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16 USC 4601-5


16 USC 4601-6a.


For expenses necessary in carrying out a program for the preservation of additional historic properties throughout the Nation, as authorized by law (16 U.S.C. 461-467, 470), and investigations, studies, and salvage of archeological values, $24,666,000, to remain available until expended.

For "Preservation of historic properties" for the period July 1, 1976, through September 30, 1976, $6,040,000, to remain available. until expended.


For expenses necessary for operating and maintaining the nonperforming arts functions of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, $2,575,000.

For "John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts" for the period July 1, 1976, through September 30, 1976, $741,000.


For construction, operation, and maintenance of outdoor recreation facilities, without regard to the Act of August 24, 1912, as amended (16 U.S.C. 451); including collection of special recreation use fees, to remain available until expended, $14,000,000, to be derived from the special receipt accounts established by section 1(b) of the Act of July 15, 1968, (82 Stat. 354), and section 4(e) of the Act of July 11, 1972 (86 Stat. 461): Provided, That not more than 40 per centum of the amount credited pursuant to section 4(e) of the Act of July 11, 1972, shall be available for the enhancement of the fee collection system established by section 4 of such Act, including the promotion and enforcement thereof.

For "Planning, development and operation of recreation facilities" for the period July 1, 1976, through September 30, 1976, $5,000,000, to remain available until expended.


Appropriations for the National Park Service shall be available for the purchase of not to exceed three hundred eighty-three passenger motor vehicles, of which two hundred sixty-three shall be for replacement only, including not to exceed two hundred twenty-four for police-type use; purchase of one aircraft (for replacement only); and to provide, notwithstanding any other provision of law, at a cost not exceeding $100,000, transportation for children in nearby communities to and from any unit of the National Park System used in connection with organized recreation and interpretive programs of the National Park Service: Provided, That any funds available to the National Park Service may be used, with the approval of the Secretary, to maintain law and order in emergency and other unforeseen law enforcement situations in the National Park System; and to provide insurance on official motor vehicles and aircraft operated by the National Park Service in Mexico and Canada.




For expenses necessary for the Geological Survey to perform surveys, investigations, and research covering topography, geology, and the mineral and water resources of the United States, its Territories and possessions, and other areas as authorized by law (72 Stat. 837 and 76 Stat. 427); classify lands as to mineral character and water and power resources; give engineering supervision to power permits and Federal Power Commission licenses; enforce departmental regulations applicable to oil, gas, and other mining leases, permits, licenses, and operating contracts; control the interstate shipment of contraband oil as required by law (15 U.S.C. 715); administer the minerals exploration program (30 U.S.C. 641); and publish and disseminate data relative to the foregoing activities; $267,247,000, of which $26,954,000 shall be available only for cooperation with States or municipalities for water resources investigations: Provided, That no part of this appropriation shall be used to pay more than one-half the cost of any topographic mapping or water resources investigations carried on in cooperation with any State or municipality.

For "Surveys, investigations, and research" for the period July 1, 1976, through September 30, 1976: $67,400,000, of which $6,740,000 shall be available only for cooperation with States or municipalities for water resources investigations: Provided, That no part of this appropriation shall be used to pay more than one-half of the cost of any topographic mapping or water resources investigations carried on with any State or municipality.


The amount appropriated for the Geological Survey shall be available for purchase of not to exceed thirty-one passenger motor vehicles, for replacement only; reimbursement to the General Services Administration for security guard services, contracting for the furnishing of topographic maps and for the making of geophysical or other specialized surveys when it is administratively determined that such procedures are in the public interest; construction and maintenance of necessary buildings and appurtenant facilities; acquisition of lands for observation wells; expenses of the U.S. National Committee on Geology; and payment of compensation and expenses of persons on the rolls of the Geological Survey appointed, as authorized by law, to represent the United States in the negotiation and administration of interstate compacts.



For expenses necessary to promote health and safety in mines and in the minerals industry through development, promulgation and enforcement of regulations, including mine inspections, technical support, and education and training as authorized by law, $79,473,000, of which not to exceed $1,500,000 shall remain available until expended for the construction of facilities: Provided, That no part of the funds

43 USC 31.

43 USC 50.

43 USC 50.

appropriated by this Act shall be used to pay any public relations firm for any promotional campaigns among coal miners.

For "Salaries and expenses" for the period July 1, 1976, through September 30, 1976, $20,205,000.


Appropriations and funds available to the Mining Enforcement and Safety Administration may be expended for purchase and bestowal of certificates and trophies in connection with mine rescue and first-aid work: Provided, That the Secretary is authorized to accept lands, buildings, equipment, and other contributions from public and private sources and to prosecute projects in cooperation with other agencies, Federal, State, or private: Provided further, That the Mining Enforcement and Safety Administration is authorized to promote health and safety education and training in the mining community through cooperative programs with States, industry, and safety associations: Provided further, That any funds available to the Department may be used, with the approval of the Secretary, to provide for the costs of mine rescue and survival operations in the event of major mine disasters.



For expenses necessary for conducting inquiries, technological investigations and research concerning the extraction, processing, use and disposal of mineral substances without objectionable social and environmental costs; to foster and encourage private enterprise in the development of mineral resources and the prevention of waste in the mining, minerals, metal and mineral reclamation industries; to inquire into the economic conditions affecting those industries; to promote health and safety in mines and the mineral industry through research; and for other related purposes as authorized by law; $157,387,000, of which $96,610,000 shall remain available until expended: Provided, That no part of the sum herein appropriated shall be used for the field testing of nuclear explosives in the recovery of oil and gas.

For "Mines and minerals" for the period July 1, 1976, through September 30, 1976, $39,005,000, of which $22,600,000 shall remain available until expended.


The Secretary is authorized to accept lands, buildings, equipment, and other contributions from public and private sources and to prosecute projects in cooperation with other agencies, Federal, State, or private: Provided, That the Bureau of Mines is authorized during the current fiscal year, to sell directly or through any Government agency, including corporations, any metal or mineral product that may be manufactured in pilot plants operated by the Bureau of Mines, and the proceeds of such sales shall be covered into the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts.




For expenses necessary to provide education and welfare services for Indians, either directly or in cooperation with States and other organizations, including payment (in advance or from date of admission), of care, tuition, assistance, and other expenses of Indians in boarding homes, institutions, or schools; grants and other assistance to needy Indians; maintenance of law and order, and payment of rewards for information or evidence concerning violations of law on Indian reservations lands, or treaty fishing rights tribal use areas; management, development, improvement, and protection of resources and appurtenant facilities under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, including payment of irrigation assessments and charges; acquisition of water rights; advances for Indian industrial and business enterprises; operation of Indian arts and crafts shops and museums; development of Indian arts and crafts, as authorized by law; and for the general administration of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, including such expenses in field offices, $542,918,000, of which not to exceed $30,952,000 for assistance to public schools shall remain available for obligation until September 30, 1977: Provided, That the amount made available to each State from sums appropriated for fiscal year 1976 for assistance to public schools shall not be less than the amount made available for comparable purposes for fiscal year 1975. For "Operation of Indian programs" for the period July 1, 1976, through September 30, 1976, $174,167,000, of which not to exceed $7,300,000 for assistance to public schools shall remain available for obligation until September 30, 1977.


For construction, major repair and improvement of irrigation and power systems, buildings, utilities, and other facilities; acquisition of lands and interests in lands; preparation of lands for farming; and architectural and engineering services by contract, $73,922,000, to remain available until expended: Provided, That such amounts as may be available for the construction of the Navajo Indian Irrigation Project may be transferred to the Bureau of Reclamation: Provided further, That not to exceed $200,000 shall be available to assist the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe of Indians in the construction of facilities for the restoration of the Pyramid Lake fishery pursuant to the Washoe Act (43 U.S.C. 614) : Provided further, That not to exceed $2,229,000 shall be available for assistance to the Ramah Navajo School Board, Incorporated, New Mexico, for the construction of school facilities. For "Construction" for the period July 1, 1976, through September 30, 1976, $13,550,000, to remain available until expended.


For liquidation of obligations incurred pursuant to authority contained in title 23, United States Code, section 203, as amended by Federal-Aid Highway Amendments of 1974, $66,705,000, to remain available until expended.

89 STAT. 985


25 USC 1512. 25 USC 1497, 1511.

25 USC 1542.

25 USC 1461.

43 USC 1601 note,

18 USC 4124 and note.

For "Road construction (liquidation of contract authority)" for the period July 1, 1976, through September 30, 1976, $28,000,000, ta remain available until expended.


For payment to the loan guaranty and insurance fund as authorized by the Indian Financing Act of 1974, Public Law 93-262, title III, section 302, to carry out the provisions of sections 217 and 301 of the above Act to (a) provide capital for a loan guaranty and insurance fund, (b) pay interest subsidy on guaranteed loans, and (c) pay administrative expenses, $10,000,000, to remain available until expended: Provided, That for the purpose of entering into contracts pursuant to title V, section 502 of the above Act, the Secretary is authorized to use not to exceed 5 per centum of any funds appropriated for any fiscal year pursuant to title III, section 302 of the above Act.


For payment to the revolving fund for loans, for loans as authorized by the Indian Financing Act of 1974, Public Law 93-262, title I, section 101, $3,000,000, to remain available until expended.



For transfer to the Alaska Native Fund to provide for settlement of certain land claims by Natives and Native groups of Alaska, and for other purposes, based on aboriginal land claims, as authorized by the Act of December 18, 1971 (Public Law 92–203), $70,000,000, For "Alaska Native Fund" for the period July 1, 1976, through September 30, 1976, $40,000,000.


In addition to the tribal funds authorized to be expended by existing law, there is hereby appropriated not to exceed $3,000,000 from tribal funds not otherwise available for expenditure for the benefit of Indians and Indian tribes, including pay and travel expenses of employees; care, tuition, and other assistance to Indian children attending public and private schools (which may be paid in advance or from date of admission); purchase of land and improvements on land, title to which shall be taken in the name of the United States in trust for the tribe for which purchased; lease of lands and water rights; compensation and expenses of attorneys and other persons employed by Indian tribes under approved contracts; pay, travel, and other expenses of tribal officers, councils, and committees thereof, or other tribal organizations, including mileage for use of privately owned automobiles and per diem in lieu of subsistence at rates estab lished administratively but not to exceed those applicable to civilian employees of the Government; relief of Indians, without regard to section 7 of the Act of May 27, 1930 (46 Stat. 391) including cash grants: Provided, That in addition to the amount appropriated herein, tribal funds may be advanced to Indian tribes during the current fiscal year for such purposes as may be designated by the governing body of the particular tribe involved and approved by the Secretary.

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