42 USC 2809. 42 USC 6864. allocated to such State under this part not less than 100 percent, nor more than 150 percent, of an amount which bears the same ratio to the State's allocation for the fiscal year involved as the population of all low-income Indians for whom a determination under this subsection has been made bears to the population of all low-income persons in such State. (2) The sums reserved by the Administrator on the basis of his determination under this subsection shall be granted to the tribal organization serving the individuals for whom such a determination has been made, or, where there is no tribal organization, to such other entity as he determines has the capacity to provide services pursuant to this part. (3) In order for a tribal organization or other entity to be eligible for a grant for a fiscal year under this subsection, it shall submit to the Administrator an application meeting the requirements set forth in section 414. (e) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Administrator may transfer to the Director sums appropriated under this part to be utilized in order to carry out programs, under section 222(a) (12) of the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964, which further the purpose of this part. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE SEC. 414. (a) The Administrator shall provide financial assistance, from sums appropriated for any fiscal year under this part, only upon annual application. Each such application shall describe the estimated number and characteristics of the low-income persons and the number of dwelling units to be assisted and the criteria and methods to be used by the applicant in providing weatherization assistance to such persons. The application shall also contain such other information (including information needed for evaluation purposes) and assurances as may be required (1) in the regulations promulgated pursuant to section 413 and (2) to carry out this section. The Administrator shall allocate financial assistance to each State on the basis of the relative need for weatherization assistance among low-income persons throughout the States, taking into account the following factors: (A) The number of dwelling units to be weatherized. (B) The climatic conditions in the State respecting energy conservation, which may include consideration of annual degree days. (C) The type of weatherization work to be done in the various settings. (D) Such other factors as the Administrator may determine necessary in order to carry out the purpose and provisions of this part. (b) The Administrator shall not provide financial assistance under this part unless the applicant has provided reasonable assurances that it has (1) established a policy advisory council which (A) has special qualifications and sensitivity with respect to solving the problems of low-income persons (including the weatherization and energyconservation problems of such persons), (B) is broadly representatative of organizations and agencies which are providing services to such persons in the State or geographical area in question, and (C) is responsible for advising the responsible official or agency administering the allocation of financial assistance in such State or area with respect to the development and implementation of such weatherization assistance program; (2) established priorities to govern the provision of weatherization assistance to low-income persons, including methods to provide priority to elderly and handicapped low-income persons, and such priority as the applicant determines is appropriate for single-family or other high-energy-consuming dwelling units; and (3) established policies and procedures designed to assure that financial assistance provided under this part will be used to supplement, and not to supplant, State or local funds, and, to the extent practicable, to increase the amounts of such funds that would be made available in the absence of Federal funds for carrying out the purpose of this part, including plans and procedures (A) for securing, to the maximum extent practicable, the services of volunteers and training participants and public service employment workers, pursuant to the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973, to work under the supervision of quali- 29 USC 801 fied supervisors and foremen, and (B) for complying with the limitations set forth in section 415. LIMITATIONS SEC. 415. (a) Financial assistance provided under this part shall, to the maximum extent practicable as determined by the Administrator, be used for the purchase of weatherization materials, except that not to exceed 10 percent of any grant made under this part may be used for the administration of weatherization projects under this part. (b) The Administrator shall insure that financial assistance provided under this part will (1) be allocated within the State or area in accordance with a published State or area plan, which is adopted by such State after notice and a public hearing, describing the proposed funding distributions and recipients; 42 USC 6865. (2) be allocated, pursuant to such State or area plan, to community action agencies carrying out programs under title II of the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 or to other appropriate 42 USC 2781 and qualified public or nonprofit entities in such State or area so that (A) funds will be allocated on the basis of the relative need for weatherization assistance among the low-income persons within such State or area, taking into account appropriate climatic and energy conservation factors; et seq. (B) (i) funds to be allocated for carrying out weatherization projects under this part in the geographical area served by the emergency energy conservation program carried out by a community action agency under section 222(a)(12) of the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 will be allocated to 42 USC 2809. such agency, and (ii) priority in the allocation of such funds for carrying out such projects under this part will be given such a community action agency in so much of the geographical area served by it as is not served by the emergency energy conservation program it is carrying out: Provided, That such allocation requirement and such priority shall no longer apply if the Governor of a State preparing an application for financial assistance under this part makes a determination, on the basis of the public hearing required by paragraph (1) of this subsection, or if the Administrator makes a determination, on the basis of a public hearing pursuant to section 413 42 USC 6866. Reports. 42 USC 6867. Recordkeeping. Audit. (c), that the emergency energy conservation program carried out by such agency has been ineffective in meeting the purpose of this part or is clearly not of sufficient size, and cannot, in timely fashion develop the capacity, to support the scope of the project to be carried out in such area with funds under this part; and (C) due consideration will be given to the results of periodic evaluations of the projects carried out under this part in light of available information regarding the current and anticipated energy and weatherization needs of low-income persons within the State; and (3) be terminated or discontinued during the application period only in accordance with policies and procedures consistent with the policies and procedures set forth in section 418. (c) The cost of the weatherization materials provided with financial assistance under this part shall not exceed $400 in the case of any dwelling unit unless the State policy advisory council, established pursuant to section 414(b) (1), provides for a greater amount with respect to specific categories of units or materials. MONITORING, TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE, AND EVALUATION SEC. 416. The Administrator, in coordination with the Director, shall monitor and evaluate the operation of projects receiving financial assistance under this part through methods provided for in section 417(a), through onsite inspections, or through other means, in order to assure the effective provision of weatherization assistance for the dwelling units of low-income persons. The Administrator shall also carry out periodic evaluations of the program authorized by this part and projects receiving financial assistance under this part. The Administrator may provide technical assistance to any such project, directly and through persons and entities with a demonstrated capacity in developing and implementing appropriate technology for enhancing the effectiveness of the provision of weatherization assistance to the dwelling units of low-income persons, utilizing in any fiscal year not to exceed 10 percent of the sums appropriated for such year under this part. ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS SEC. 417. (a) The Administrator, in consultation with the Director, by general or special orders, may require any recipient of financial assistance under this part to provide, in such form as he may prescribe, such reports or answers in writing to specific questions, surveys, or questionnaires as may be necessary to enable the Administrator and the Director to carry out their functions under this part. (b) Each person responsible for the administration of a weatherization assistance project receiving financial assistance under this part shall keep such records as the Administrator may prescribe in order to assure an effective financial audit and performance evaluation of such project. (c) The Administrator, the Director (with respect to community action agencies), and the Comptroller General of the United States, or any of their duly authorized representatives, shall have access for the purpose of audit and examination to any books, documents, papers, information, and records of any project receiving financial assistance under this part that are pertinent to the financial assistance received under this part. (d) Payments under this part may be made in installments and in advance, or by way of reimbursement, with necessary adjustments on account of overpayments or underpayments. APPROVAL OF APPLICATIONS AND ADMINISTRATION OF STATE PROGRAMS SEC. 418. (a) The Administrator shall not finally disapprove any application submitted under this part, or any amendment thereto, without first affording the State (or unit of general purpose local government or community action agency under section 413 (c), as appropriate) in question, as well as other interested parties, reasonable notice and an opportunity for a public hearing. The Administrator may consolidate into a single hearing the consideration of more than one such application for a particular fiscal year to carry out projects within a particular State. Whenever the Administrator, after reasonable notice and an opportunity for a public hearing, finds that there is a failure to comply substantially with the provisions of this part or regulations promulgated under this part, he shall notify the agency or institution involved and other interested parties that such State (or unit of general purpose local government or agency, as appropriate) will no longer be eligible to participate in the program under this part until the Administrator is satisfied that there is no longer any such failure to comply. (b) Reasonable notice under this section shall include a written notice of intention to act adversely (including a statement of the reasons therefor) and a reasonable period of time within which to submit corrective amendments to the application, or to propose corrective action. JUDICIAL REVIEW Notice, hearing. 42 USC 6868. SEC. 419. (a) If any applicant is dissatisfied with the Administra- 42 USC 6869. tor's final action with respect to the application submitted by it under section 414 or with a final action under section 418, such applicant may, within 60 days after notice of such action, file with the United States court of appeals for the circuit in which the State involved is located a petition for review of that action. A copy of the petition shall be forthwith transmitted by the clerk of the court to the Administrator. The Administrator thereupon shall file in the court the record of the proceedings on which he based his action, as provided in section 2112 of title 28, United States Code. (b) The findings of fact by the Administrator, if supported by substantial evidence, shall be conclusive. The court may, for good cause shown, remand the case to the Administrator to take further evidence, and the Administrator may thereupon make new or modified findings of fact and may modify his previous action. The Administrator shall certify to the court the record of any such further proceedings. Such new or modified findings of fact shall likewise be conclusive if supported by substantial evidence. (c) The court shall have jurisdiction to affirm the action of the Administrator or to set it aside, in whole or in part. The judgment of the court shall be subject to review by the Supreme Court of the United States upon certiorari or certification, as provided in section 1254 of title 28, United States Code. 42 USC 6870. 42 USC 2000d. Submittal to 42 USC 6871. 42 USC 6872. 42 USC 6326. NONDISCRIMINATION SEC. 420. (a) No person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, national origin, or sex, or on the ground of any other factor specified in any Federal law prohibiting discrimination, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program, project, or activity supported in whole or in part with financial assistance under this part. (b) Whenever the Administrator determines that a recipient of financial assistance under this part has failed to comply with subsection (a) or any applicable regulation, he shall notify the recipient thereof in order to secure compliance. If, within a reasonable period of time thereafter, such recipient fails to comply, the Administrator shall(1) refer the matter to the Attorney General with a recommendation that an appropriate civil action be instituted; (2) exercise the power and functions provided by title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and any other applicable Federal nondiscrimination law; or (3) take such other action as may be authorized by law. ANNUAL REPORT SEC. 421. The Administrator and (with respect to the operation and effectiveness of activities carried out through community action agencies) the Director shall each submit, on or before March 31, 1977, and annually thereafter through 1979, a report to the Congress and the President describing the weatherization assistance program carried out under this part or any other provision of law, including the results of the periodic evaluations and monitoring activities required by section 416. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS SEC. 422. There are authorized to be appropriated for purposes of carrying out the weatherization program under this part, not to exceed $55,000,000 for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1977, not to exceed $65,000,000 for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1978, and not to exceed $80,000,000 for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1979, such sums to remain available until expended. PART B-STATE ENERGY CONSERVATION PLANS DEFINITIONS SEC. 431. Section 366 of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act is amended by (1) redesignating paragraphs (1) and (2) as paragraphs (7) and (8), respectively; and (2) inserting after "As used in this part-" the following new paragraphs: "(1) The term 'appliance' means any article, such as a room air-conditioner, refrigerator-freezer, or dishwasher, which the Administrator classifies as an appliance for purposes of this part. "(2) The term 'building' means any structure which includes provision for a heating or cooling system, or both, or for a hot water system. "(3) The term 'energy audit' means any process which identifies and specifies the energy and cost savings which are likely to be realized through the purchase and installation of particular energy conservation measures or renewable-resource energy measures and which |