Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
Abdalla African Community Dr alleged victim amended agreed amendment proposed amendment to Clause asked the Minister Assistant Minister aware beg to move beg to oppose beg to reply beg to second beg to support Bill be amended child Clause 22 Clause 30 complainant Constitutional Affairs court defilement deleting paragraph deleting the word disputes districts Duri East African Community further amendment going Government House indecent act inserted in place intention Isiolo District Justice and Constitutional Kapsabet Karaba Karua Kembi-Gitura Kenya Khalwale Khamasi Kingi Kisumu Loud consultations M'Mukindia Machakos districts Madaraka Day Marende Mbeere districts Members Minister for East Minister for Justice Ministry Mugo Muturi Ndung'u Nyagah Ojaamong Parliament place thereof point of order proposed amendment put and agreed Question rape Registrar-General Sambu second that amendment stakeholders substituting therefor Sungu support the amendment Syongo tariffs Temporary Deputy Chairman Temporary Deputy Chairman(Mr thereof be inserted word Republic