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facilities resulting from all activities within the jurisdiction of the Administration pursuant to this Act.


SEC. 205. (a) There is hereby established in the Commission an Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research under the direction of a Director of Nuclear Regulatory Research, who shall be appointed by the Commission, who may report directly to the Commission as provided in section 209, and who shall serve at the pleasure of and be removable by the Commission.

88 STAT. 1246


42 USC 5845.


(b) Subject to the provisions of this Act, the Director of Nuclear Functions. Regulatory Research shall perform such functions as the Commission shall delegate including:

(1) Developing recommendations for research deemed necessary for performance by the Commission of its licensing and related regulatory functions.

(2) Engaging in or contracting for research which the Commission deems necessary for the performance of its licensing and related regulatory functions.

(c) The Administrator of the Administration and the head of Cooperation of every other Federal agency shall— Federal agencies.

(1) cooperate with respect to the establishment of priorities for the furnishing of such research services as requested by the Commission for the conduct of its functions;

(2) furnish to the Commission, on a reimbursable basis, through their own facilities or by contract or other arrangement, such research services as the Commission deems necessary and requests for the performance of its functions; and

(3) consult and cooperate with the Commission on research and development matters of mutual interest and provide such information and physical access to its facilities as will assist the Commission in acquiring the expertise necessary to perform its licensing and related regulatory functions.

(d) Nothing in subsections (a) and (b) of this section or section 201 of this Act shall be construed to limit in any way the functions of the Administration relating to the safety of activities within the jurisdiction of the Administration.

(e) Each Federal agency, subject to the provisions of existing law, Information and shall cooperate with the Commission and provide such information research serand research services, on a reimbursable basis, as it may have or be vices. reasonably able to acquire.


SEC. 206. (a) Any individual director, or responsible officer of a 42 USC 5846. firm constructing, owning, operating, or supplying the components

of any facility or activity which is licensed or otherwise regulated

pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 as amended, or pursuant to 42 USC 2011 this Act, who obtains information reasonably indicating that such note. facility or activity or basic components supplied to such facility or


(1) fails to comply with the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, or any applicable rule, regulation, order, or license of the Commission relating to substantial safety hazards, or

(2) contains a defect which could create a substantial safety hazard, as defined by regulations which the Commission shall

88 STAT. 1247


42 USC 2282. Posting of requirements.

42 USC 2011 note.


42 USC 5847.

Federal-Statelooal cooperation.


of views. Definition.

and Council on Environmental Quality; publio availability.

shall immediately notify the Commission of such failure to comply, or of such defect, unless such person has actual knowledge that the Commission has been adequately informed of such defect or failure to comply.

(b) Any person who knowingly and consciously fails to provide the notice required by subsection (a) of this section shall be subject to a civil penalty in an amount equal to the amount provided by section 234 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended.

(c) The requirements of this section shall be prominently posted on the premises of any facility licensed or otherwise regulated pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended.

(d) The Commission is authorized to conduct such reasonable inspections and other enforcement activities as needed to insure compliance with the provisions of this section.


SEC. 207. (a) (1) The Commission is authorized and directed to make or cause to be made under its direction, a national survey, which shall include consideration of each of the existing or future electric reliability regions, or other appropriate regional areas, to locate and identify possible nuclear energy center sites. This survey shall be conducted in cooperation with other interested Federal, State, and local agencies, and the views of interested persons, including electric utilities, citizens' groups, and others, shall be solicited and considered.

(2) For purposes of this section, the term "nuclear energy center site" means any site, including a site not restricted to land, large enough to support utility operations or other elements of the total nuclear fuel cycle, or both including, if appropriate, nuclear fuel reprocessing facilities, nuclear fuel fabrication plants, retrievable nuclear waste storage facilities, and unranium enrichment facilities. (3) The survey shall include

(a) a regional evaluation of natural resources, including land, air, and water resources, available for use in connection with nuclear energy center sites; estimates of future electric power requirements that can be served by each nuclear energy center site; an assessment of the economic impact of each nuclear energy site; and consideration of any other relevant factors, including but not limited to population distribution, proximity to electric load centers and to other elements of the fuel cycle, transmission line rights-of-way, and the availability of other fuel resources;

(b) an evaluation of the environmental impact likely to result from construction and operation of such nuclear energy centers, including an evaluation whether such nuclear energy centers will result in greater or lesser environmental impact than separate siting of the reactors and/or fuel cycle facilities; and

(c) consideration of the use of federally owned property and other property designated for public use, but excluding national parks, national forests, national wilderness areas, and national historic monuments.

Report to Congress (4) A report of the results of the survey shall be published and transmitted to the Congress and the Council on Environmental Quality not later than one year from the date of the enactment of this Act and shall be made available to the public, and shall be updated from time to time thereafter as the Commission, in its discretion, deems advisable. The report shall include the Commission's evaluation of the results of the survey and any conclusions and recommendations, including recommendations for legislation, which the Commission may have concerning the feasibility and practicality of locating nuclear power reactors and/or other elements of the nuclear fuel cycle

on nuclear energy center sites. The Commission is authorized to adopt policies which will encourage the location of nuclear power reactors and related fuel cycle facilities on nuclear energy center sites insofar as practicable.


88 STAT. 1248

42 USC 5848.

42 USC 2011


SEC. 208. The Commission shall submit to the Congress each quarter Reports to a report listing for that period any abnormal occurrences at or associated with any facility which is licensed or otherwise regulated pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 as amended, or pursuant to this Act. For the purposes of this section an abnormal occurrence is an unscheduled incident or event which the Commission determines is significant from the standpoint of public health or safety. Nothing in the preceding sentence shall limit the authority of a court to review the determination of the Commission. Each such report shall contain

(1) the date and place of each occurrence;

(2) the nature and probable consequence of each occurrence;
(3) the cause or causes of each; and

(4) any action taken to prevent reoccurrence;

the Commission shall also provide as wide dissemination to the public of the information specified in clauses (1) and (2) of this section as reasonably possible within fifteen days of its receiving information of each abnormal occurrence and shall provide as wide dissemination to the public as reasonably possible of the information specified in clauses (3) and (4) as soon as such information becomes available to it.


SEC. 209. (a) The Commission shall appoint an Executive Director for Operations, who shall serve at the pleasure of and be removable by the Commission.

(b) The Executive Director shall perform such functions as the Commission may direct, except that the Executive Director shall not limit the authority of the director of any component organization provided in this Act to communicate with or report directly to the Commission when such director of a component organization deems it necessary to carry out his responsibilities.

Public dissemi

nation of



42 USC 5849.


(c) There shall be in the Commission not more than five additional Other officers. officers appointed by the Commission. The positions of such officers shall be considered career positions and be subject to subsection 161 d. 42 USC 2201. of the Atomic Energy Act.




SEC. 301. (a) Except as otherwise provided in this Act, whenever all of the functions or programs of an agency, or other body, or any component thereof, affected by this Act, have been transferred from that agency, or other body, or any component thereof by this Act, the agency, or other body, or component thereof shall lapse. If an agency, or other body, or any component thereof, lapses pursuant to the preceding sentence, each position and office therein which was expressly authorized by law, or the incumbent of which was authorized to receive compensation at the rate prescribed for an office or position at level II, III, IV, or V of the Executive Schedule (5 U.S.C.

Lapses of agencies and positions.

42 USC 5871.

88 STAT. 1249

Savings clauses.

(b) All orders, determinations, rules, regulations, permits, contracts, certificates, licenses, and privileges—

(1) which have been issued, made, granted, or allowed to become effective by the President, any Federal department or agency or official thereof, or by a court of competent jurisdiction, in the performance of functions which are transferred under this Act, and

(2) which are in effect at the time this Act takes effect, shall continue in effect according to their terms until modified, terminated, superseded, set aside, or revoked by the President, the Administrator, the Commission, or other authorized officials, a court of competent jurisdiction, or by operation of law.

(c) The provisions of this Act shall not affect any proceeding pending, at the time this section takes effect, before the Atomic Energy Commission or any department or agency (or component thereof) functions of which are transferred by this Act; but such proceedings, to the extent that they relate to functions so transferred, shall be continued. Orders shall be issued in such proceedings, appeals shall be taken therefrom, and payments shall be made pursuant to such orders, as if this Act had not been enacted; and orders issued in any such proceedings shall continue in effect until modified, terminated, superseded, or revoked by a duly authorized official, by a court of competent jurisdiction, or by operation of law. Nothing in this subsection shall be deemed to prohibit the discontinuance or modification of any such proceeding under the same terms and conditions and to the same extent that such proceeding could have been discontinued if this Act had not been enacted.

(d) Except as provided in subsection (f)–

(1) the provisions of this Act shall not affect suits commenced prior to the date this Act takes effect, and

(2) in all such suits proceedings shall be had, appeals taken, and judgments rendered, in the same manner and effect as if this Act had not been enacted.

(e) No suit, action, or other proceeding commenced by or against any officer in his official capacity as an officer of any department or agency, functions of which are transferred by this Act, shall abate by reason of the enactment of this Act. No cause of action by or against any department or agency, functions of which are transferred by this Act, or by or against any officer thereof in his official capacity shall abate by reason of the enactment of this Act. Causes of actions, suits, actions, or other proceedings may be asserted by or against the United States or such official as may be appropriate and, in any litigation pending when this section takes effect, the court may at any time, on its own motion or that of any party, enter any order which will give effect to the provisions of this section.

(f) If, before the date on which this Act takes effect, any department or agency, or officer thereof in his official capacity, is a party to a suit, and under this Act any function of such department, agency, or officer is transferred to the Administrator or Commission, or any other official, then such suit shall be continued as if this Act had not been enacted, with the Administrator or Commission, or other official, as the case may be, substituted.

(g) Final orders and actions of any official or component in the performance of functions transferred by this Act shall be subject to judicial review to the same extent and in the same manner as if such orders or actions had been made or taken by the officer, department, agency, or instrumentality in the performance of such functions immediately preceding the effective date of this Act. Any statutory requirements relating to notices, hearings, action upon the record, or administrative review that apply to any function transferred by

88 STAT. 1250

this Act shall apply to the performance of those functions by the Administrator or Commission, or any officer or component.

(h) With respect to any function transferred by this Act and performed after the effective date of this Act, reference in any other law to any department or agency, or any officer or office, the functions of which are so transferred, shall be deemed to refer to the Administration, the Administrator or Commission, or other office or official -in which this Act vests such functions.

(i) Nothing contained in this Act shall be construed to limit, curtail, abolish, or terminate any function of the President which he had immediately before the effective date of this Act; or to limit, curtail, abolish, or terminate his authority to perform such function; or to limit, curtail, abolish, or terminate his authority to delegate, redelegate, or terminate any delegation of functions.

(j) Any reference in this Act to any provision of law shall be deemed to include, as appropriate, references thereto as now or hereafter amended or supplemented.

(k) Except as may be otherwise expressly provided in this Act, all functions expressly conferred by this Act shall be in addition to and not in substitution for functions existing immediately before the effective date of this Act and transferred by this Act.


SEC. 302. (a) Except as provided in the next sentence, the personnel 42 USC 5872. employed in connection with, and the personnel positions, assets, liabilities, contracts, property, records, and unexpended balances of appropriations, authorizations, allocations, and other funds employed, held, used, arising from, available to or to be made available in connection with the functions and programs transferred by this Act, are, subject to section 202 of the Budget and Accounting Procedures Act of 1950 (31 U.S.C. 581c), correspondingly transferred for appropriate allocation. Personnel positions expressly created by law, personnel occupying those positions on the effective date of this Act, and personnel authorized to receive compensation at the rate prescribed for offices and positions at levels II, III, IV, or V of the Executive Schedule (5 U.S.C. 5313–5316) on the effective date of this Act shall I be subject to the provisions of subsection (c) of this section and -section 301 of this Act.

(b) Except as provided in subsection (c), transfer of nontemporary personnel pursuant to this Act shall not cause any such employee to be separated or reduced in grade or compensation for one year after such transfer.

(c) Any person who, on the effective date of this Act, held a position compensated in accordance with the Executive Schedule prescribed in chapter 53 of title 5 of the United States Code, and who, without a break in service, is appointed in the Administration to a position having duties comparable to those performed immediately preceding his appointment shall continue to be compensated in his new position at not less than the rate provided for his previous position.


SEC. 303. The Director of the Office of Management and Budget is 42 USC 5873. authorized to make such additional incidental dispositions of personnel, personnel positions, assets, liabilities, contracts, property, records, and unexpended balances of appropriations, authorizations, allocations, and other funds held, used, arising from, available to or to be

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