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This is in further response to your invitation of March 24, 1960, to the Director, Bureau of Mines, to provide a brief statement for the public hearings to be held by the Special Radiation Subcommittee of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy on the subject, "Radiation Protection Criteria and Standards: Their Basis and Use."

In a letter of April 8, 1960, to you, it was stated that the Department
of the Interior would bring up to date the information provided for the
bearings on Federal-State Relationships. After a review of what is
requested and the material provided for the earlier hearings, the
Department finds that with a minor addition the statement of September 11,
1958, to Senator Clinton P. Anderson defines the present situation.
That statement, with its enclosures, and the supplemental material are

Sincerely yours,

hape a Harl.

Assistant Secretary of the Interior

Hon. Chet Holifield

Special Subcommittee on Radiation
Joint Committee on Atomic Energy

United States Congress

Washington 25, D. C.

Enclosures 5

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