15 USC 757. 15 USC 753. "Old crude "OIL PRICING POLICY "SEC. 8. (a) Not later than the first day of the second full calendar month following the date of enactment of this section, the President shall promulgate and make effective an amendment to the regulation under section 4 (a) of this Act which regulation, as amended, shall establish ceiling prices (or the manner of determining ceiling prices) applicable to any first sale of crude oil produced in the United States, such that the resulting actual weighted average first sale price for all such crude oil during such calendar month and each of the 39 months thereafter shall not exceed a maximum of $7.66 per barrel (hereinafter in this section referred to as the "maximum weighted average first sale price"), except as may be adjusted pursuant to this section. "(b) (1) The regulation under section 4(a), as amended pursuant to subsection (a) of this section or by any subsequent amendment thereto, may, subject to the limitations related to the maximum weighted average first sale price and other requirements of this section, provide for different ceiling prices (or manner of determining ceiling prices) for different classifications of crude oil produced in the United States. In providing for different ceiling prices (or the manner for determining such ceiling prices) and classifications for such crude oil, the President shall determine that such ceiling prices (or the manner for determining such ceiling prices) and such classifications— "(A) are administratively feasible; and "(B) are justified on the basis that such prices and such classifications are consistent with obtaining optimum production of crude oil in the United States. "(2) No amendment to the regulation under section 4 (a) made after the date of enactment of this section may permit, in any month which begins after such date, an increase in the price for any volume of old crude oil production from any priorities, unless the President finds that such amendment "(A) will give positive incentives for (i) enhanced recovery techniques, or (ii) deep horizon. development, from such properties; or "(B) is necessary to take into account declining production from such properties; and "(C) is likely to result in a level of production from such properties beyond that which would otherwise occur if no such amendment were made. "(3) As used in paragraph (2), the term 'old crude oil production' oil production." means that volume of crude oil produced and sold from a property in a month which is equal to or less than the volume of old crude oil, as defined in section 212.72 of title 10, Code of Federal Regulations (as in effect on November 1, 1975), produced and sold from such property in the months of September, October, and November of 1975, divided by 3. "(c) (1) Not later than 6 months after the effective date of the amendment promulgated under subsection (a), and not later than every 6 months thereafter, the President shall, on the basis of valid and reliable information (which may include information obtained by a valid and reliable sampling technique) of actual first sale prices of domestic crude oil, determine whether and the extent to which the actual weighted average first sale price for crude oil produced in the United States during any 6-month period or portion thereof for ,which data are available following the effective date of the amendment promulgated under subsection (a) of this section, exceeded or was less than the maximum weighted average first sale price of such crude oil specified in subsection (a) as may be adjusted pursuant to this section. (2) If the President finds, pursuant to paragraph (1) of this subsection, that the regulation under section 4 (a), as amended, resulted 15 USC 753. in an actual weighted average first sale price in excess of the maximum weighted average first sale price specified in subsection (a) as adjusted pursuant to this section, he shall amend the regulation to make such compensating adjustments as are necessary to result, in a corresponding period, in an actual weighted average first sale price for domestic crude oil sufficient to offset such excess. "(3) If the President finds, pursuant to paragraph (1) of this subsection, that the regulation under section 4(a), as amended, resulted in an actual weighted average first sale price less than the maximum weighted average first sale price specified in subsection (a) as adjusted pursuant to this section, he may, notwithstanding the requirements of this section pertaining to such maximum weighted average first sale price, amend the regulation to make such compensating adjustments in the regulation as are necessary to offset the deficiency in a corresponding period. (d) (1) The amendment promulgated pursuant to subsection (a) of this section (or any subsequent amendment to the regulation under section 4(a)) may provide for an adjustment to the maximum weighted average first sale price specified in subsection (a), such adjustment to begin no earlier than in the calendar month following the first month the amendment is in effect "(A) to take into account the impact of inflation as measured by the adjusted GNP deflator; and "(B) as a production incentive; Fexcept that any adjustment as a production incentive shall not permit an increase in the maximum weighted average first sale price in excess of 3 per centum per annum (compounded annually), unless modified pursuant to this section, and the combined effect of any such adjustments referred to in subparagraphs (A) and (B) shall not result in an increase in the maximum weighted average first sale price in excess of 10 per centum per annum (compounded annually), unless modified pursuant to this section. "(2) As used in this subsection, the term 'adjusted GNP deflator' "Adjusted means the first revision of the quarterly percent change, seasonally GNP deflator." adjusted at annual rates, of the most recent implicit price deflator for the gross national product which shall be computed and published for each calendar quarter by the Department of Commerce, subject to such additional modification as the President shall make to exclude there from any amount which he determines is attributable solely and directly to increases which occur after the date of enactment of this section in prices of imported crude oil, residual fuel oil, or any refined. petroleum product resulting from concerted action of two or more petroleum exporting countries. (3) The adjustment as a production incentive referred to in paragraph (1)(B) may be made only on a finding by the President that such an adjustment is likely to provide positive incentive for "(A) the discovery or development of high cost and high risk properties (including new wildcat properties, and properties located on the Outer Continental Shelf, properties located north of the Arctic Circle, deep wells and deep horizons in onshore or offshore properties, and properties operated by independent producers); "(B) the application of enhanced recovery techniques to producing properties to obtain a level of production higher than Post would otherwise occur from those properties but for such adjustment; or "(C) sustaining production from marginal wells, including production from stripper wells. "(e) (1) Not earlier than 90 days after the effective date of the amendment promulgated under subsection (a) and not earlier than 90 days after the date of any previous submission under this subsection, the President may submit to the Congress, in accordance with the procedures specified in section 551 of the Energy Policy and Conp. 965. servation Act, an amendment to the regulation promulgated under 15 USC 753. section 4(a) which provides for (A) a production incentive adjustment to the maximum weighted average first sale price in excess of the 3 per centum limitation specified in subsection (₫) (1), (B) a combined adjustment limitation in excess of the 10 per centum limitation specified in such subsection, or (C) both. Report to "(2) Any such amendment shall be accompanied by a finding that an additional adjustment as a production incentive, or a combined adjustment limitation greater than permitted by subsection (d) (1), or both, is necessary to provide a more adequate incentive with respect to the matters referred to in subparagraphs (A), (B), or (C) of subsection (d) (3). "(3) Any such amendment shall not take effect if either House of Congress disapproves such amendment in accordance with the procedures specified in section 551 of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act. "(f) (1) On February 15, 1977, the President shall submit to the Congress a report containing an analysis of the impact of any amendment adopted pursuant to this section on the economy and on the supply of crude oil, residual fuel oil, and refined petroleum products. "(2) The President may submit with such report to the Congress, in accordance with the procedures specified in section 551 of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act, an amendment to the regulation promulgated under section 4 (a) which "(A) provides for the continuation or modification of the adjustment as a production incentive (referred to in subsection (d) as may have been amended pursuant to subsection (e)); "(B) provides for a modification of the combined adjustment limitation (referred to in subsection (d), as may have been amended pursuant to subsection (e)); or "(C) provides for adjustments with respect to both subparagraphs (A) and (B). "(3) Such amendment shall not take effect if either House of Congress disapproves such amendment in accordance with the procedures specified in section 551 of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act. "(4) If any such amendment is disapproved by either House of Congress, the President may, not later than 30 days after the date of such disapproval, submit one additional amendment in accordance with paragraph (2), which amendment shall not take effect if either House of Congress disapproves such amendment in accordance with the procedures specified in section 551 of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act. "(5) If no amendment to continue or modify the adjustment as a production incentive takes effect, no such adjustment to the maximum weighted average first sale price thereafter may be taken into account in computing such price for any month which begins after (A) the date on which a submission could have been made under paragraph (2) but was not, or (B) the last date on which a submission was disapproved and no further submission pursuant to paragraph (4) could be made, except that the President may, pursuant to the procedures under subsection (e), submit an amendment to the regulation to provide for a prospective reinstatement of such adjustment or of a modification of such adjustment. "(g) (1) On April 15, 1977, the President shall submit to the Congress a report as to whether the regulation promulgated under section 4(a) and in effect on such date will provide positive price incentives for the development of the domestic crude oil production referred to in paragraph (2) (A) without lessening needed incentives for sustaining or enhancing crude oil production in the remainder of the United States. Report to Regulation amendment, submittal to Congress. "(2) If the President determines that a price required to provide positive price incentives for the development of the domestic crude oil production referred to in paragraph (2) (A) would, because of the maximum weighted average first sale price specified in subsection (a) of this section, as adjusted, have the effect of reducing or limiting ceiling prices permitted for crude oil produced in the remainder of the United States to levels which would result in less production of such crude oil than would otherwise occur, the President may, together with such report, or at any time thereafter not earlier than 90 days after any previous submission under this subsection, except as provided in paragraph (4), submit to the Congress in accordance with the procedures specified in section 551 of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act an amendment to the regulation promulgated under Post, p. 965. section 4(a) which "(A) excludes up to 2 million barrels a day of crude oil production transported through the trans-Alaska pipeline from the computation of the maximum weighted average first sale price specified in subsection (a); and (B) establishes ceiling prices (or a manner of determining prices) for the first sale of crude oil production referred to in subparagraph (A) such that the actual weighted average first sale price for such production will not exceed the highest actual weighted average first sale price permitted under the regulation for significant volumes of any other classification of domestic crude oil. "(3) Any such amendment shall be accompanied by such findings and supporting rationale as the President determines justify such ceiling prices (or manner for determining such prices). Any amendment submitted to the Congress pursuant to this subsection shall not take effect if either House of Congress disapproves such amendment in accordance with the procedures specified in section 551 of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act. "(4) If any such amendment is disapproved by either House of Congress, the President may not later than 30 days after the date of such disapproval submit one additional amendment in accordance with paragraphs (2) and (3), which amendment shall not take effect if either House of Congress disapproves such amendment in accordance with the procedures specified in section 551 of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act. "(5) If any amendment submitted by the President to the Congress pursuant to this subsection becomes effective, such amendment may thereafter be further amended by the President, subject to the procedures and requirements of paragraphs (2) and (3) of this subsection, except that no such further amendment shall be submitted earlier than January 1, 1978, and thereafter no earlier than 90 days after the date of any previous submission made under this paragraph. Post, p. 965. 15 USC 758. Ante, p. 942. 15 USC 753. Repeal. 12 USC 1904 note. Effective date. 15 USC 753 note. 15 USC 753. "(h) In any judicial review of an amendment required by this section to be submitted to the Congress in accordance with the procedures specified in section 551 of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act, the reviewing court may not hold unlawful or set aside any such amendment on the ground that any findings made by the President were not adequate to meet the requirements of this section or of subparagraph (A), (E), or (F) of section 706 (2) of title 5, United States Code. "PASSTHROUGHS OF PRICE DECREASES "SEC. 9. Not later than the first day of the second full calendar month following the date of enactment of this section, the regulation under section 4(a) shall provide for a dollar-for-dollar passthrough in prices at all levels of distribution from the producer through the retail level of decreases in the costs of crude oil, residual fuel oil, and refined petroleum products (including decreases in costs which result from a reduction in the price of crude oil produced in the United States because of the amendment to such regulation required under section 8(a)).”. (b) (1) Subsections (d), (e) and (g) of section 4 of the Emergency Petroleum Allocation Act of 1973 are repealed, and subsection (f) of such section 4 is redesignated as subsection "(d)" of such section 4. (2) Section 4(a) of such Act is amended by (A) striking out “Subject to subsection (f)" and inserting in lieu thereof "Subject to subsection (d)"; and (B) striking out "Except as provided in subsection (e) such" and inserting in lieu thereof "Such". (3) Section 4 (c) of such Act is amended in paragraphs (1), (4), and (5) thereof by striking out "subsections (b) and (d)" wherever it appears and by inserting in lieu thereof in each case "subsection (b)". (4) Section 406 of Public Law 93-153 is repealed. (5) The amendments made by paragraphs (1), (2), (3), and (4) of this subsection, to the Emergency Petroleum Allocation Act of 1973, shall take effect on the effective date of the amendment to the regulation under section 4 (a), required by section 8(a) of such Act. LIMITATIONS ON PRICING POLICY SEC. 402. (a) Paragraph (2) of section 4(b) of the Emergency Petroleum Allocation Act of 1973 is amended to read as follows: "(2) In specifying prices (or prescribing the manner for determining them), the regulation under subsection (a)— "(A) shall provide for a dollar-for-dollar passthrough of net increases in the cost of crude oil, residual fuel oil, and refined petroleum products at all levels of distribution from the producer through the retail level; "(B) (i) shall not permit any net crude oil cost increases— "(I) which are incurred by a refiner during the calendar month immediately preceding the effective date of this paragraph, or in any month thereafter, and "(II) which are not passed through in prices charged pursuant to such regulation in the 2 calendar months following the calendar month in which such crude oil cost increases were incurred, to be passed through by such refiner in any month subsequent to the 2 calendar months following the calendar month in which such crude oil cost increases were incurred, unless the President makes the findings specified in clause (ii) (II) (aa), and such passthrough |