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Watts, Harold W., 1077, 1221, 1222, 1223, 1224

Waxman, Chaim I., 1225

Weathers, Milledge W., 0200

Wedel, Joachim, 1846

Weeks, Lewis E., 0941.1

Weil, Gordon L., 1395

Weil, Roman L., 0154, 1708, 1709

Weinberg, N. Myrl, 0951

Weinberger, Paul E., 1396

Weise, Robert W., 1847
Weiss, Laurence, 1488

Weitenberg, Johannes, 0201
Welch, Finis, 1499

Weldon, J. C., 1619

Welfare Administration See HEW
Wentworth, Edna C., 0471, 0554
Werner, Michael P., 1461

Wertheimer, Richard F., II, 1028
West, Dorothy Bucklin, 1305

West, Howard, 0787

Winer, Jonathan H., 0472

Winklevoss, Howard E., 1710, 1876
Wise, David A., 1866
Wiseman, Jack, 2427.1

Wiseman, Michael, 1023, 1031

Witkin, Erwin, 0788

Witte, Edwin E., 0115

Wixon, Bernard, 0152, 1886
Wohlenberg, Ernest H., 1399
Wolfbein, Seymour L., 0472.1
Wolfe, Barbara L., 0697
Wolkstein, Irwin, 1503
Woodsworth, David E., 1850
Worcester, Dean A., Jr., 1400
World Health Organization, 0942

Worthington, Mark D., 1401

Worthington, Nancy L., 0800, 0801, 0802, 0803,
0836, 0837

Worthington, Paul N., 0838
Worthley, Reginald G., 1459
Woytinsky, W. S., 0116, 1501
Wyatt, Birchard E., 0117

Yankey, John A., 1402

Ycas, Martynas A., 1907

Yoffee, William M., 0591, 1851
Yohalem, Martha Remy, 1732
Yudof, Mark G., 1148

Zack, Allen Y., 0943

Zalusky, John, 0474

Zeckhauser, Richard, 0350, 1229
Zedlewski, Sheila R., 1028
Zeisset, Paul T., 2592

Zell, Steven P., 1502

Zelten, Robert A., 0839
Zickler, Joyce K., 1587
Zorn, Frances E., 1366
Zubkoff, Michael, 0839.1
Zuckert, Carol, 0371, 0573
Zuga, Connie S., 2426
Zwicker-Scannevin, Hugo, 2593

Westin, Alan, 2036

Wheeler, Benjamin W., 0655

Whilden, Margarett M., 0569

Whitby, Owen, 1934

White House Conference on Aging, Technical

Committee on Income, 0524

White, Kerr L., 1806

Wickenden, Elizabeth, 1226

Wicks, John H., 1295

Wilcox, Daniel A., 0045

Wildavsky, Aaron, 1078

Wilensky, Harold L., 1848

Williams, C. Arthur, Jr., 0108, 1500

Williams, Jeffrey C., 1218

Williams, Robert George, 1029

Williams, Walter, 0113, 1227

Williamson, John B., 1228

Wilson, Arnold, 0114

Wilson, Thomas, 1849

Winard, Arno I., 1166, 1343

Winegarden, C. R., 1030

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Aged (continued)

earnings, 0414

earnings levels, 0553

earnings, per annum,


economic dependency, 0414

economic impact of population increase, 0060
economic impact of poverty among, 0536

economic security for, 0060, 0312, 0963, 1740
economic status of, 0041, 0249, 0273, 0288,
0304, 0313, 0338, 0533, 0540, 0551.1, 1867,
2197, 2577

economic status in 1930s, 0092

economic status in 1952, 0552

economic status measurement, 1867

economic support of, 0533

and the economy, 0264, 0284, 0300, 0302, 0335,
0341, 0345, 0415, 0533, 0540, 0548
educational status, 0273, 0320

Eisenhower administration policy, 0028
employment, 0344, 0523, 0551.1, 0525, 2340
employment, cross-national study, 1751
employment services, 0318

equal credit opportunity, 2105
family budgeting, 0544

family relationships, 0306, 0588, 1735
family support, 0335

Federal benefit programs, 0346, 0347, 0348

Federal expenditures for, 0263, 0277, 1313

Federal financing of social services, 0952

Federal health care programs, 0346

Federal housing programs, 0346, 1250

Federal policy, 0058, 0263, 0285



programs for, 0287, 0346, 2207, 2301,

Federal retirement programs, 0346

Federal services for, 0291

Federal statistical programs, guide to, 2585
Federal-State programs for, 0344

filial responsibility for, 0587

food expenses, 0530

handbook on, 0341

handicapped, community services for, 2159

health care, 0278, 0305, 0730, 0902, 0936, 2254

health care costs, 0820, 0872, 2254

health insurance, 0263

health maintenance, 0542

health needs, 0872

health problems of, 1239

health programs, segregation in, 0293

health resources, 0264

[ocr errors]

Aged (continued)

health services for, 0344

health status, 0320

hearings, congressional, 0343, 2252

home health services, 0550, 0937, 2121, 2133

homeownership and equity, 0366

hospitalization under Medicare, 0764
housing expenses, 0530

housing loans, 2113

housing needs of the, 0963

housing programs, 1998, 2247

housing, public, 2113

housing services, congregate, 0550, 2154
image of, 0539.1

income, 0306, 0320, 0345, 0414, 0523, 0525,

0530, 0531, 0553, 2427

income adequacy, 0288, 0540

income, annual, 0531, 1867

income distribution, 0264, 0307, 0310, 0533

income maintenance, 0300, 0305, 0310, 0542, 1735

income maintenance programs for, 0344

income patterns of, 0414, 0522

income security, 0112, 0281, 0396, 0524

income sources, 0288, 0522

income support, 0105, 0313
income, 1973, 1278

income, 1975, 0274

[blocks in formation]

income-tested programs for, 0301

independent living, 0527, 0534, 0541, 0542
independent living, budgeting for, 0534
inflation, impact of, 1277
information bulletin, 2481

international study of population increases,

job satisfaction, 0268

Johnson administration policy, 0028
Kennedy administration policy, 0028
labor-force participation, 0395, 0548
legal representation, 2253

legal services, 0543, 0584, 2253

legislation for, 0048, 2067, 2100, 2164
legislative concerns, 2363

legislative jurisdiction over, 2301
lifestyle, 0002, 0273

living arrangements, 0273, 0523, 0539, 0550

lobbying organizations, 0291

local benefit programs, 0347

long-term care, 0872

medical assistance for, 0783
Medicare, 0304

mental health, 0902, 0963, 2121, 2133

migration, 0543

migration, interstate, 0521

minorities, 0490

mobility, 0543

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

population projections, 1865

political organization, 0291, 0383

postretirement earnings, 0531

poverty, 0285, 0324, 0553, 1101, 1239

politics, 0249, 0263, 1278

poverty impacts of population growth, 0536

poverty measurement among the, 1169

poverty population, community services for, 2155

poverty population, proportion of, 0274
poverty, among women, 0499

Presidential policy, 0028
private pension plans, 1707

private pensions, 0112, 2427
professional care of, 0326

program planning, 0281, 0305, 0318

programs for, 0278, 0588, 2067, 2164, 2248

property tax relief, 0535, 0535

psychology of, 0335, 0349

psychology of aging process, 0304

public policy, 0277, 0539.1

public service employment, 2089
regional medical programs, 0318
rehabilitation services, 2159

research, 0277, 0349

retirement, 0304, 0444, 0525

retirement decision, 0462, 0543, 0551.1, 2427

retirement expectations, 0578

retirement income, 0112, 0285, 0543, 0544, 2427

retirement income goals, 0252

retirement patterns, 0462, 0543

retirement satisfaction, 0578

retirement test, social security, 2340

savings, 0530

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Age Discrimination in Employment Act Amendments of
1978, 0413, 0418

employer responses, 0421

Federal employee coverage provisions, 2162
funding, 2075

government employee coverage provisions, 2075
private employers, 2075

provisions, 0404, 0460, 2144, 2162, 2244, 2364,

Age discrimination, 0287, 0459

in employment, 0265, 0287, 2209
Federal programs, 0287

legislation, 0386, 0397

mandatory retirement, 0463, 2162

Aid to the aged, blind, and disabled (AABD),

retroactive payments, 2384

U.S. Supreme Court decision, 2384

Aid to the blind (AB)

legislation, 2257

medical provisions, 1279

Aid to dependent children of unemployed parents
hearings, 2185

Aid to dependent children (ADC), 1371

legislation, 2047, 2257, 2275

State grants, 2318

Aid to families with dependent children (AFDC),
0986, 0991, 1000, 1018, 1028, 1192, 1260

absent father, 1203

absent father, child insurance for, 1412

administration of, 1004, 1009, 1010, 1281, 1380,
2165, 2193

Advisory Council recommendations, 1963
benefit formula, 1012

benefit termination, 0990, 0999

benefits for unborn children, 1005

benefits, 1025

budget administration, 1023

California program, 0984, 1017

caseload, 1023

caseload estimation, 1005, 1951

[blocks in formation]

employment guidelines, 1001

employment relationship, 1014, 1021, 1031
family budgeting, 1015

family structure effects, 0986, 1003, 1005,
1007, 1008, 1013, 1014, 1026, 1028, 1251,
1279, 1338, 2235

Federal administrative role, 1009, 1021
Federal-State relations, 1009, 1021, 1303
Federalization of, 1007

female-headed households, 2193
financing, 2130

food stamp eligibility, 1031, 1043, 2311
foster care program, 0994
fraud and abuse, 2003, 2003.1
General Accounting Office report, 1281
hearings, 1199, 1340, 2193, 2194
home visits, 1332, 2376

income distribution effects, 1011
income of recipients, 0998, 1030
interstate variations, 1963, 2387
interviewing, 0998

job training, 1002, 1332

labor market experience of recipients, 1014
labor-supply effects, 1332, 2139

legislation, 1038, 2226.2, 2282, 2316, 2337,
2369, 2407

lodger regulations, 1011
marginal tax rates, 0992
medical provisions, 0993
migration incentives, 1001
working mothers, 1006, 1022
negative income tax, 0993
negative tax rates, 1184
nonwhite recipients, 0993
orphans under, 0667
payment adequacy, 1003
payment data, 0993, 1131
payment data by State, 2383
payment data by county, 1381

payment errors, 0985, 2193

payment levels, 1011

policy, 2386

pregnancy benefits, 1012, 1028, 2389

program data, 1936 to 1962, 0991

caseload projections to 1985, 0994

casework, 1951, 2376

cash payments 1978, 0995

child support enforcement, 1019, 1026

client services, 0992, 2358

cohabitation, 0999

consolidation with child welfare services, 1040
constitutional considerations, 1031

constitutionality of monthly payment limitation,

role of courts, 1015

coverage issues, 0999

definition of dependent child, 2376

demographic data, 1014, 2403

program effectiveness, 2376

program growth, 1019, 1030, 2165

program trends, 2399

proposed reform for, 1002

quality control, 1017, 1041

recipient characteristics, 0984, 1004, 1021,
1332, 2243

recipient employment, 1015

recipient family characteristics, 1007, 1045

recipient rates, 1013, 1020

refugees, 1285

research, 0989, 1008, 1030, 1246

residency requirement, Connecticut, 2403

residency requirement, District of Columbia,


residency requirement, Pennsylvania, 2403

Aid to families with dependent children (continued)

rural, 2407

shelter allowance, 2358

Social Security Amendments of 1967, 0996
State administration, 0996

State administration, 1002, 1003, 1009, 1025,

State agency administrative data, 2410

State agency operations, 1021

State eligibility requirements, 0996, 2399
State payment data, 1019

statistical data, 1934

suitable home policies, 2296

tax rate changes, 1967-71, 2386

implicit tax rates on earnings, 0987

tax refund eligibility, 2334, 2389
implicit taxation in, 1013

Texas, benefits in, 1012
unemployed father, 2399

unemployed-father payment data, 1978, 2399
unemployment compensation, 1015, 1019
urban migration, 2399

U.S. Supreme Court decision, 0990, 1008, 1012,
1015, 1332, 2128

and the Work Incentive Program (WIN), 0988,
1022, 1045

[blocks in formation]

Antifraud legislation

Medicaid, 0777, 2136
Medicare, 0777, 2136
Antipoverty, 1079, 1085

cash transfer proposals, 1161
economic analysis, 1069, 1208
family allowances, 1172, 1220
Federal-State relations, 1116
fiscal theory, 1132

food programs, 1054
Great Society, 1157
guaranteed jobs, 1068
history, 1152, 1812

Income Supplement Program, 1092

job creation, 1068

jobs and income program, 1154

New Jersey Income-Maintenance Experiment, 1223,

Nixon administration, 1155, 1157
overview, 1192

program review, 1225, 1225
projected policy change, 1129

proposals, 1086.1, 1087, 1102.1, 1119

proposals, comparisons of, 1228

service vs. income strategies, 1269
themes in, 1116

universal personal capital account, 1149

by Federal agency, 2063

1972 supplemental, 2064

Army and Air Force Exchange Service Retirement
System, 1558

Asset promotion

international study of, 1766


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