Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
African agricultural sector AIDS Control Committees allocated Angwenyi answer Anyona asked the Minister Assistant Minister aware Bank of Kenya beg to reply Bill Board of Kenya buying centres Chair Co-operative Bank co-operative societies Coffee Board coffee farmers coffee industry coffee production Coffee Research Foundation coffee sector Constituency AIDS Control cost crops dead capital debt deductions Division Bell document envelopes finance Gatabaki Godana going House issue Keah KENGEN Kenya CBK Kibos Kihoro Kikuyu Kiluta Kosgey KPLC KTDA Lome Convention look Machakos District Madoka marketing Members Messrs million Euros Minister for Agriculture Minister for Energy Ministry Muite Munyao Murungaru Ndicho negative income Ngala Nyagah Nyamira Nyankoba Omamo point of order Private Notice Question by Private Raila Ruiru Sessional Paper STABEX funds Standing Order tea growers Telkom Kenya Temporary Deputy Speaker tender trickle-down economics Twaha University of Nairobi US9 cents value addition Wako Waziri