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"(2) The President shall report to the Congress within sixty days after the date of enactment of this subsection on the manner in which the authority contained in paragraph (1) will be administered. This report shall include the manner in which allocations will be made, the procedure for requests and appeals, the criteria for determining priorities as between competing requests, and the office or agency which will administer such authorities.

(3) The authority granted in this subsection may not be used to require priority performance of contracts or orders, or to control the distribution of any supplies of materials and equipment in the marketplace, unless the President finds that

"(A) such supplies are scarce, critical, and essential to maintain or further (i) exploration, production, refining, transportation, or (ii) the conservation of energy supplies, or (iii) for the construction and maintenance of energy facilities; and

"(B) maintenance or furtherance of exploration, production, refining, transportation, or conservation of energy supplies or the construction and maintenance of energy facilities cannot reasonably be accomplished without exercising the authority specified in paragraph (1) of this subsection.

"(4) During any period when the authority conferred by this subsection is being exercised, the President shall take such action as may be appropriate to assure that such authority is being exercised in a manner which assures the coordinated administration of such authority with any priorities or allocations established under subsection (a) of this section and in effect during the same period.”.

(b) (1) The authority to issue any rules or orders under section 101 (c) of the Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended by this Act, shall expire at midnight December 31, 1984, but such expiration shall not affect any action or pending proceedings, civil or criminal, not finally determined on such date, nor any action or proceeding based upon any act committed prior to such date.

(2) The expiration of the Defense Production Act of 1950 or any amendment of such Act after the date of enactment of this Act shall not affect the authority of the President under section 101 (c) of such Act, as amended by subsection (a) of this section and in effect on the date of enactment of this Act, unless Congress by law expressly provides to the contrary.


SEC. 105. (a) The Secretary of the Interior shall, not later than 30 days after the date of enactment of this Act, prescribe and make effective a rule which prohibits the bidding for any right to develop crude oil, natural gas, and natural gas liquids on any lands located on the Outer Continental Shelf by any person if more than one major oil company, more than one affiliate of a major oil company, or a major oil company and any affiliate of a major oil company, has or have a significant ownership interest in such person. Such rule shall define affiliate relationships and significant ownership interests. (b) As used in this section:

(1) The term "major oil company" means any person who, individually or together with any other person with respect to which such person has an affiliate relationship or significant. ownership interest, produced during a prior 6-month period specified by the Secretary, an average daily volume of 1,600,000

Report to

50 USC app. 2071 note.

50 USC app. 2071.

50 USC app. 2061.

Ante, p. 878.

42 USC 6213.

"Major oil company."

Report to

42 USC 6214.

barrels of crude oil, natural gas liquids equivalents, and natural gas equivalents.

(2) One barrel of natural gas equivalent equals 5,626 cubic feet of natural gas measured at 14.73 pounds per square inch (MSL) and 60 degrees Fahrenheit.

(3) One barrel of natural gas liquids equivalent equals 1.454 barrels of natural gas liquids at 60 degrees Fahrenheit.

(c) The Secretary may, by amendment to the rule, exempt bidding for leases for lands located in frontier or other areas determined by the Secretary to be extremely high risk lands or to present unusually high cost exploration, or development, problems.

(d) This section shall not be construed to prohibit the unitization of producing fields to increase production or maximize ultimate recovery of oil or natural gas, or both.

(e) The Secretary shall study and report to the Congress, not later than 6 months after the date of enactment of this Act, with respect to the feasibility and desirability of extending the prohibition on joint bidding to

(1) bidding for any right to develop crude oil, natural gas, and natural gas liquids on Federal lands other than those located on the Outer Continental Shelf; and

(2) bidding for any right to develop coal and oil shale on such lands.



SEC. 106. (a) (1) The Secretary of the Interior, by rule on the recordafter an opportunity for a hearing, shall, to the greatest extent practicable, determine the maximum efficient rate of production and, if any, the temporary emergency production rate for each field on Federal lands which produces, or is determined to be capable of producing, significant volumes of crude oil or natural gas, or both.

(2) Except as provided in subsection (f), the President may, by rule or order, require crude oil or natural gas, or both, to be produced from fields on Federal lands designated by him

(A) at the maximum efficient rate of production, and

(B) during a severe energy supply interruption, at the temporary emergency production rate

as determined pursuant to paragraph (1) for such field.

(b) (1) Each State or the appropriate agency thereof may, for the purposes of this section, pursuant to procedures and standards established by the State, determine the maximum efficient rate of production and, if any, the temporary emergency production rate, for each field (other than a field on Federal lands) within such State which produces, or is determined to be capable of producing, significant volumes of crude oil or natural gas, or both.

(2) If a State or the appropriate agency thereof has determined the maximum efficient rate of production and, if any, the temporary emergency production rate, or both, or their equivalents (however characterized), for any field (other than a field on Federal lands) within such State, the President may, by rule or order, during a severe energy supply interruption, require the production of such fields at the rates of production established by the State.

(c) With respect to any field, which produces, or is determined to be capable of producing, significant volumes of crude oil, or natural gas. or both, which field is unitized and is composed of both Federal lands and lands other than Federal lands and there has been no determina


tion of the maximum efficient rate of production or the temporary emergency production rate or both, the Secretary of the Interior may, pursuant to subsection (a) (1), determine a maximum efficient rate of production and a temporary emergency production rate, if any, for such field. The President may, during a severe energy supply interruption by rule or order, require production at the maximum efficient rate of production and the temporary emergency production rate, if any, determined for such field.

(d) If loss of ultimate recovery of crude oil or natural gas, or both, occurs or will occur as the result of a rule or order under the authority of this section to produce at the temporary emergency production rate, the owner of any property right who considers himself damaged by such order may bring an action in a United States district court to recover just compensation, which shall be awarded if the court finds that such loss constitutes a taking of property compensable under the Constitution.

(e) As used in this section:

(1) The term "maximum efficient rate of production" means the maximum rate of production of crude oil or natural gas, or both, which may be sustained without loss of ultimate recovery of crude oil or natural gas, or both, under sound engineering and economic principles.

(2) The term "temporary emergency production rate” means the maximum rate of production for a field—

(A) which rate is above the maximum efficient rate of production established for such field; and

(B) which may be maintained for a temporary period of less than 90 days without reservoir damage and without significant loss of ultimate recovery of crude oil or natural gas, or both, from such field.

(f) Nothing in this section shall be construed to authorize the production of crude oil, or natural gas, or both, from any Naval Petroleum Reserve subject to the provisions of chapter 641 of title 10, United States Code.



SEC. 151. (a) The Congress finds that the storage of substantial quantities of petroleum products will diminish the vulnerability of the United States to the effects of a severe energy supply interruption, and provide limited protection from the short-term consequences of interruptions in supplies of petroleum products.

(b) It is hereby declared to be the policy of the United States to provide for the creation of a Strategic Petroleum Reserve for the storage of up to 1 billion barrels of petroleum products, but not less than 150 million barrels of petroleum products by the end of the 3-year period which begins on the date of enactment of this Act, for the purpose of reducing the impact of disruptions in supplies of petroleum products or to carry out obligations of the United States under the international energy program. It is further declared to be the policy of the United States to provide for the creation of an Early Storage Reserve, as part of the Reserve, for the purpose of providing limited protection from the impact of near-term disruptions in supplies of petroleum products or to carry out obligations of the United States under the international energy program.

"Maximum efficient rate of production. "

"Temporary emergency production


10 USC 7421 et seg

42 USC 6231.

42 USC 6232.

Establishment. 42 USC 6233.

42 USC 6234.

Plan to

Post, p. 965.


SEC. 152. As used in this part:

(1) The term "Early Storage Reserve" means that portion of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve which consists of petroleum products stored pursuant to section 155.

(2) The term "importer" means any person who owns, at the first place of storage, any petroleum product imported into the United States.

(3) The term "Industrial Petroleum Reserve" means that portion of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve which consists of petroleum products owned by importers or refiners and acquired, stored, or maintained pursuant to section 156.

(4) The term "interest in land" means any ownership or possessory right with respect to real property, including ownership in fee, an easement, a leasehold, and any subsurface or mineral rights.

(5) The term "readily available inventories" means stocks and supplies of petroleum products which can be distributed or used without affecting the ability of the importer or refiner to operate at normal capacity; such term does not include minimum working inventories or other unavailable stocks.

(6) The term "refiner" means any person who owns, operates, or controls the operation of any refinery.

(7) The term "Regional Petroleum Reserve" means that portion of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve which consists of petroleum products stored pursuant to section 157.

(8) The term "related facility" means any necessary appurtenance to a storage facility, including pipelines, roadways, reservoirs, and salt brine lines.

(9) The term "Reserve" means the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

(10) The term "storage facility" means any facility or geological formation which is capable of storing significant quantities of petroleum products.

(11) The term "Strategic Petroleum Reserve" means petroleum products stored in storage facilities pursuant to this part; such term includes the Industrial Petroleum Reserve, the Early Storage Reserve, and the Regional Petroleum Reserve.


SEC. 153. There is established, in the Federal Energy Administration, a Strategic Petroleum Reserve Office. The Administrator, acting through such Office and in accordance with this part, shall exercise authority over the establishment, management, and maintenance of the Reserve.


SEC. 154. (a) A Strategic Petroleum Reserve for the storage of up to 1 billion barrels of petroleum products shall be created pursuant to this part. By the end of the 3-year period which begins on the date of enactment of this Act, the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (or the Early Storage Reserve authorized by section 155, if no Strategic Petroleum Reserve Plan has become effective pursuant to the provisions of section 159 (a)) shall contain not less than 150 million barrels of petroleum products.

(b) The Administrator, not later than December 15, 1976, shall prepare and transmit to the Congress, in accordance with section 551, a

Strategic Petroleum Reserve Plan. Such Plan shall comply with the provisions of this section and shall detail the Administrator's proposals for designing, constructing, and filling the storage and related facilities of the Reserve.

(c) (1) To the maximum extent practicable and except to the extent that any change in the storage schedule is justified pursuant to subsection (e) (6), the Strategic Petroleum Reserve Plan shall provide


(A) within 7 years after the date of enactment of this Act, the volume of crude oil stored in the Reserve shall equal the total volume of crude oil which was imported into the United States during the base period specified in paragraph (2);

(B) within 18 months after the date of enactment of this Act, the volume of crude oil stored in the Reserve shall equal not less than 10 percent of the goal specified in subparagraph (A);

(C) within 3 years after the date of enactment of this Act, the volume of crude oil stored in the Reserve shall equal not less than 25 percent of the goal specified in subparagraph (A); and

(D) within 5 years after the date of enactment of this Act, the volume of crude oil stored in the Reserve shall equal not less than 65 percent of the goal specified in subparagraph (A).

Volumes of crude oil initially stored in the Early Storage Reserve and volumes of crude oil stored in the Industrial Petroleum Reserve, and the Regional Petroleum Reserve shall be credited toward attainment of the storage goals specified in this subsection.

(2) The base period shall be the period of the 3 consecutive months, during the 24-month period preceding the date of enactment of this Act, in which average monthly import levels were the highest.

(d) The Strategic Petroleum Reserve Plan shall be designed to assure, to the maximum extent practicable, that the Reserve will minimize the impact of any interruption or reduction in imports of refined petroleum products and residual fuel oil in any region which the Administrator determines is, or is likely to become, dependent upon such imports for a substantial portion of the total energy requirements of such region. The Strategic Petroleum Reserve Plan shall be designed to assure, to the maximum extent practicable, that each noncontiguous area of the United States which does not have overland access to domestic crude oil production has its component of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve within its respective territory.

(e) The Strategic Petroleum Reserve Plan shall include:

(1) a comprehensive environmental assessment;

(2) a description of the type and proposed location of each storage facility (other than storage facilities of the Industrial Petroleum Reserve) proposed to be included in the Reserve;

(3) a statement as to the proximity of each such storage facility to related facilities;

(4) an estimate of the volumes and types of petroleum products proposed to be stored in each such storage facility;

(5) a projection as to the aggregate size of the Reserve, including a statement as to the most economically-efficient storage levels for each such storage facility;

(6) a justification for any changes, with respect to volumes or dates, proposed in the storage schedule specified in subsection (c), and a program schedule for overall development and completion of the Reserve (taking into account all relevant factors, including cost effectiveness, the need to construct related facilities, and the ability to obtain sufficient quantities of petroleum products to fill the storage facilities to the proposed storage levels);

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