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Agricultural Act of 1961-SEC. 2.1 In order more fully and effectively to improve, maintain, and protect the prices and incomes of farmers, to enlarge rural purchasing power, to achieve a better balance between supplies of agricultural commodities and the requirements of consumers therefor, to preserve and strengthen the structure of agriculture, and to revitalize and stabilize the overall economy at reasonable costs to the Government, it is hereby declared to be the policy of Congress to

(a) afford farmers the opportunity to achieve parity of income with other economic groups by providing them with the means to develop and strengthen their bargaining power in the Nation's economy;

(b) encourage a commodity-by-commodity approach in the solution of farm problems and provide the means for meeting varied and changing conditions peculiar to each commodity;

(c) expand foreign trade in agricultural commodities with friendly nations, as defined in section 107 of Public Law 480, 83d Congress, as amended (7 U.S.C. 1707), and in no manner either subsidize the export, sell, or make available any subsidized agricultural commodity to any nations other than such friendly nations and thus make full use of our agricultural abundance;

(d) utilize more effectively our agricultural productive capacity to improve the diets of the Nation's needy persons;

(e) recognize the importance of the family farm as an efficient unit of production and as an economic base for towns and cities in rural areas and encourage, promote, and strengthen this form of farm enterprise;

(f) facilitate and improve credit services to farmers by revising, expanding, and clarifying the laws relating to agricultural credit;

(g) assure consumers of a continuous, adequate, and stable supply of food and fiber at fair and reasonable prices;

(h) reduce the cost of farm programs, by preventing the accumulation of surpluses; and

(i) use surplus farm commodities on hand as fully as practicable as an incentive to reduce production as may be necessary to bring supplies on hand and firm demand in balance. (7 U.S.C. 1282 note.)

Food and Agriculture Act of 1962-SEC. 402.2 Congress hereby reconfirms its long-standing policy of favoring the use by governmental agencies of the usual and customary channels, facilities, and arrangements of trade and commerce, and directs the Secretary of Agriculture and the Commodity Credit Corporation to the maximum extent practicable to adopt policies and procedures designed to minimize the acquisition of stocks by the Commodity Credit Corporation, to encourage orderly marketing of farm commodities through private competitive trade channels, both cooperative and noncooperative, and to obtain maximum returns in the marketplace for producers and for the Commodity Credit Corporation. (15 U.S.C. 713a-13.)

IP.L. 87-128, 75 Stat. 294, Aug. 8, 1961.
2 P.L. 87-703, 76 Stat. 632, Sept. 25, 1962.

Agricultural Act of 1954-SEC. 204.3 (a) The production and use of abundant supplies of high quality milk and dairy products are essential to the health and general welfare of the Nation; a dependable domestic source of supply of these foods in the form of high grade dairy herds and modern, sanitary dairy equipment is important to the national defense; and an economically sound dairy industry affects beneficially the economy of the country as a whole. It is the policy of Congress to assure a stabilized annual production of adequate supplies of milk and dairy products; to promote the increased use of these essential foods; to improve the domestic source of supply of milk and butterfat by encouraging dairy farmers to develop efficient production units consisting of high-grade, disease-free cattle and modern sanitary equipment; and to stabilize the economy of dairy farmers at a level which will provide a fair return for their labor and investment when compared with the cost of things that farmers buy. (7 U.S.C. 1446b.)

3 P.L. 83-690, 68 Stat. 899, Aug. 28, 1954.




Agricultural Act of 1961-SEC. 102.1 (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, whenever the Secretary of Agriculture determines that additional legislative authority is necessary to develop new agricultural programs involving supply adjustments or marketing regulations through marketing orders, marketing quotas, or price support programs with respect to any agricultural commodity, or to make substantial revisions in any existing agricultural legislation or programs, he may consult and advise with farmers, farm organizations, and appropriate commodity organizations, if any, for the commodity involved, to review the problems involved, the need for new legislation, and the provisions which should be included in any such proposed legislation. (b) In addition, whenever and to the extent he deems such action necessary or desirable, the Secretary of Agriculture may consult and advise with any person or group of persons, or organizations, including farmers, handlers, processors, or others connected with the production, processing, handling, or use of the commodity involved, with respect to the problems involved and need for legislation and the provisions which should be included in any such proposed legislation.

(c) In order that the Secretary of Agriculture may be assured of being able to obtain the advice of any such person or organization, he is authorized, whenever he determines such action necessary, to pay for each day's attendance at meetings and while traveling to and from such meetings, transportation expenses and in lieu of subsistence, a per diem in the amount authorized under the Travel Expense Act of 1949 for Federal employees. No salary or other compensation shall be paid. (7 U.S.C. 1911.)

SEC. 103. If the Secretary of Agriculture, after such consultation and receipt of such advice as provided in section 102 of this Act, determines that additional legislative authority is necessary to develop agricultural programs involving supply adjustments or marketing regulations through the use of marketing orders, marketing quotas or price-support programs, he shall formulate specific recommendations in the form of proposed legislation which shall be submitted to the Congress together with a statement setting forth the purpose and need for such proposed legislation. (7 U.S.C. 1912.)

SEC. 104. Nothing in this Act shall be deemed to limit the authority of the Secretary of Agriculture under other provision of law or to establish or consult with advisory committees. (7 U.S.C. 1913.)


Agricultural Act of 1954-SEC. 601.2 For the purposes of encouraging and promoting the marketing of agricultural commodities of the United States and assisting American farmers, processors, distributors, and exporters to adjust their operations and practices to meet world conditions, the Secretary of Agriculture shall acquire information regarding

P.L. 87-128, 75 Stat. 295, Aug. 8, 1961.

2 P.L. 83-690, 68 Stat. 899, Aug. 27, 1954. The word "commodities" was substituted for "products" throughout the section by Sec. 301 of the Agricultural Trade Act of 1978, P.L. 95–501, 92 Stat. 1685, Oct. 21, 1978.

the competition and demand for United States agricultural commodities, the marketing and distribution of said commodities in foreign countries and shall be responsible for the interpretation and dissemination of such information in the United States and shall make investigations abroad regarding the factors affecting and influencing the export of United States agricultural commodities, and shall conduct abroad any other activities including the demonstration of standards of quality for American agricultural commodities for which the Department of Agriculture now has or in the future may have such standards, as he deems necessary. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as prohibiting the Department of Agriculture from conducting abroad any activity for which authority now exists. (7 U.S.C. 1761.)

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