-Disposal of Money and Effects of Deceased Patients

§ 35.41 Inventory.

Promptly after the death of a patient in a station or hospital of the Service, an inventory of his money and effects left therein shall be made by two or more officers or employees of the Service designated for such purpose by the officer in charge.

§ 35.42 Notice upon death.

The officer in charge shall notify in writing all persons known to him to whom delivery of the patient's money and effects might be made hereunder, and, in the case of an alien patient, a consul of the country of his apparent nationality. Each person so notified shall be requested to furnish information concerning (a) the existence or whereabouts of any persons to whom delivery of the deceased patient's money and effects may be made pursuant to these provisions, and (b) the permanent residence or home of the deceased.

$35.43 Delivery only upon filing claim; forms; procedure.

(a) Delivery of the money and effects of a deceased patient shall be made only to a person who has filed a claim

therefor on a form prescribed by the Surgeon General.

(b) A claimant shall furnish, in addition to the information on the pre scribed form, such additional informa tion as the officer in charge may con sider necessary to establish the identity of the claimant and the truth d his statements.

(c) A person filing a claim as a lega representative shall be required to present letters of administration or a certificate of a court attesting his qualification or appointment.

(d) If a claim is made after the money, or proceeds from the sale of the effects, of a deceased patient have been deposited in the Treasury, the claim shall be referred to the General Ac counting Office. If the claim is for checks or evidences of indebtedness of the United States which have been trasnsmitted to the issuing agency pursuant to §§ 35.47 and 35.48, the claimant shall be referred to such agency.

§ 35.44 Delivery to legal representstive; to other claimants if value is $1,000 or less.

The money and effects of the deceased patient shall in all cases be delivered to the legal representative, if any, of his estate. If the value is $1,000 or less, and the officer in charge has neither notice nor other knowledge of the appointment or qualification of a legal representative, nor reason to believe that a legal representative will be appointed or qualified, he shall deliver all the money and effects, as soon as practicable after the expiration of 10 days from the sending of notices to one of the following in the indicated order of priority:

(a) A person, if any, designated in writing by the patient to receive the


(b) The patient's surviving spouse.

(c) The patient's child or children in equal parts.

(d) The patient's parent or parents in equal parts.

(e) Any other person who would be entitled to receive the money and effects under the law of the patient's domicile: Provided, That delivery of such money and effects may be made immediately upon application by one of the persons specified above if the of

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