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I have included a copy of the 40 resolutions adopted at the 1974 National Indian Education Association Convention for your consideration and information. On Friday, November 14, 1974, the General Assembly passed the following resolutions (the name of the person submitting each resolution and a summary is given):

Resolution No. 1-1974.-Harry Boness, Sr., President of Minnesota Chippewa Tribe, requests the establishment of Indian Education programming for Indian inmates in Minnesota state penal institutions and continuity of such programs for such persons after release.

Resolution No. 2-1974.-Larry Banegas, Chairman Los Angeles College and Universities for Higher Education, requests that California ignore its boundaries for purposes of admitting "out-of-state" Indian students to the California institutions of higher learning, tuition free.

Resolution No. 4-1974.-Jana McKeag, Education Director, National Congress of American Indians, requests support cooperation from NIEA in disseminating NCAI's Tribal Government Studies Program.

Resolution No. 5-1974.-Spencer Sahmaunt, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Portland Area Office, requests that the Bureau of Indian Affairs establish an interim program within the various Bureau branches for Indian students under the proposed career development program, so that such persons may fill vacancies occurring in managerial positions. It also requests more flexibility of the entry grade level. Resolution No. 6-1974.-F. Jeanne Thomas, Chairman, 6th NIEA Washington State Indian Caucus, and Resolution No. 13–1974: Birgil Kills Straight, President. Coalition of Indian Controlled School Boards, are consolidated. Both urge the immediate appointment for the Deputy Commissioner for Indian Education in complete compliance with PL 92-318.

Resolution No. 7–1974.—F. Jeanne Thomas, Chairman, 6th NIEA Washing ton State Indian Caucus, relates to Senate Bill 1017 and petitions Congressman Lloyd Meeds to request the attendance and participation of all his subcommittee members of the next mark-up session to occur on November 18, 1974. An additional request is made to the subcommittee members to carefully review the statements of Indian leaders given on May 21, & 22, 1974, so that mark-up re visions are wisely representative of Indian self-determination viewpoints. Resolution No. 8-1974.-F. Jeanne Thomas, Chairman, 6th NIEA Washington State Indian Caucus, requests that where JOM audits and evaluations are done in a specific community, that responsible Parent Advisory Committees receive the results, that the program be consulted prior to evaluation and auditing and that the Bureau of Indian Affairs give prior approval only to those evaluators/consultants who possess adequate knowledge of a particular area and its special problems.

Resolution No. 9-1974.-Orlene LaMont of the Institute of American Indian Arts, requests the Bureau of Indian Affairs and other federal agencies to sup port and create a four-year accredited degree program and institution for Native American students at the Institute of American Indian Arts in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Resolution No. 10-1974.-Tony Mochukay from Rice School District #20 in San Carlos, Arizona, requires the NIEA and the participants at the 6th Annual Conference to declare a formal policy on cultural plurality and to implement this policy in all Indian related school systems.

Resolution 11-1974.—Rick LaPointe, President of NIEA, directs the U.S. Office of Education to disseminate the original report, which was prepared by ACKCO, Inc., to all Tribal Governments, affected educational agencies and Indian orga nizations in the immediate future in order to assist these groups with pending legislation. This report entitled, "USOE/BIA Study of the Impact of Federal Funds on Local Educational Agencies Enrolling Indian Children", is the result of a six-month study conducted by the ACKCO, Inc., under a contract with the U.S. Office of Education and the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

Resolution No. 12-1974.-Roger R. Philbrick, Indian Education Specialist. Madison, Wisconsin, resolves that NIEA supports quality education and the arts by accepting recommendations from the respective state and local Indian Education Committees, and that local Indian People would be consulted in decisionmaking concerning National Projects, Programs serving Indian people.

Resolution No. 18-1974.-Kevin Hart, Michigan Cauens, requests NIEA support for Michigan House Bill 4085 which, if passed, would exempt from payment of tuition or other matriculation fees in Michigan Community or Junior Colleges, Colleges or Universities for North American Indians. Written communication to the Michigan State House of Representatives is mandated.

Resolution No. 19-1974.-Donald LaPointe, Acting Chairman, Michigan Caucus, calls upon the President, the Secretary of Interior, the BIA Commissioner and the Congress of the United States to immediately: a) reaffirm the policy of Indian self-determination; b) direct and require all policy, manuals, practices, and procedures of the Bureau, be changed to reflect, incorporate, insure and protect this self-determination, and c) incorporate into meaningful practice the priorities established by the Indian community, d) provide full higher education scholarship assistance to Indian students by entitlement, and e) affirmatively respond to the current Congressional inquiry about the use of additional resources, and accept the $18,768,000 offered.

Resolution No. 20-1974.-David Risling, member, Board of Directors, D-Q University, Davis, California, requests that NIEA general members go on public record, on behalf of Indian students of D.Q.U., in support of D.Q. University's efforts to receive Title III funding for Developing Institutions for 1974-75 and that such support and a copy of this resolution be transmitted to the Commissioner of Education and the director of Title III.

Resolution No. 22-1974.-Helen M. Schierbeck, NIEA Board Member, addresses itself to proposing an amendment to PL 92-318, Title IV to clearly permit mission school participation in Part A of said Act, providing such mission schools are under control of Indian school boards. It further requests that language be stricken from PL 92-380 which appears to restrict funding flexibility to Indian Tribes.

Resolution No. 23-1974.-Loretta V. Ellis, member, Board of Directors, NIEA, Oneida, Wisconsin, requests that a procedure be developed and implemented immediately by the Commissioner of Education to solicit nominees from Indian Tribes and organizations for the 15 positions on the National Advisory Council on Indian Education, whose terms expire May, 1975.

Resolution No. 28-1974.-Southwest Indian Cultural Center, Inc., requests endorsement and assistance regarding a proposed contest for a design of a monument/shrine symbolizing strength, unity, and pride of the American Indian community with a concurrent essay contest concerning the topic "Why I Am Proud To Be An American Indian". Said contests would be tied in with the Bicentennial Celebration.

Resolution No. 31-1974.-Dr. Edwin H. Richardson, Senior Advisor to the EIACT Indian Club, Fort Meade, South Dakota, requests the NIEA, a vast number of political figures and all persons influence Congress to enact a law permitting Indian persons to be considered "Associate Faculty" to teach Indian languages in school systems, that time to teach such classes be provided as an integral part of the educational curriculum and that funds be provided for same. Resolution No. 32-1974.-Dr. Edwin H. Richardson, Senior Advisor to the EIACT Indian Club, Fort Meade, South Dakota, resolves that NIEA communicate with the American Medical Association, the National Hospital Association, the Veterans Administration Central Offices, the U.S. Public Health Service, the Bureau of Indian Affairs, the National Congress of American Indians, the National Tribal Chairmen's Association to explore avenues and employ methods that will allow Medicine Men to practice Indian Medicine in hospitals servicing Indian people. Their services should also be an integral part of the instructional process where their unique expertise is required.

Resolution No. 33-1974.-W. Larry Belgard, Turtle Mountain Community College, resolves that the NIEA officially endorses, encourages, and supports the creation of advisory groups to the Tribal governments, consisting of the Indian professional educators enrolled in the Tribe, provided such policy would not be in conflict with Tribal policies and self-determination decisions.

Resolution No. 34-1974.-Tika A. Esler, Financial Aid Counselor, University of Washington, Seattle, directs the BIA and the NIEA to form a financial aid study committee in order to obtain additional funding for Indian College students. This committee would be comprised of representatives from the BIA, education specialists, tribal officials, financial aid officers and Indian students.

Resolution No. 37–1974.—L. Duane Pullman, President, Lakota Omniciye, is directed toward the concerns of financial aids for Indian students attending Institutions of Higher Education. Provides that the NIEA support the South Dakota IEA in a request to South Dakota to waive tuition and fees for Indian students attending South Dakota Institutions of Higher Education. It also directs the NIEA to push for federal legislation that will provide adequate funding, adequate policies and administration of such funding, so that all Indian students desirous of attending Institutions of Higher Education may do so without undue hardships currently being experienced.

Resolution No. 38-1974.-Lionel Bordeaux; President Sinte Gleska College; Rosebud, South Dakota, directs the NIEA to give full support for the immediate passage of Senate Bill 1017 and in particular the amendment which authorizes the construction, development and operation of Indian controlled Community Colleges.

Resolution No. 39-1974.-Henry Allen, requests a change of United States Public Health Services policy to permit increases in training grant to meet the minimum needs of Indian students, at the graduate level, who are anticipating health professional status.

Resolution No. 40-1974.-Alan Slickpoo, Nez Perce Tribal Executive Com mittee, requests that the NIEA does endorse and support the National Endowment for the Arts and that Congress is requested to continue and increase funds of said Endowment. Specific reference is made to expansion of Indian cultural programs designed for the preservation and protection of Native American (American Indian) cultural values.

Mr. ALLEN. I am to pick up where Jana left off with regard to the remarks about the Bureau of Indian Affairs' educational component. I think that I am qualified to do this mainly because of the fact that I did attend Bureau schools, and my brothers and sisters attended Bureau schools, and three of my daughters have attended Bureau schools. I think that I know a little bit about the problems that they face.

I want to emphasize and point out some of the things that I feel can be done to improve the education delivery service of the BIA I want to emphasize what Jana mentioned about the formulation of the task force to study the delivery system from the BIA to Indian people.

I would suggest that we look into such things as the division of the education department between Albuquerque and Washington. Maybe it is a good thing, but maybe it is not. Someone needs to look at it and

make a determination.

I think we need to make-to find a way to study whether the boards of education in BIA boarding schools should be advisory or, in fact, policymaking. I suspect that the Indian people would prefer that they be policymaking than simply advisory. All of them are advisory at this point.

Mr. MEEDS. What is the one that you mentioned?

MS. ELLIS. It is also advisory, and I have recommended within my written testimony that it be policymaking and have the authority for


Mr. MEEDS. Pardon me for interrupting.

Mr. ALLEN. I want to emphasize further a point that Jana made. In the formulation of a position called Coordinator of Postsecondary Education for the Bureau of Indian Affairs. This could be added to the list that Jana mentioned.

This needs to be done for a number of reasons. I taught at one of the schools, so I have some idea of the problems. We have duplication of programs. We have a problem in recruiting quality personnel. We have a problem in purchasing. The greatest problem is in funding at the elementary level rather than at the college level.

I think that the postsecondary schools should be line item directly from the central office, and the money should not go to the area office, and then divided up between all schools in that area, as it is presently done.

Mr. MEEDS. Let me interrupt here, though. We asked that question yesterday of the Commissioner, and Buck Benham, who was the area office director of the Albuquerque area as I recall

Mr. ALLEN. He now has a research position of some sort down there, Congressman.

Mr. MEEDS. In any event, he points out that there is not a single Indian problem or a Navajo problem, they have to be addressed as a whole rather than as components. I am not saying whether I agree or disagree with him, but, to be frank, I might tend to agree with him. How do you answer that?

Mr. ALLEN. I agree. Still, I have to say that you cannot educate a first grader for the same money that you would educate a college sophomore because of the difference in cost of materials, the difference in cost of instruction, and so forth, and that is what is happening now. Mr. MEEDS. The BIA field office is making education based on pure finances and economics.

Mr. ALLEN. Whatever the reason, I know that the high schools are being funded for college sophomores at the same per pupil level as elementary school students. You have to find a way to change that. You need someone within this task force, if it is developed, or through some other mechanism to find a way that these postsecondary schools in the BIA can be contracted for their operation by their board of regents, because 638 does not provide that mechanism.

Since all students come from all over the United States and Alaska, there is no tribe that can contract the operation of the postsecondary schools. The Bureau of Indian Affairs have dragged their feet about this request. We have been asking for it for about 5 years.

Mr. MEEDS. What is the Navajo Community College?

Mr. ALLEN. It is a tribe that has direction, but not so the institute or Haskell. So, I am suggesting this, and my suggestion comes directly from the board of regents of these various schools, that something be done to make this possible.

I would suggest, too, that we tool up now in providing staff to implement 638. We are going to come around, develop regulations to implement it without a staff to do it, or without money to do it. I think that we ought to be thinking now about getting ready to implement 638, and not wait until next July 1, as it appears to me that they are thinking about doing.

I am very much concerned, not only from the standpoint of being an instructor and a student in BIA schools, about the business of the Bureau turning back to the Treasury millions of dollars every year that the Congress appropriated for the education of Indian boys and girls. To me this is unforgiveable, it is a sin, and it should not be happening, but it is happening.

Mr. MEEDS. I would say it is a mortal sin.

Mr. ALLEN. Right, because it is too hard to get those appropriations. through, to be turning them back.

Mr. MEEDS. I intend to look into that.

Mr. ALLEN. Super, and I will not say anything else.

Of course, there is the age-old problem of whether the Bureau is representing the bureaucracy or the Indian people. This needs to be addressed again, in my estimation, because I have real concerns about that.

I want to emphasize that the Bureau of Indian Affairs needs to get involved a great deal more than they are in early childhood education. We have tried for generations to do the job starting at grade 1 with Indian young people, and we have failed. We are not doing the job.

It seems to me that we had better start a little earlier and see if we can do a better job than we have in the past.

The Bureau of Indian Affairs, in my opinion, needs to be encouraged in some fashion or other to train, hire, and promote Indian teachers. within their schools. I am not satisfied, personally, with what is being done.

I have tried to get the Bureau to recruit Indian teachers in high schools, and get absolutely no response at all. I don't think that they are going the extra miles to try to find qualified Indian people and get them involved in Indian education.

It is causing a real problem from the standpoint that non-Indian administrators and teachers in the Bureau schools are reluctant to make decisions that may rub the tribe or the Indian students wrong because of fear for their job. I can understand that.

They will not move, they are reluctant to move, and I can understand that. So, it seems to me that we ought to do something about that in some way or other.

I want to emphasize, too, this business that Jana mentioned about no criteria for the selection of foster homes for Indian young people. We need to do something about that. I was in Philadelphia and in Mississippi last week, and heard untold stories about mistreatment and child abuse simply because of the $125 that the family is given to take on that child, or because of whatever reason.

I think that we need to develop criteria to put children in foster homes.

Now, to get off of that, and just for 1 second, we have to do something about increasing title IV funds. It is deplorable. There is no excuse for it. It is unforgiveable. Again, we are coming up with the new fiscal year and the same amount of money, basically, as we had last year.

There has to be a way, and I am not willing to sit still and say that it cannot be done. I think that it can be done. I am put out, to say the least.

I know that I am addressing the wrong man, because Mr. Meeds is our friend, and I don't need to tell him this. However, there are people out here that ought to be listening. This concerns me.

Mr. MEEDS. We will have this in the record. Unfortunately, we had a full committee meeting today, among other things.

Mr. ALLEN. More money needs to be put in the Parent Advisory Committee; this is an area where we are very short.

We are very short in providing money to tribes to get ready for the responsibility of 638. We must find a way to do that.

Mr. MEEDS. Very good. It is a good panel. Thank you all very much. Your statements will be made part of the record.

Are you aware of the new Indian Policy Review Commission where there is a task force on Indian education? Have you read that yet? I hope that you will all cooperate with it because I think that this is the best long-range answer to a lot of things getting to the ears of the Congress.

The panel is going to come to us with some recommendations, and those recommendations, hopefully, are going to find their way into the legislative halls of these buildings.

I hope that you will all give input, and give the same kind of help. and even more of it to them than you have to us.

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