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Part II

Conducting and Disseminating Research


This part of the report discusses issues that confront all the alternative medical systems and practices, particularly those whose efficacy is under investigation. Although alternative medicine does not differ from mainstream medicine in the need for reasonable, responsible research and validation of safety and effectiveness, there are some issues unique to this branch of medicine:

• Lack of dedicated alternative medical research facilities.

• Lack of adequate funding for alternative medical research.

• Lack of training for alternative medical researchers.

• Lack of an adequate, centrally located research database.

• Difficulties in matching appropriate research methods to subjects being researched.

• Difficulties in obtaining appropriate National Institutes of Health (NIH) peer review of alternative medical grant applications.

• Difficulties in data collection related to various legal and regulatory constraints.

Consumers and clinicians have a definite and immediate need for access to the best and latest information about alternative medical practices, and NIH needs to be able to hear from health care consumers about their experiences with alternative practices.

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