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lation. The law stipulates that such prescriptions shall include indication that the institution is: (a) making a reasonable effort to improve the quality of its teaching and administrative staffs and of its student services and (b) for financial or other reasons, struggling for survival and isolated from the main currents of academic life.

Section 305 of Public Law 92-318 allows the Commissioner to financially assist developing institutions under certain programs under the Higher Education Act. Under this provision and at the Commissioner's discretion, the non-Federal institutional share of costs for participating in the various programs in Titles II, IV, VI, and VII may be waived for institutions which have been certified as developing institutions.

In FY 1973, the program was administratively divided into the Basic Institutional Development Program and the Advance Institutional Development Program. Both branches provide assistance to qualified applicant institutions in the form of grants which are awarded competitively on the basis of realistic long-range plans and relative ratings along qualitative and qualitative parameters which are designed to assess institutional ability to make effective use of an award. Basic institutions receive one-year grants for improvement of curriculum, faculty, administration, and student services. Advanced developing institutions receive multi-year grants, which may extend up to five years, for developing planning, management, and evaluation capability, for undertaking special purpose programs, and for promoting financial self-sufficiency. The Basic Branch operates much as the program did upon implementation; the objective of the Advanced Branch is to select among relatively highly developed applicants and accelerate the strengthening of their academic quality.


[blocks in formation]

12-yr colleges.

*Or 6.91 percent of $52,000,000 (15 2-yr colleges for total of $2,423,782; 11 4-yr colleges for total of $1,182,434).

Title III totals for native Americans in fiscal year 1975:

Basic program, 26 grants_---

Advanced program, 2 grants...

Total for title III program_---.

$3,606, 216 -247,500

3,853, 716

Total number of American Indians attending colleges at the title III funded institutions and benefiting from the programs, 4,589.

We have found that the 1.4 per centum limitation regarding funds which may be available for the support of higher education for Indians acts as an inhibiting factor in reference to the possibilities for supporting under the Indian Waiver a growing number of urban colleges involving substantial numbers of urban Indians. These are community colleges which have been established within the last five years.

A removal of the per centum would allow us to directly support postsecondary institutions that have been established since 1971-72 on Indian reservations. This would contribute to the self-determination of tribal entities who are linguistically and culturally unique. Further, the abolition of the 1.4 per centum would act as an incentive to the tribal governments who, like the Navajo, are becoming increasingly concerned with enhancing educational opportunity on the reservation. Under the AID Program where large grants are possible. allowance at the 1.4 per centum level precludes the funding of no more than one institution.


Bacone College, Oklahoma ($225,000)

This institution, with 50% Indian enrollment, utilizes Title III funds to support a total cluster of programs including recruitment, special services for students from distant reservations, Library Improvement in Indian Studies, Indian Studies Curriculum Development and counseling services.

Baker University, Kanses ($225,000)

This College is working with Haskell Indian College in a cooperative program focusing on Developmental Studies, the preparation of Native American curricula and support for Native American lectures. The central theme is the development of both a bilingual and bicultural experience for Native American students.

Bismarck Junior College, North Dakota ($165,000)

Bismarck Junior College is continuing its program with the Standing Rock Reservation in an effort to extend educational opportunities to students on the Standing Rock Reservation itself. They are providing administrative develop ment, curriculum development and special counseling and recruitment. Black Hill State College, South Dakota ($300,000)

This program provides three foci: support for an Indian Studies Center on the Black Hills Campus; for the Lakota Higher Education Center on the Pine Ridge Reservation; and support for Sinte Gleska Higher Education Center on the Rosebud Reservation.

Carroll College, Montana ($64,000)

Carroll College, working with the College of Great Falls is developing an Indian Teacher Preparation Curricula. They are also assisting both Miles Community College and Dawson College to develop Associate Degree Programs and Human Services Programs.

Central Oregon Community College, Oregon ($30,423)

The Native American component of this project supports an Indian counselor. Staff for the learning center, and on going curricular development activities on the Warm Spring Reservation. The total cooperative effort has been significantly absorbed by Central Oregon college after three years of intensive support by Title III.

College of Eastern Utah, Utah ($24,000)

This institution has established an outreach center at Mexican Hat to provide special educational services for Navajos. The program is to support counseling, recruitment, and the development of special educational materials.

College of Ganado, Arizona ($125,000)

The majority of students at this institution are Navajo and Hopi. Title III is supporting special student services, Skills development, and Range Management curricula.

Connors State College, Oklahoma ($200,000)

Connors State College, assisted by an Indian Careers Advisory Council is attempting to sensitize college staff in terms of increased effectiveness in working with Indian Students. They are also using Title III funds to produce special career programs in Leisure Property Management, Law Enforcement and Environmental studies.

Eastern Oklahoma State College, Oklahoma ($60,000)

Special student counseling efforts and development studies support are provided by two components of this consortia program. Also included is the establishment of a new Indian Studies Associate Degree Program.

Fort Lewis College, Colorado ($250,000)

The Intercultural Program provides academic, experiential, cultural and service approaches in intercultural education relating to all aspects of the college community.

Fort Wright College, Washington ($22,541)

An Indian Educational Development Program is being initiated by this new grantee. This will provide an Indian faculty member and a counselor for Indian students.

Huron College, South Dakota ($48,470)

A component of this program supports an Indian recruiter, special counseling and the development of non-traditional curricula.

Lake Region Junior College, North Dakota ($150,000)

The college is working with the Devils Lake Sioux Indian Reservation at Fort Totten to develop an all Indian Educational Center with special emphasis on counseling, financial aid and the teaching of job entry skills.

Mary College, North Dakota ($226,000)

Mary College is working with both the United Tribes of North Dakota and the Fort Berthold reservation in continuing the cooperative development of Indian curricular models (United Tribes) and the higher education center on the Fort Berthold reservation.

Miles Community College, Montana ($100,000)

An Instructional Strategies Team is continuing for a second year its effort at Lame Deer with the Northern Cheyenne to develop individualized learning packages in occupation/career areas.

Navajo Community College, Arizona (description attached)

American Higher Education Consortium ($350,000).
Navajo Community College Program ($125,000).

North Dakota State University, Bottineau Branch, North Dakota ($190,000)
This is a cooperative project with the Turtle Mountain Reservation to provide
special focus educational programs and counseling on the reservation for
Indian students taking courses under the guidance of NDSU faculty.

Northern State College, South Dakota ($90,000)

Working with Presentation College, the program supports an Indian Extension Education Officer on the Cheyenne River reservation at Eagle Butt. Special tutoring and student personel support is included as well as a Lakota Language and Indian Studies instructor.

Pembroke State University, North Carolina ($124,940)

Pembroke State University conducts a Curriculum Library Improvement Program that includes the development of specialized educational reference materials, an American Indian Studies Librarian, an instructor in American Indian Studies and other faculty. Student services are also included.


Sheldon Jackson College, Alaska ($150,000)

The total program of the institution involves the development of special educational opportunities for Indians, particularly Eskimo and Tlingits. Support includes special faculty, and emphasis on retaining the Indian languages, the operation of a learning center and funds for the delivery of education services by Sheldon Jackson teams to isolated Indian villages.

Southern Utah State College, Utah ($18,000)

This component supports an Indian Agricultural program which funds recruitment activities and the development of career curricula in the Agri-Business


Wenatchee Valley College, Washington ($195,000)

The Northwest Native American Development Program, in cooperation with the Colville Confederated tribes has established field-centered educational serv ices for Native students. This includes special courses, an emphasis on counseling and retention efforts, and intensive recruitment.

The American Indian Higher Education Consortium (fiscal year 1975, $350,000) Navajo Community College, Tsaile, Arizona acts as the coordinating institutions for the American Indian Higher Education Consortium (AIHEC). This consortium's central office is located in Denver, Colorado. The AIHEC group is in its second year of support under the Basic Developing Institutions Program. It received $350,000 for FY 1973 and was funded for the same amount for FY 1975.

The AIHEC Consortium has several major accomplishments to its credit since its inception less than two years ago:

A viable structure has been organized and the staff is actively pursuing the goal of improving educational opportunities for Indian College students. An all-Indian postsecondary staff is working at the AIHEC headquarters in Denver. Mr. David Gipp (Sioux) is the Consortium Director and Title III coordinator. The Title III supports ten of 12 staff position (two are funded under Title IV-D-Cooperative Education).

The consortium is focusing on five special areas which have implications for the development of higher education for Indians.

1. The Development of Indian Oriented Curricular Materials. This program has included several planning sessions for the organization of workshops in instructional products development. Presently, they are focusing on bilingual programs for member colleges.

2. Initiation of a Data Base and Research Capability for the Satellite Colleges. The consortium has established a data gathering instrument which will provide a more uniform set of data on all consortium colleges. Work is progressing on finalizing the data instrument and organizing a professional resources information center.

3. Review of Accreditation as it Relates to the Education of Indian Students.— The consortium accreditation staff person has completed the first draft of the report called "Indian Community Colleges and Accreditation". In December 1974, the Consortium Director and the Accreditation Committee met with the North Central Accrediting Association in order to outline the North Central's policy for consortium schools.

4. Human Resources Planning.-AIHEC is assisting in the development of a human resources plan for both Navajo Community College and the Lakota Higher Education Center. This plan involves administrators, faculty and boards of regents.

5. Review of Institutional Development at Member Colleges.-The consortium has just prepared and is publishing (with outside assistance) an Indian Founda tion Directory and Training Guide.

The AIHEC consortium includes the following participating Institutions: Coordinator: Navajo Community College.


Black Hills State College: (Sinte Gleska Community College), (Oglala
Sioux Community College).

Bismarck Junior College: (Standing Rock Community College). Bottineau Branch of North Dakota State University (Turtle Mountain Community College).

D-Q University.

Students served by Navajo Community College and the centers total approximately 2,700. The current enrollment breakdown is as follows:

Navajo Community College---

Black Hills Indian Students Center____

Sinte Gleska Community College..

Oglala Sioux Community College.
Standing Rock Community College....

Turtle Mountain Community College..









2, 367

Since October 1973, when the initial consortium staff was brought on board, AIHEC has sponsored or officially participated in nine (9) workshops and eleven (11) working sessions.

AIHEC has three publications in final draft:

1. "Indian Community Colleges and Accreditation".

2. An Indian Foundations Directory and Training Guide.

3. A report on the Seminar for Communications for Understanding (with assistance of the Johnson Foundation).

The consortium disseminates a quarterly newsletter which goes to Indian organizations,agencies, and postsecondary institutions.

Immediate attention has been given to the fact that the consortium has resulted in the initiation of a cooperative and cohesive strategy for aiding Indian postsecondary institutions vis-a-vis the organization of a service agency, an all Indian staff, and a policy for defining appropriate services.

The Indian institutions represented by AIHEC reach a potential population of 200,000 Indian people, according to David Gipp, the AIHEC coordinator. But, in addition, five of the institutions participating in AIHEC have separate bilaterals under Title III. Since the origin of funding in FY '73, these colleges have received a total of $1,250,000 from their bilaterals.

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Each of the bilaterals support a core instructional staff who serve between 2.700 and 3,000 Indian students. Counselors are also supported by the bilateral grants.

The only exception is the Navajo Studies bilateral at Navajo Community College. While the other programs encompass the total core instructional group, Navajo's bilateral has focused primarily on the development and refinement of special Indian Studies modules in Navajo History, Navajo psychology and culture. The Navajo Studies Center receives approximately one-third of its total operating budget from the Title III program.

It is also important to note that the Indian Consortium is represented on the Ad Hoc Committee for the legislative committee of the National Advisory Council on Indian Education. AIHEC will assist in overall Indian education planning. Certainly they are assuming an increasingly important role in this respect. Cooperative Education, Title IV-D, HEA

Program description.-Under this program, the Commissioner of Education is authorized to award grants for the planning, establishment, expansion or carrying out of cooperative education programs in higher education institutions. Cooperative Education is defined as alternate periods of full-time study and full-time public or private employment related to a student's academic course of study.

Grants are awarded to institutions on a proposal basis with an institution only eligible to receive grants for three years. Each award cannot exceed $75,000 and these funds cannot be used as compensation for student employment.

The Commissioner is also authorized to make training, demonstration, or research grants to institutions or public or private nonprofit agencies and organizations.

The program does not focus on any specific minority or ethnic group but on the disadvantaged.

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