SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION SALARIES AND EXPENSES For an additional amount for "Salaries and expenses”, $390,000. SALARIES AND EXPENSES, NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART For an additional amount for "Salaries and expenses, National Gallery of Art", $90,000. 19 USC 2291. CHAPTER VI DEPARTMENT OF LABOR MANPOWER ADMINISTRATION FEDERAL UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS AND ALLOWANCES Appropriations available for payments under this head shall also be available for payment of trade adjustment benefit payments and allowances authorized by part I, subchapter B, chapter 2, title II, of the Trade Act of 1974: Provided, That amounts received during the current fiscal year from the Postal Service or recovered from the States pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 8505(d) shall be available for payments during the year. ADVANCES TO THE UNEMPLOYMENT TRUST FUND AND OTHER FUNDS For repayable advances to the Unemployment Trust Fund, as authorized by Sections 905 (d) and 1203 of the Social Security Act, as 42 USC 1105, amended, and for nonrepayable advances to the "Federal unemployment benefits and allowances" account, to remain available until September 30, 1976, $5,000,000,000. 1323. 26 USC 330 note. Funds appropriated by this Act, or any other Act, for the payments of special unemployment assistance under title II of the Emergency Jobs and Unemployment Assistance Act of 1974 shall not be used for making such payments of assistance or waiting period credit, beginning after the date of enactment of this Act, to any individual who performs services in an instructional, research, or principal administrative capacity for an educational institution or agency with respect to any week commencing during the period between two successive academic years (or, when the contract provides instead for a similar period between two regular but not successive terms, during such similar period) if (1) such individual performed services in any such capacity for any educational institution or agency for the first of such academic years or terms; and (2) such individual has a contract to perform services in any such capacity for any educational institution or agency for the latter of such academic years or terms. DEPARTMENTAL MANAGEMENT SALARIES AND EXPENSES For an additional amount for "Salaries and expenses", $150,000. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE HEALTH SERVICES ADMINISTRATION HEALTH SERVICES Of the funds appropriated for Health Services by Public Law 93-517, $5,000,000 shall remain available through June 30, 1976, for 88 Stat. 1634, the National Health Service Corps, in addition to funds provided to the National Health Service Corps by Public Law 93-324, as amended. NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ARTHRITIS, METABOLISM AND DIGESTIVE DISEASES For an additional amount for expenses necessary to carry out the National Arthritis Act of 1974 with respect to the National Commission on Arthritis and Related Musculoskeletal Diseases, $300,000 for fiscal year 1975. Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and MENTAL HEALTH ADMINISTRATION SAINT ELIZABETHS HOSPITAL For an additional amount for "Saint Elizabeths Hospital", $1,192,000, of which, $1,058,000 shall be derived by transfer from the appropriation for "Health Resources", fiscal year 1975. HEALTH RESOURCES ADMINISTRATION HEALTH RESOURCES (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS) For an additional amount for "Health resources", for carrying out to the extent not otherwise provided, the National Health Planning and Resources Development Act of 1974, and sections 301 and 305 (b)(3) of the Public Health Service Act, without regard to the requirements of section 308 of said Act. $118,900,000, of which $10,000,000 shall be available until December 31, 1975 for carrying out section 3 of the National Health Planning and Resources Development Act of 1974, and of which $22,000,000 shall remain available until expended for carrying out section 305(b)(3) of the Public Health Service Act: Provided, That, in addition, $8,500,000 may be transferred to this appropriation, as authorized by section 201 (g) of the Social Security Act, from any one or all of the trust funds referred to therein. OFFICE OF EDUCATION ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION For an additional amount for "Elementary and secondary education" for carrying out the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Education Act, and part B of the Headstart-Follow Through Act, $6,500,000. EMERGENCY SCHOOL AID For carrying out section 705 ($185,588,000), section 708 (a) ($11,309,000), section 708 (c) ($9,052,000), section 711 ($6,794,000), and section 713 ($2,257,000) of the Emergency School Aid Act, $215,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 1975. 88 Stat. 281. 20 USC 1451. 88 Stat. 195. EDUCATION FOR THE HANDICAPPED For an additional amount for "Education for the Handicapped" for carrying out part F of the Education of the Handicapped Act, $250,000. HIGHER EDUCATION For an additional amount for "Higher education", $74,900,000, of which $7,500,000 for veterans' cost-of-instruction payments shall remain available until June 30, 1975, and $67,400,000, for insured loans shall remain available until expended: Provided, That title I, Chapter VII of Public Law 93-305 (Second Supplemental Appropriations Act, 1974) is amended by striking out the paragraph following "Higher Education" and substituting therefor: "For carrying out section 705 (a) of the Higher Education Act, without regard to other 20 USC 1132a- provisions of said Act, $250,000 to be used in connection with con4. struction projects for extension and continuing education programs: Provided, That such sums shall remain available for obligation through June 30, 1975". 42 USC 1313. 29 USC 771, 774. 29 USC 701 note. STUDENT LOAN INSURANCE FUND For an additional amount for "Student Loan Insurance Fund”, $82,600,000, to remain available until expended. SOCIAL AND REHABILITATION SERVICE PUBLIC ASSISTANCE For an additional amount for "Public assistance", $1,729,748,000, including $252,000 to carry out section 1113 of the Social Security Act. REHABILITATION SERVICES For an additional amount for "Rehabilitation services", for carrying out sections 301 and 304(b)(3) of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, $2,300,000, and for carrying out title III of H.R. 14225 (93d Congress), $25,000, to remain available until expended. SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION SPECIAL BENEFITS FOR DISABLED COAL MINERS For an additional amount for "Special benefits for disabled coal miners", $80,844,000: Provided, That the appointments of administrative law judges for this program shall terminate not later than December 31, 1976. SUPPLEMENTAL SECURITY INCOME PROGRAM For an additional amount for "Supplemental security income program", $83,102,000. LIMITATION ON SALARIES AND EXPENSES For an additional amount for “Limitation on salaries and expenses”, $78,668,000. SPECIAL INSTITUTIONS GALLAUDET COLLEGE For an additional amount for "Gallaudet College", $8,052,000, of which $7,766,000 shall be for construction and shall remain available until expended. HOWARD UNIVERSITY For an additional amount for "Howard University," $2,050,000. ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR HUMAN DEVELOPMENT HUMAN DEVELOPMENT For an additional amount for "Human development", for carrying out, except as otherwise provided, titles V, part A, and VIII of the Community Services Act of 1974, $473,000,000, of which $7,000,000 42 USC 2921, shall remain available through October 31, 1975. OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY DEPARTMENTAL MANAGEMENT For an additional amount for "Departmental management", and for carrying out, to the extent not otherwise provided, section 232 of the Community Services Act of 1974, $16,587,000. RELATED AGENCIES COMMUNITY SERVICES ADMINISTRATION COMMUNITY SERVICES PROGRAM 2991. 42 USC 2825. note. For the operations of the Community Services Administration to remain available until September 30, 1975, pursuant to the provisions of Public Law 93-644, $192,400,000: Provided, That no part of the 42 USC 2701 funds appropriated in this paragraph shall be available for any grant until the Director has determined that the grantee is qualified to administer the funds and programs involved in the proposed grant: Provided further, That all grant agreements shall provide that the General Accounting Office shall have access to the records of the grantee which bear exclusively upon the Federal grant. FEDERAL MEDIATION AND CONCILIATION SERVICE SALARIES AND EXPENSES For an additional amount for "Salaries and expenses", to carry out the mediation provisions of the Act of December 22, 1974 (88 Stat. 1712), $300,000, to remain available until expended. RAILROAD RETIREMENT BOARD LIMITATION ON SALARIES AND EXPENSES For an additional amount for "Limitation on salaries and expenses", $717,000: Provided, That the amount herein together with funds available in Public Law 93-517, shall be available for the payment of standard level user charges, to be derived from the railroad retirement accounts. 25 USC 640d. 2 USC 61-1 note, 2 USC 123c. 2 USC 46a, 2 USC 601. 25 USC 174 note. CHAPTER VII LEGISLATIVE BRANCH SENATE SALARIES, OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES COMMITTEE EMPLOYEES For an additional amount for "Committee Employees", $75,050. ADMINISTRATIVE AND CLERICAL ASSISTANTS TO SENATORS For an additional amount for "Administrative and Clerical Assistants to Senators", $26,274: Provided, That effective January 1. 1975, the clerk hire allowance of each Senator from the State of Texas shall be increased to that allowed Senators from States having a population of more than twelve million, the population of said State having exceeded twelve million inhabitants. CONTINGENT EXPENSES OF THE SENATE MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS For an additional amount for "Miscellaneous Items", $165,000: Provided, That, notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Sergeant at Arms, subject to the approval of the Committee on Rules and Administration, is hereafter authorized to enter into multi-year leases for automatic data processing equipment. STATIONERY (REVOLVING FUND) For an additional amount for "Stationery (Revolving Fund)", $225: Provided, That effective April 1, 1975, and each fiscal year thereafter, the annual allowance for stationery for the President of the Senate shall be $4,500. ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS 1. The unexpended balances of any of the appropriations granted under the heading "Salaries, Officers and Employees" for the current fiscal year shall be available to the Secretary of the Senate to pay the increases in the compensation of officers and employees notwithstanding the limitations contained therein. 2. Subject to the provisions of section 201 (f) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974, during such period that the expenses of the Congressional Budget Office are paid from the contingent fund of the Senate, the provisions of the paragraph relating to advances for expenses of Senate committees under the heading "SENATE" in the Act of March 3, 1879 (2 U.S.C. 69), shall apply to the Congressional Budget Office in the same manner as it applies to committees of the Senate, and for such purpose the Director of such Office shall be treated as the chairman of a committee of the Senate. 3. Subject to the provisions of section 7 of the resolution entitled a "Joint Resolution to provide for the establishment of the American Indian Policy Review Commission", approved January 2, 1975 (88 Stat. 1910), during such period as the expenses of the American Indian |